Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Macroalgas portuguesas - Phycological Digital Collection

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Thu Feb 17 08:51:34 ART 2011

From: Leonel Pereira 

Dear Phycologysts and Marine Botanists

I am pleased to announce the new digital collection database called COI - Phycological Digital Collection, accessible from January 1, through these addresses:


The “COI - Phycological Digital Collection” will document mainly the Iberian algae flora, and from other European, African and American countries.

Iberian Peninsula and Azores are regions of great botanical and ecological interest. It is well known to botanists as a phytogeographic boundary between the cold water flora typical of more northerly regions, and the flora of warmer waters to the south. The herbarium collection, dating back to the 1850s, documents to this important and diverse marine flora.

Kind Regards;
Prof. Leonel Pereira
Department of Life Sciences
IMAR-Institute of Marine Research
University of Coimbra
Coimbra - Portugal
Tel. +351 239855241
Fax. +351 239 855 211
e-mail leonel at
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