[Lista-Algas] Libros ofrecidos por Koeltz
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 14:39:35 ART 2011
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Kim, Se-Kwon
Handbook of Marine Macroalgae. Biotechnology and Applied Phycology. 2011. 608 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Due October 2011.- The book describes the biological, biotechnological and the industrial applications of seaweeds. Vast research into the cultivation of seaweeds is currently being undertaken but there is a lack of methodological strategies in place to develop novel drugs from these sources. This book aims to rectify this situation, providing an important review of recent advances and potential new applications for macroalgae. Focusing on the chemical and structural nature of seaweeds the book brings the potentially valuable bioactive nature to the fore. Novel compounds isolated from seaweeds are reviewed to provide an invaluable reference for anyone working in the field.
PRICE: 175.00 EURO US$ 253.75
Vanlandingham, Sam L.
Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Vol. 2: Bacteriastrum - Coscinodiscus. 1968. VI,593 p.gr8vo. Bound. (ISBN 3-7682-0472-3)
Clothbound xerox edition. Good copy.
PRICE: 80.00 EURO US$ 116.00
Algae of Ukraine: Diversity, Nomenclature, Taxonomy, Ecology and Geography. Ed. by Petro M. Tsarenko, Solomon P. Wasser and Eviatar Nevo: Volume 3: Chlorophyta. 2011. 51 plates (mainly line - drawings). 511 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
This volume contains data on 1381 species of green algae, belonging to 7 classes and 26 orders. The text and plates are arranged in alphabetical and according to taxonomic order (with one exception: the type taxon of the infraspecific rank immediately follows the name of the species). Information about nomenclature for each species or infraspecific taxa, i.e., basionym, main synonyms (usually used when referring to the algal flora of Ukraine and still used in reference books), occurrence, and distribution in Ukraine with reference to world distribution. The distribution is shown using the local administrative place, type of water bodies, and non - aquatic biotopes specifically for the Ukraine and other countries on different continents, such as those that are 'widespread' or 'cosmopolitan' or reasonably comon. The distribution maps show the distribution of the described taxa for the Ukraine. Some new nomenclatural combinations and taxa are validated. Original drawings and micrographs of new and of some rare species from Ukraine.- In the press. Available August 2011.
PRICE: 92.00 EURO US$ 133.40
Chodat, R.
Algues vertes de la Suisse. Pleurococcoides - Chroolepoides. 1901. (Beiträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz, Band I:3). 264 Fig. 373 S. Hardcover.
Der Buchrücken des Bandes fehlt. Sonst gutes Exemplar.
PRICE: 49.00 EURO US$ 71.05
Israelson, Gunnar
The Freshwater Florideae of Sweden. Studies on their Taxonomy, Ecology, and Distribution. 1942. (Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses VI:1). illustr. 134 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Uncut second hand copy in good condition.
PRICE: 26.00 EURO US$ 37.70
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