[Lista-Algas] 4th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology (ISAP) Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Visitacion Conforti
conforti at bg.fcen.uba.ar
Tue Jan 18 09:51:50 ART 2011
>Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 09:34:03 -0500
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>From: ISAP 2011 <ISAP2011 at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca>
>To: <conforti at bg.fcen.uba.ar>
>Subject: Congress Update - 4th Congress of the International Society for
>Applied Phycology (ISAP) Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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>Abstract Submission
>Thank you to those of you who have already submitted their ISAP 2011
>abstracts and to those planning to submit an abstract, you are reminded
>that the submission deadline is Friday, February 11. Please click on the
>following link
>for instructions on formatting your abstract, sample template and
>submission process under this yearâs theme âScaling-up for New
>Opportunities in Applied Phycologyâ.
>Student Scholarships
>ISAP has sponsored a limited number of scholarships for students to cover
>congress registration fees and up to 5 nights in university
>accommodations. To learn more and to apply, please click on the link
>. Deadline for receipt of applications in February 15.
>Congress registration is now open and you can register on-line at
>and those wishing to participate should do so at their earliest
>opportunity. While the early deadline is several months away,
>participation is limited to the first 400 individuals who register and pay
>their congress fee.
>A block of rooms at the Congress venue has been made available exclusively
>for ISAP delegates with a Congress negotiated rate of $209 CAD/night plus
>applicable taxes. There are also university accommodations available at
>$30 CAD/night plus applicable taxes (available for students only). Hotel
>and University Residence reservations are now being accepted and can be
>made directly on line, on a first come first served basis. See the links
>on the congress web site at
>Note: All excursions are on a first-come, first served basis.
>The Local Organizing Committee is pleased to offer an extensive range of
>mid-congress excursions available to all fully registered delegates and
>their accompanying persons. These are expected to fill very quickly due to
>their popularity. We encourage you to make your selection, complete the
>congress on-line registration form and send in your payment as early as
>possible to avoid disappointment. You may view the details of the various
>mid-week excursion options at
>Program update
>We are pleased to announce two distinguished scholars who will be
>delivering keynote addresses at ISAP 2011. Dr. Michael Quilliam (National
>Research Council of Canada Insstitute for Marine Biosciences) will
>deliver a keynote address entitled, âAlgal Biotoxins: Chemistry, Biology
>and Commercial Opportunitiesâ. Dr. Jonas Collén (Station Biologique de
>Roscoff, France) will focus his keynote presentation on the recently
>completed Chondrus crispus genome sequencing program, a major milestone in
>the genomic investigation of red algae.
>Two additional keynote speakers will be announced shortly. More
>information on the ISAP 2011 scientific program may be found at
>For more information please visit our web site at www.isap2011-halifax.org
>We look forward to seeing you in Halifax this June!
>Stephen OâLeary and Alan Critchley
>On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee for ISAP 2011
Dra. Visitación Conforti
Dpto. de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II
C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. 5411- 45763349, 15 5479-6380
FAX 5411- 45763384, 5411-4682-3240
e-mail: conforti at bg.fcen.uba.ar
web page: http://www.dbbe.fcen.uba.ar
Piense antes de imprimir. Ahorrar papel es cuidar nuestro ambiente
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