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[Lista-Algas] 5th European Phycological Congress

Visitacion Conforti conforti at
Mon Jan 31 07:46:58 ART 2011

>cid:image001.jpg at 01CB2C4B.D5E1DE70
>Last chance for the early bird registration for the 5th European 
>Phycological Congress.
>Register now, save money, earn experience
>Highlights of each day
>Monday 5 September, 2011
>Plenary: Algal changes in Mediterranean Sea: drivers, effects and policies.
>Speaker: Sotiris Orfanidis
>Symposium 1: Environmental stresses on coastal marine algae
>Murray Brown, UK
>Christian Wiencke, Germany
>Invited Speakers:
>    * Kai Bischof, Marine Botany, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
>    * Cold-water macroalgae under a changing radiation and temperature 
> regime: physiological responses and implications to community structure
>    * Angela Wullf, Dept of Marine Ecology, Marine Botany, Univ. of 
> Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden
>    * Global climate change - what will happen to microphytobenthic 
> communities?
>    * Francisco Gordillo, Departamento de Ecología, University of Málaga, 
> Malaga, Spain
>    * Responses of marine seaweeds to ocean acidification in combination 
> with other abiotic stressors
>    * Antonella Penna, Department of Biomolecular Science, University of 
> Urbino Pesaro, Italy
>    * The dynamics of harmful algal blooms in the Mediterranean Sea
>    * Gareth Pearson, MAREE-Marine Ecology and Evolution, CCMAR - Centre 
> of Marine Sciences, and CIMAR -Laboratório Associado Faculdade de 
> Ciências do Mar e Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal
>    * Evolutionary history, selection and adaptive divergence in 
> ecologically similar canopy-forming brown algae in the Atlantic
>Symposium 2: Algal biotechnology
>Vince Ördög, Hungary
>Otto Pulz, Germany
>Invited Speakers:
>    * Maria Barbosa, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
>    * AlgaePARC: Facing the challenge of microalgae mass production
>    * Emilio Molina Grima, University of Almeira, Spain
>    * Expectations and challenges of microalgal-derived biofuels
>    * Vitor Verdelho Vieira, Necton Companhia Portuguesa de Culturas 
> Marinhas S.A., Olhão, Portugal
>    * Beyond biofuels from microalgae: complimentary options and strategies
>    * Geoffrey A. Codd, University of Dundee, Scotland
>    * Algal and cyanobacterial toxins: essential awareness and 
> biotechnological applications
>    * Miroslav Strnad, Palacky University, Czech Republic
>    * Plant hormones in algae – potential use in agriculture
>Tuesday, 6 September, 2011
>Plenary: Macroalgal taxonomy from an evolutionary biologist's perspective.
>Speaker: Heroen Verbruggen
>Concurrent Symposia:
>Symposium 3: DNA taxonomy: bar coding and species delineation
>Kerstin Hoef-Emden, Germany
>Nina Lundholm
>Invited Speakers:
>    * Frederik Leliaert: Species concepts and species delimitation in algae
>    * Line Le Gall: Advantages, limitations and challenges in developing 
> DNA-barcoding for algae
>    * Matthias Wolf: The ITS2 Database: sequence-structure phylogenetics 
> and distinguishing species
>    * Rowena Stern: Making sense of Dinoflagellate diversity using DNA 
> barcoding
>    * Lucien Hoffmann: Cyanobacterial genomics: advances for species 
> concepts and taxonomy
>Symposium 4: Cell biology and molecular physiology of algae
>Peter Kroth, Germany
>Ursula Luetz-Meindl, Austria
>Invited Speakers:
>    * Prof. Dr. Brigitte Meunier-Gontero, Laboratoire d’Enzymologie de 
> Complexes Supramole´culaires, France
>    * Regulation of Calvin cycle enzymes through protein-protein 
> interactions in algae
>    * Prof. Dr. Colin Brownlee, Marine Biological Association of the UK, UK
>    * TBA
>    * Prof. Dr. Yusuke Matsuda, Department of Bioscience, Kwansei 
> Gakuin  University, Japan
>    * Molecular mechanisms of CO2 sensing and signaling in marine diatoms
>    * David Domozych, Department of Biology and Skidmore Microscopy 
> Imaging Center, Skidmore College, USA
>    * The Charophycean Green Algae: Insights into the evolution of the 
> cell wall
>    * Maria Segovia, Department of Ecology, Faculty of Sciences,University 
> of Málaga, Spain
>    * Cell death or survival in the unicellular chlorophyte Dunaliella: 
