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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] 4th Congress of the ISAP: Program and Book of Abstracts

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Fri Jun 10 15:31:13 ART 2011

4th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology  
             Organization Contact 
        a.. Welcome 
        b.. Venue 
        c.. Important Dates 
        d.. Download Flyers 
      Programa.. Program-at-a-Glance 
        b.. Scientific Program 
        c.. Download Program/ Book of Abstracts 
        d.. Topics 
        e.. Manuscripts 
      Generala.. Registration 
        b.. Social Program 
        c.. Excursions 
        d.. Accompanying Persons 
        e.. Accommodation 
        f.. Student Scholarships 
        g.. General Information 
        h.. About Halifax 
        i.. Visiting Canada 
      Partnershipsa.. Opportunities 
        b.. Partnership Program 
        c.. Exhibits Floor Plan 

          Scientific Program
      Scaling-up for New Opportunities in Applied Phycology
           « Download »
            Program and Book of Abstracts PDF   (as of 9-June) 

      Keynote Addresses
      There will be four Keynote addresses, one at the beginning of each day that the Congress is in session. 

        a.. Keynote 1 - Scale-up of microalgal cultivation: recent developments and commercial requirements
        Speaker: Dr. John Benemann, Benemann Associates 
        b.. Keynote 2 - High-value products from microalgae: current status and potential new compounds
        Speaker: Professor Steven Feng Chen, Peking University 
        c.. Keynote 3 - Algal biotoxins: chemistry, biology and commercial opportunities 
        Speaker: Dr. Michael Quilliam, NRC Institute for Marine Biosciences 
        d.. Keynote 4- The Chondrus genome 
        Speaker: Dr. Jonas Collén, Station Biologique de Roscoff 
      Oral presentations of contributed papers 
      Oral presentations selected for the morning sessions will be presented before the entire congress. Afternoon sessions will be divided between two breakout rooms, each capable of accommodating in excess of 200 people. 
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