[Lista-Algas] Fwd: Publishing a Compilation of Regulatory Approaches to Cyanotoxins
Silvia Haydée Otaño
silviaotano at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 14:51:56 ART 2011
Estimados colegas,
Sería bueno contribuir con lo que se hace en Argentina, que no figura en
ninguna de las contribuciones detalladas en la VIII Conferencia de
Cianobacterias Tóxicas. Creo que lo más ágil sería extractar lo publicado en
el Manual de Cianobacterias. Espero sus comentarios.
Silvia Otaño
---------- Forwarded message ----------
congress at cyano2010.org>
Date: 2011/1/5
Subject: Publishing a Compilation of Regulatory Approaches to Cyanotoxins
To: silviaotano at gmail.com
*Dear Colleagues,*
At ICTC 8, we had a noon-time session on regulatory approaches to
cyanotoxins. This had three main results:
1) An increasing number of countries is regulating cyanotoxins in drinking-
and/or recreational waters, so the booklet on regulatory approaches that we
compiled after the Bergen meeting is quite outdated.
2) Colleagues from contries already represented in this may wish to check
whether the contribution about their country is still up to date. Others may
wish to contribute. Please note the following:
This is not a formal governmental exercise, but rather a scientific
collection of contributions. If you wish to seek authorisation from your
government and explicitly note that in your introduction, all the better,
but we don't see this as requirement.
Some countries do not have formal regulations in place, but nonetheless
quite a bit of activity, driven by informal collaboration between
researchers and public health authorities, typically based on some general
regulatory statement such as that drinking-water should not contain
substances in concentrations of concern to human health. (e.g. Finland in
the Bergen booklet). Describing this is useful.
The shorter and more concise your contribution, the more likely it will be
read. Please avoid general introductions about cyanotoxins - we would end up
with a lot of redundancy, and can take care of that in an introduction to
the whole booket.
contribution. We will not publish more than one per country, and it would be
extremely ineffective if I received more than one and then need to approach
you with the request to merge them.
DEADLINE is April 2nd 2011.
3) Approaches tend to be based on WHO guidance but differ between countries,
and participants felt it would be useful to have more time at the next
meeting to discuss differences, e.g. in thresholds that trigger specific
responses, but also in management strategies. We therefore ask that ICTC 9
plan a regular session for the topic (although maybe a different format of
presentations, e.g. 5 rather than 15-20 minutes and/or hand-outs with key
elements of the regulations might be adequate in order to organise more
structured discussion).
Please click the link
to see the file.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Very best regards
Ingrid Chorus
*Dr. Ingrid Chorus*
Umweltbundesamt, Abteilung Trink- und Badebeckenwasserhygiene
(Federal Environment Agency, Dept. Drinking-water and swimming pool hygiene)
Tel. +49 (0)30 / 8903 - 1346/1305
Fax.+49 (0)30 / 8903 - 1830
e-mail: ingrid.chorus at uba.de
Office and lab address:
Corrensplatz 1
14195 Berlin
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