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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Rv: [Alumnos_UNP] Microcystis symposium

daniela garcia vichocanasto2002 at
Mon Mar 14 19:21:46 ART 2011

----- Mensaje reenviado ----
De: Rodrigo Gonçalves <romadryn at>
Para: LISTA Alumnos_UNP <Alumnos_UNP at>
Enviado: lunes, 14 de marzo, 2011 17:00:18
Asunto: [Alumnos_UNP] Microcystis symposium

International symposium on Microcystis studies from Asia 
Wuhan , China , 5-7 April 2011


The International symposium on Microcystis studies from Asia will be held in 
Wuhan city, China . The meeting will be hosted by Institute of Hydrobiology , 
the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), on 5-7 April 2011. The main tasks of this 
symposium are to bring together scientists working on different aspects of 
Microcystis or Microcystis blooms (Cyanobacterial blooms), and to establish an 
important platform for discussion and exchange of ideas on Microcystis (or toxic 
cyanobacterial) studies among researchers in Asian countries. The meeting will 
be organized around keynote lectures, oral communications and poster 
presentations, followed by informal discussions. The meeting will be arranged 
for presenting your research aspects as followings: 

1) Diversity, taxonomy and monitoring on Microcystis blooms (species)
2) Molecular biology, genetics and genomics of Microcystis
3) Physio-ecology of Microcystis and methods & technologies for controlling 
Microcystis blooms
4) Detection, toxicity and toxicology of Microcystins and related compounds.

5 April. Arrivals, Registration and welcome party. 
6-7 April: Scientific session
8 April: Departures or visiting trip to Institute of Hydrobiology , the Chinese 
Academy of Sciences. 

 Registration fee will be 200 US dollar for regular participants, and 120 US 
dollar for students. This fee will cover the scientific materials, welcome party 
and all meals including banquet during scientific session.

Main deadlines
28 Feb. 2011:  registration, hotel reservation and Visa documents required
10 March 2011: abstract submission

Location of the Meeting
 Wuhan is a large modern city located in the center of China , with the 
population more than 5 millions people. There is a big airport with direct 
flights to Seoul (one flight every two days) and Hongkong, and also more than 10 
flights per day connecting with Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou etc. Express 
Railways are available to get the above large cities. 

Please send emails to reli at, to get registration forms and any other 

Renhui Li
Professor, PhD
Lab head of Biology of Harmful Algae
Institute of Hydrobiology
The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wuhan, China
Tel:+86-27-68780067, Fax: +86-27-68780123
email: reli at

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