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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] 2011 Hilda Canter-Lund Photography Award

Ricardo Echenique rechen at
Mon Jul 4 16:37:20 ART 2011

The British Phycological Society invites entries for the 2011 Hilda Canter-Lund Photography Award, for a photograph on a phycological theme.   The competition was established in memory of Hilda Canter-Lund, whose stunning photographs will be known to many.  Her photomicrographs of freshwater combined high technical and aesthetic qualities whilst still capturing the quintessence of the organisms she was studying.   A prize of £150 will be awarded to the photograph that best combines these informative, technical and aesthetic qualities.  It can be of a micro- or macroalga, marine or freshwater, taken by any photographic medium and the competition is open to all (not just BPS members).  The closing date this year is 31 October.

The 2009 and 2010 shortlists can be seen on  You can also download a pdf of the competition rules from this site.   To enter, please send a jpeg (maximum size: 1 Mb) to MGKelly at, along with your name and contact details.  The filename should be your name (e.g. Joe_Bloggs.jpg).  No additional information is required at this stage.  The original image, which will be requested for all shortlisted entries, must be capable of being viewed and printed at 20 x 30 cm without loss of image quality (see rules for more details).  You (or your employer) must own the copyright of the image and be prepared to let the BPS use this image for at least two years as a condition of entry.

Martyn Kelly
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