[Lista-Algas] Announcement of 2012 Location & Dates
Ricardo Echenique
rechen at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Tue Jul 12 13:11:57 ART 2011
Tuesday 12th July 2011
Announcement of 2012 Location & Dates
Take advantage of our exclusive
25% early bird discount
Contact Cheryl Williams on
+44 (0)20 7981 2503 or
cwilliams at acieu.co.uk
The leading annual event specifically for the European biodiesel industry, ACI's European Biodiesel Summit will be taking place on 13-14 June 2012 in Kraków, Poland. The previous events held in Brussels, Prague, Barcelona and Rotterdam have attracted senior executives from all areas of the biodiesel industry including agribusiness, feedstock traders and suppliers, transportation companies, biodiesel producers, oil refiners, NGOs, financiers, automotive companies, technology providers and plant manufacturers among others.
Please click to view previous attendee profile>>
LOTOS Biopaliwa's Czechowice-Dziedzice Biodiesel Plant
Afternoon of Tuesday 12th June
Limited to
30 conference attendees
Contact Cheryl Williams
+44 (0)20 7981 2503
cwilliams at acieu.co.uk
Gain direct access to the
senior level audience through enhanced visibility and exposure to attract new business. A wide range of opportunities are available, all of which can be finely tuned to match your exact requirements.
Contact Maureen Ignacio
+44 (0)20 7981 2501
production at acieu.co.uk
If you would like to be considered as a speaker for the 2012 event please let us know. Speaking slots at the event are 30-45 minutes in duration.
Contact Chris Taylor
+44 (0)20 7981 2501
production at acieu.co.uk
Previous Attendees Include
Argent Energy * Axens * BASF * BDI - BioEnergy International * Biocar * Bionet Europa * Biovalue Holding BV * BP * Cargill * Ceska Rafinerska * CleanerG B.V. * Daimler * Danisco * Delta Biovalue BV * EuroBioFuels AG * European Commission* ExxonMobil * Friends of the Earth * GEA Biodiesel * Hellenic BioPetroleum * INA * Infinita Renovables * Innovation Fuels, Inc * Ital Bi Oil * Lukoil * Mestilla * Neste Oil * New Britain Palm Oil * Nippon Oil * Novozymes * OXEM * Pacific Biodiesel, Inc * Petrobras * Petrotec AG * PKN Orlen * PREOL * Prio * Q8 - Kuwait Petroleum * Reliance Industries Ltd * Repsol * Setuza * St1 Refinery * Statoil * VERBIO * Volvo * Wetlands International * World Energy Alternatives *
and many more
We look forward to welcoming you on board
Information & Registration:
Cheryl Williams
+44 (0)20 7981 2503
cwilliams at acieu.co.uk
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