Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] consulta medio de montaje PVA

Marcela DE paul marcedepaul at
Tue Jul 5 16:37:34 ART 2011

Hola a todos!

>Agradecería me informen si alguien sabe a donde se puede comprar éste medio de 
>montaje  BioQuip:
># 6371    PVA Mounting medium
>de    BioQuip Products Inc. 
>(contiene    ácido láctico, fenol y alcohol polivinílico)
>muchas    gracias
>saludos    cordiales
>Marcela De    Paul
>instituto    de Biología de la Altura- UNJu
 De: Andres Boltovskoy    <anboltov at>
>Para: lista-algas    <lista-algas at>
>Enviado: lunes, 20 de junio, 2011    11:11:18
>Asunto: [Lista-Algas] MANUAL : Algas - Tratamiento de aguas
>Algae - Source to Treatment - Manual of    Water Supply Practices, M57 (1st 
>© 2010 American Water Works Association    (AWWA) 
>Description: The manual will help to identify algal species, detect cyanotoxins,    
>design an algae monitoring program, control algae at the source, and remove    
>algae in the treatment plant
>List of Figures
>List of    Tables
>Table of    Contents
>Section 1. Methods  
>1. Recent Developments    in Online Monitoring Technology for Surveillance of 
>Algal Blooms, Potential    Toxicity, and Physical-Chemical Structure in Rivers, 
>Reservoirs, and    Lakes  
>2. Sampling and    Identification: Methods and Strategies  
>3. Detection of    Cyanotoxins during Potable Water Treatment  
>4. Algal Chlorophylls:    A Synopsis of Analytical Methodologies
>Section 2. The Organisms
>5.    Cyanobacteria  
>6.    Chlorophyta  
>7.    Euglenophyta  
>8.    Dinophyta  
>9.    Cryptophyta  
>10. Bacillariophyta:    The Diatoms  
>11.    Chrysophyta  
>12. Xanthophyta and    Phaeophyta  
>13.    Rhodophyta
>Section 3. Management  
>14. Source Water    Assessment and Control/Treatment Strategies for Harmful and 
>Noxious    Algae  
>15. Algal Taste and    Odor  
>16. Control of    Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water Treatment  
>17. Algae Removal    Strategies
>The manual    is available in AWWA's online bookstore at 
> For a limited time,    purchasers of the manual 
>will receive a large (24" x 36") full-color,    art-quality poster of Algae 
>Divisions, while quantities last. Posters are also    available for purchase 
>separately in the AWWA    Bookstore.
>AWWA members: $159
>Non-members:    $239
>Online version available    at:
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