> The role of metacaspases and caspase-like proteases
>Wednesday, 7 September, 2011
>Mid congress excursion
>Thursday, 8 September, 2011
>Plenary: Evolution and development in microalgae - have gene sequences led 
>us down a blind alley?
>Speaker: Eileen J Cox
>Concurrent Symposia:
>Symposium 5: Molecular and cellular responses in algae induced by changes 
>in the environment
>Invited speakers to be announced
>Symposium 6: Genetics of speciation (ecological and molecular)
>Olivier de Clerck, Belgium
>Gareth Pearson, Portugal
>Invited Speakers:
>    * Koen Sabbe, Ghent University, Belgium
>    * Susana Coelho, Station Biologique Roscoff, France,
>    * The private life of Ectocarpus: genetics of sex and alternation of 
> generations"
>    * Ester Serrão, University of the Algarve, Portugal
>    * Christine Maggs and Frédéric Mineur, Queen's University of Belfast, UK
>    * Macroalgal speciation: a phylogeographic perspective
>    * Nathalie Simon, Station Biologique Roscoff, France
>    * Picoplankton speciation
>Friday, 9 September, 2011
>Plenary: Macroalgae and climate change
>Speaker: Jeanine Olsen
>Concurrent Symposia:
>Symposium 7: Algal genomics
>Angela Falciatore, Italy
>Hervé Moreau, France
>Invited Speakers:
>    * Mark Cock, Station Biologique, Roscoff, France
>    * Macroalgae genetics and genomics; Ectocarpus and Chondrus genomic
>    * Nigel Grimsley, Oceanological Observatory Banyuls sur mer, France
>    * Environmental and population genomics of prasinophytes
>    * Chris Bowler, Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure 
> (IBENS), Paris, France
>    * Diatom genomics, functional genomics, epigenomics. Overview on TARA 
> and GOS
>    * Thomas Mock , School of Environmental Sciences, University of East 
> Anglia, Norfolk UK
>    * Environmental and functional genomics of marine microalgae
>    * Wolfgang Hess, Institute of Biology, University Freiburg, Germany
>    * Genetics and experimental bioinformatics on cyanobacteria
>Symposium 8: Freshwater algal biogeography and biodiversity
>Maria Moustaka-Gouni, Greece
>Elzbieta Wilk-Wozniak, Poland
>Invited Speakers:
>    * K. Kormas, University of Thessaly, Greece
>    * Algal biodiversity in the age of genomics and metagenomics
>    * TBA  Speaker to be announced
>    * Do microalgae have biogeography?
>    * Elliot Shubert, The Natural History Museum, London, UK
>    * Does phenotypic plasticity amplify the biodiversity signal?
>    * O. Moestrup, Evolution and Ecology and Aquatic Organisms, Department 
> of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
>    * Harmful algal biogeography
>    * U. Sommer, University of Kiel, Germany
>    * Climate change: effects on algae, trophic interactions and pelagic 
> ecosystem functioning
>Abstract Submission
>Abstract submission is due for the 4th of March. Online submission will be 
>available shortly. Keep visiting the congress's website for news releases.
>Workshop "Algae and Environment in Education"
>A parallel activity is organized by the Hellenic Phycological Society in 
>the frames of the <>EPC5. This is a conference and 
>workshop entitled “Algae and environment in education”. During this event, 
>students of primary and secondary schools supervised by their teachers 
>will present their works in the field of phycology. These works will be 
>prepared under the supervision and help of the teachers and a special 
>committee established by HEL.P.S. The workshop will take place on 
>Wednesday, 7 and Thursday, 8 of September in Rodos Palace Hotel and the 
>Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes (a branch of 
><>Hellenic Marine Research Station). For information 
>about this workshop press <>here.
>Join us in Facebook: EPCV
>Contact us at: <mailto:info at>info at 
>(sponsorships, partnerships)
><mailto:chhatz at>chhatz at (registrations)
><mailto:e.shubert at>e.shubert at (abstract submission)
>© 2010 <>

Dra. Visitación Conforti
Dpto. de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II
C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. 5411- 45763349, 15 5479-6380
FAX 5411- 45763384, 5411-4682-3240
e-mail: conforti at
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Piense antes de imprimir. Ahorrar papel es cuidar nuestro ambiente

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