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[Lista-Algas] Register Now with a 15% Discount

Ricardo Echenique rechen at
Tue Jan 4 12:26:37 ART 2011


       Driving Forward Europe's Alternative Energy Potential 

            European Algae Biomass 2011 is the leading platform for senior executives within the algaculture, cleantech and energy industry to discuss developments within the algae sector and examine the current and future potential of algae as a biomass and fuel source and its use within power plants for CO² sequestration. Also hear case study examples from companies at the forefront of the industry in the implementation of practical solutions and commercialisation strategies.

            Click here to download agenda>>> 

                  Confirmed Panel Members Include

                  Mario Tredici 
                  European Algae Biomass Association

                  Heike Fruhwirth 
                  Head Of R&D Biotech
                  BDI - Biodiesel

                  Olivier Lepine 
                  Partner And Chief 
                  Operational Officer
                  Algosource Technologies

                  Ronald Korstanje 
                  Business Development Manager
                  TNO Quality Of Life

                  Claudia Grewe 
                  Head Of Research & Development
                  Salata Gmbh

                  Ben Grewe 
                  Technology Commercialization Manager Innovations
                  The Carbon Trust


            Who will attend

            Senior executives from leading algaculture, power generators, biorefineries, biofuel producers, oil and gas companies and technology providers including directors of business development, commodities, sales, policy, environmental strategy and markets as well as economists, traders and consultants.

            15% discount is available until 28th January 2011

            Register now for only £1185 (ex.VAT), saving over £200

            Secure your discounted space>>>  

            Commercial and sponsorship opportunities

            Showcase your technologies to the algae, biomass and energy industry with opportunities to demonstrate the capabilities of your latest products and services. 

            Lee Whyman
            +44 (0)20 7981 2507

                        Key Areas of Discussion

                         Future Outlook for the Algae Industry 

                          Investment Activity within the Algae Sector

                         Look at the Latest 
                        Strategies in Scaling Up Production and Processing 

                        Market Insights: Current 
                        and Future Requirements 

                        The Future of Algae as a Fuel Source 

                        Comparison of Algae Cultivation Techniques 

                        Case Study Examples from European Algae Cultivation Facility Owners 

                        Optimisation of Harvesting and Processing Techniques

                          Algae Potentials for CO² Sequestration


                  Speaking Opportunities

                  If you would like to be considered as a speaker for the event with a 30-45 minute presentation, please submit an abstract for consideration to:
                  Lee Whyman
                  +44 (0)20 7981 2507

                  More Information & Registration

                  Dimitri Pavlyk
                  +44 (0)20 7981 2503 

                   We look forward to welcoming you on board

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