[Lista-Algas] Koeltz Newsletter Botanical Books January 2011
Andrés Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 17:12:59 ART 2011
Publishers, Booksellers, Antiquarians in the Fields of Botany & Zoology
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Botanical Books Offered By Koeltz Scientific Books newsletter at koeltz.com
Book ID: (058349)
Descy,J.-P.,C.S.Reynolds and J. Padisak (eds.)
Phytoplankton in Turbid Environments: Rivers and Shallow Lakes. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP), held in Mont Rigi (Belgium), 10-18 July 1993. 1994. (Developments in Hydrobiology, 100). 214 p. gr8vo. Hardbound.
Also published in Hydrobiologia,289.-/ Contents (partly): Are phytoplankton dynamics in rivers so different from those in shallow lakes?, by C.S.Reynolds, J.-P.Descy & J.Padisak/ The long, the short and the stalled: on the attributes of phytoplankton selected by physical mixing in lakes and rivers, by C.S.Reynolds/ Meroplankton dynamics in a saline, turbulent, turbid shallow lake (Neusiedlersee, Austraia and Hungary), by J.Padisak & M.Dokulil/ An elementary, structural analysis of river phytoplankton, by C.Rojo, M. Alvarez Cobelas & M. Arauzo/ Algal assemblages from shallow lakes of the Salado River Basin (Argentina), by I.Izaguirre & A.Vinocur/ Environmental control of phytoplankton productivity in turbulent turbid systems, by M.T.Dokulil/ Origin and succession of phytoplankton in a river-lake system (Spree, Germany), by J.Koehler/ Cyanophycean blooms in the reservoir of Val Joly (Northern France) and their development in downstream rivers, by J. Prygiel & M.Leitao/ etc.- Good second hand copy. New copies available at 190.00 EUR. PRICE:
185.00 EURO
US$ 253.45
Book ID: (099576)
Diatom Monographs
Edited by Andrzej Witkowski: Volume 13: Zelazna - Wieczorek, Joanna: Diatom flora in springs of Lodz Hills (Central Poland). Biodiversity, taxonomy, and temporal changes of episammic diatom assemblages in springs affected by human impact. 2011. approx. 123 plates. 420 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Due January 2011. Orders will be recorded. The price is still tentative.- The diatom microflora of 10 springs in the Lodz Hills is described: 456 taxa were found. Most of them, 313 taxa are new, rare or interesting. The diatom assemblages in these springs are illustrated, and the documentation consists of more than 1500 micrographs (1154 LEM and 365 SEM). Among the 456 diatom taxa identified, 50 are mentioned in the Red List of the Algae in Poland. Nine diatom taxa were classified as endangered, 15 as vulnerable, 24 as rare, and only two taxa as indeterminate. Springs are the mainstay of diatom species diversity because they are affected by changes associated with human activities more slowly than other aquatic ecosystems. The analysis of the relationship between diatom assemblages and environmental conditions was based on 10 springs in which physical and chemical samples were measured and samples were collected monthly from Januray 2003 to June 2005. For the ecological analyses of the diatom assemblages the following were used: indexes of diversity, k-dominance curves, Bray - Curtis coefficient, Hierachical Cluster analysis, MDS, SIMPER, BIO- ENV, PCA, and correlation analysis. PRICE:
139.00 EURO
US$ 190.43
Book ID: (018706)
Foged, Niels
Freshwater Diatoms in Ireland.1977. (Reprint 2010, Bibliotheca Diatomologica, 34). 48 plates. II, 222 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Contents:Abstract/Preface/Previous investigations/Localities and samples/ Taxonomy/Bibliography/Acknowledgements/Plates/- Abstract: 263 samples from 143 freshwater localities in Ireland collected in 1953 have been examined for their content of diatoms.765 taxa have been recorded among which Eunotia arcuoides,E. bidentuloides,Navicula dicephala fo. cuneata and N.peterseni fo.undulata have been described as new. 757 photos of 460 different taxa from the material are given in 48 plates. PRICE:
