Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] OrgaCount Version 2011

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon May 2 15:46:15 ART 2011

OrganaCount Version 2011
Reenvío esta información: este programa  puede resultar de interés para los planctólogos que hacen recunetos.



Dear all,
we are pleased to introduce the completely revised and enhanced edition of OrgaCount 2011. The new application offers a wide range of functions and will enable you to count your organism (e.g. plankton) samples effectively and very fast.
Beside the 'Lite' and 'Professional' versions with attractive prices, OrgaCount is also available as a FREE version with a simple counting mode. In addition, we offer special licences for universities. Please, find attached the complete price list.

Just ask us for a free, fully functional 6-weeks trial account and let yourself being convinced of how easy and transparent the analyses of abundances and biomass data can be.

Further information about OrgaCount can be found at:

As a web-based application, OrgaCount can be accessed and used via your Internet browser. We have optimised the software for Mozilla Firefox 3.6. Of course, any data you enter will be protected and is visible only for you via a secure server connection. On request, it will also be possible to install OrgaCount on your internal server. For your lab and field work, you can purchase a mobile device with fully functional OrgaCount.
OrgaCount is an easily accessible, user-friendly application which can be understood by first-time users as well as experts. The latter group, however, will be pleased to know that OrgaCount comes with a number of special functions for individual settings in form of 'plugins'. It is possible, for instance, to edit taxonomic classifications, import your own taxon lists, and manage microscope settings. 
Furthermore, various counting modes can be adjusted, operating with different taxonomic hierarchies, taxon lists and so forth. Currently available modes are universal simple size class mode, phytoplankton size class mode, phytoplankton biovolume mode, macrozoobenthos and zooplankton modes.

We advise you to take a look at the user manual which will be available for download on the OrgaCount home page at

We are looking forward to get you an instant OrgaCount test account!
Best wishes
Claus Duerselen
Dr. Claus-Dieter Duerselen
AquaEcology GmbH & Co. KG
Marie-Curie-Strasse 1
26129 Oldenburg
Phone/Fax +49-441-36116-250/255
duerselen at <mailto:duerselen at> ; info at <mailto:info at> <> 
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