49.00 EURO
US$ 67.13
Book ID: (099524)
Gouveia, Luisa
Microalgae as a Feedstock for Biofuels. 2011. (Springer Briefs in Microbiology). 60 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Due April 2011. Orders will be recorded. - This concise review covers the potential use of microalgae for biofuel production. The following topics are highlighted: the advantages of microalgae over conventional biofuel- producing crops; technological processes for energy production using microalgae; microalgal biomass production systems, production rates and costs; algae cultivation strategies and main culture parameters; biomass harvesting technologies and cell disruption; CO2 sequestration; life cycle analysis; and algal biorefinery strategies. The conclusions section discusses the contribution of the technologies described to environmental sustainability and future prospects. PRICE:
50.00 EURO
US$ 68.50
Book ID: (099610)
Iconographia Diatomologica
Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Ed. by Horst Lange - Bertalot. Volume 22: Siver, Peter A. and Paul B. Hamilton: Diatoms of North America. The Freshwater Flora of Waterbodies on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. 2011. 2331 micrographs on 273 plates. 12 col. photographs. 7 tabs. 4 appendices. 923 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978 - 3- 906166 - 95 - 7)
Due February / March 2011. Orders will be recorded. The price is still tentative. - Contents (chapter headings): Introduction (An introduction to the Atlantic Coastal Plain from North Carolina to New Jersey/ Chemical & Physical Characteristics of the Atlantic Coastal Plain Sites & A Brief Comparison with Waterbodies on Cape Cod/ General Characteristics of the Diatom Flora, Including a Comparison with the Flora from Waterbodies on Cape Cod)/ The Diatom Flora (General Information / The Taxa) / Literature Cited/ Plates / Appendices / Index. - Quotation from the 'Overview': Approximately 150 collections from 45 waterbodies situated along the Atlantic Coastal Plain were included in this volume. Three areas of focus, the Pocosin National Wildlife Refuge (11 sites), The Croatan National Forest (9 sites) and the Bladen Lakes State Forest (7 sites), are located along the coastal portion of North Carolina. The North Carolina waterbodies included shallow wetlands, small ponds, lakes, larger lakes, and a series of canals cut through significant sections of vegetation, which ranged in size from small depressions of 0.4 ha in size to over 6,475 ha (Phelps Lake). In general, these waterbodies were shallow, less than 3 meters deep and monomictic, not freezing over winter. All sites were associated with pocosin (early settlers used this term to define a low swampy ground, like a wooded swamp) or Carolina bay vegetation characteristic of this portion of the Atlantic Coastal Plain (Richardson et al., 1981). A fourth area of study included 13 waterbodies siuated within the Pinelands National Reserve in southern New Jersey at the northern limit of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. The Pinelands National Preserve consists of sandy, well drained soils and is largely dominated by xerophytic vegetation. Observations of the diatom floras in five small Carolina bays situated on the Delmarva Peninsla in Maryland were also included in this work. The majority of the New Jersey and Maryland waterbodies were shallow lakes that would also be classified as warm monomictic.' - A total of 231 diatom taxa were recorded in the Atlantic Coastal Plain sites. 242 taxa were found in Cape Cod ponds, but not encountered further south in the Atlantic Coastal Plain sites. Additionally, 102 of the species reported from the Atlantic Coastal Plain were not found in Cape Cod waterbodies underscoring the fact that the diatom floras are different between the two regions. PRICE:
0.00 EURO
US$ 0.00
Book ID: (099347)
Lange - Bertalot, Horst (ed.)
Diatomeen im Süßwasser - Benthos von Mitteleuropa. Bestimmungsflora Kieselalgen für die ökologische Praxis. Über 700 der häufigsten Arten und ihre Ökologie. Von Gabriele Hofmann, Marcus Werum und Horst Lange - Bertalot. 2010. 3522 Fig. auf 133 Tafeln. 908 S. gr8vo. Hardcover. (978-3-906166-92-6)
Dieser Band ist eine Art konzentrierte und auf den neuesten Stand gebrachte Süßwasser - Diatomeenflora für Mitteleuropa mit dem Focus auf häufige oder in großen Mengen auftretende Diatomeen für Zwecke der angewandten Hydrobiologie und der Überwachung der Wassergüte. Die 793 photographisch dokumentierten Taxa entsprechen über 50% der rezenten Süßwasser - Diatomeenflora. Diagnosen für 707 Taxa, ökologische Aspekte, Bezug auf vergleichbare Taxa und entsprechende Literatur. Zwei allgemeine Bestimmungsschlüssel für die ca. 100 Genera, achtzehn Schlüssel für die artenreichsten Diatomeen. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Biogeographie, Hydrogeologie und Typologie aquatischer Habitate. Basierend auf 11000 ausgewerteten Proben aus verschiedenen stehenden und fließenden Gewässern werden die Wasserpräferenzen für über 500 Taxa dokumentiert und die Klassifikation entsprechend der neuesten 'Roten Liste' für die Diatomeen Deutschlands angegeben. Hauptziel des Bandes ist Unterstützung bei der Identifikation der in der angewandten Hydrobiologie verwendeten Taxa, besonders Überwachung der Wassergüte entsprechend der EU Wasser Rahmen - Direktive. - This book is a condensed and updated freshwater flora of Central European diatoms. 793 taxa are documented photographically, representing over 50% of the recent benthic freshwater diatom flora. Short diagnoses for 707 taxa, followed by ecological features and by comparable taxa with relevant literature references. Two general determination keys for ca. 100 genera, eighteen keys on the species - level for the most species - rich genera. Special focus on biogeography, hydrogeology and typology of aquatic habitats. Based on ca. 11000 samples from various stagnant and running waters preferences of over 500 taxa are indicated. The classification of the 'Red List' of diatom taxa for Germany is added. The main aim of this book is to assist in the identification of taxa used in applied hydrobiology, in particular for water monitoring according to the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. PRICE:
120.00 EURO
US$ 164.40
Book ID: (090033)
Larink, Otto and Wilfried Westheide
Coastal Plankton. Photo Guide for European Seas. 2nd ed. 2011. col. pls. photogr. figs. 191 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Here is the Second Edition of this book. Its most evident new feature is the considerable increase in the number of photographs, from 660 to now 930. In particular, numerous Mediterranean species have been added, leading, among others, to the inclusion of entirely new plates on trematodes, sipunculids, pelagic gastropods, several crustacean taxa, enteropneusts, and holothurians. PRICE:
38.00 EURO
US$ 52.06
Book ID: (099299)
Levanets, Anatoliy and L. van Rensburg
Non-marine algae of Africa. A bibliography (1799-2010). 133 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This bibliography summarized in a single document most known literature (books, chapters, articles, conference presentations) concerned with African algae in general (fresh-water, brackish-water, aerophytic, terrestrial and fossil). Also included are works on algae found in lagoons of Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt. PRICE:
21.00 EURO
US$ 28.77
Book ID: (084554)
Lhotsky, O., Rosa, K. and F. Hindak
Supis sinic a rias Slovenska (Verzeichnis der Algen in der Slowakei).1974. 202 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. In Czech, with German summary.
Good second hand copy. PRICE:
38.00 EURO
US$ 52.06
Book ID: (099606)
Martens, Koen (ed.)
Aquatic Biodiversity. A Celebratory Volume in Honour of Henri J. Dumont. 2003. (Developments in Hydrobiology, 171). 356 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, 500).- The volume presents a selection of contributions on aquatic biodiversity, written by colleagues from the editorial board, fellow editors of aquatic journals and former students and collaborators. Contributions deal with a wide spectrum of topics related to aquatic biodiversity and cover fields such as actual- and palaeolimnology, taxonomy, and fundamental and applied limnology. Even reconnaissance chapters on management and cultural impact of water bodies are included. PRICE:
115.00 EURO
US$ 157.55
Book ID: (052937)
Padisak, J.,C.S. Reynolds and U. Sommer (eds.)
Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis in Phytoplankton Ecology.Proceedings of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology held in Baja (Hungary) 5-15 July 1991.1993.(Developments in Hydrobiology 81).Diagrams.X,199 p. Lex8vo.Hardcover.
Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, 249.- Contents (partly): Hutchinson's heritage: the diversity-disturbance relationship in phytoplankton by U.Sommer, J.Padisak, C.S.Reynolds & P.Juhasz-Nagy/ Disturbance events affecting phytoplankton biomass, composition and species diversity in a shallow, eutrophic, temperate lake by B.A.Jacobsen & P.Simonsen/ Stress and disturbance in the phytoplankton community of a shallow, hypertrophic lake by K.Olrik & A.Nauwerck/ Diversity and succession of the phytoplankton in a small lake over a two-year period by P.Eloranta/ Phytoplankton succession and diversity in a warm monomictic, relatively shallow lake: Lake Volvi, Macedonia, Greece by M.Moustake-Gouni/ etc. PRICE:
175.00 EURO
US$ 239.75
Book ID: (099623)
Reynolds, Colin S., Martin T. Dokulil and Judit Padisak (eds.)
The Trophic Spectrum Revisited. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology, held at Shrewsbury, UK, 15-23 August 1998. 2000. (Developments in Hydrobiology, 150). 164 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Reprinted form Hydrobiologia, 424.- These proceedings of a workshop of the International Association for Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology are directed specifically at the relationship between phytoplankton ecology and the trophic status of water bodies. Contributions address the fact that distinctive assemblages of phytoplankton species are closely associated with particular categories of water bodies. Particular attention is paid to how communities are assembled and to the ways in which environmental constraints filter the successful species. Overview articles are included. The book will be a valuable source of information to limnologists, algologists, and the technical staff of all water suppliers. PRICE:
93.00 EURO
US$ 127.41
Book ID: (098780)
Wiencke, Christian (ed.)
Biology of Polar Benthic Algae. 2010. (Marine and Freshwater Botany). figs. XIV, 337 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This work synthesizes the current state of knowledge on the biology of polar benthic marine algae and presents an outlook on their responses to changing environmental conditions in polar regions. Topics treated include environment, biodiversity and biogeography of micro- and macroalgae, including an update of the knowledge of the red algal flora of Antarctica. It treats the chemical ecology as well as the primary production and ecophysiology of polar benthic algae with new information on the important contribution of benthic microalgae to the productivity in costal areas. PRICE:
119.95 EURO
US$ 164.33
Book ID: (099373)
Yamagishi, Takaaki
Plankton Algae of Southeast Asia. 2010. 71 plates. IV, 249 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
This book is a taxonomic report on Plankton Algae found in samples collected from Southeast Asia covering Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia. A total number of 670 taxa containing 66 taxa of Cyanophyceae, 26 taxa of Chrysophyceae, 27 taxa of Xanthophyceae, 8 taxa of Dinophyceae, 316 taxa of Euglenophyceae and 227 taxa of Chlorophyceae, has been described in the book along with photomicrograph and figures of each alga. In the algal group of Euglenophyceae, 10 taxa of Euglena, 28 taxa of Lepocinclis, 75 taxa of Phacus, 47 taxa of Strombomonas and 127 taxa of Trachelomonas have been found in polluted water, ponds or road side ditches of the area. The diversity of euglenaceous algae in the area has shown a relative connection with the distribution in Australia (Playfair, 1915, 1921), in Taiwan (Yamagishi, 1992), in China (Shi, 1999) and Japan (Yamagishi, 1984-1998). In other algal groups, Merismoarcus and Bacularia of Cyanophyceae, Phalansterium of Chrysophyceae, Octosporiella,Tetras poridium, Chlorophyceae have been observed as unique or rare algae. PRICE:
63.00 EURO
US$ 86.31
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