[Lista-Algas] Libros ofrecidos por Koeltz
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 14:50:44 ART 2011
P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany
E-mail: koeltz at t-online.de Web: www.koeltz.com
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Book ID: (042127)
COLE, Kathleen M. and Robert G.SHEATH (eds.)
Biology of the Red Algae. 1990. (Reprint 2011). illus. X, 528 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This volume presents an authoritative review on the state of knowledge on the biology of the red algae. Written by a group of twenty-six internationally renowned experts, the eighteen chapters range from molecular and cellular to biochemical, physiological , organismal and ecological aspects of this important group of algae. In the past fifteen years, research on the red algae has greatly advanced and diversified; new technologies have extended the range of questions being studied and have yielded findings that would have been previously unobtainable. This is a much needed reference text for students, researchers, and teachers concerned with aquatic biology, phycology, limnology, oceanography and plant evolution.
49.00 EURO
US$ 67.13
Book ID: (099809)
Datta Munshi, Jayashree, S. P. Roy and J. S. Datta Munshi
Manual of Freshwater Biota. 2010. illus. VI, 455 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Focus on India.
69.00 EURO
US$ 94.53
Book ID: (045748)
DUTHIE, Hamish C.
Algal Ecology of the Llyn Ogwen District. 1964. Diss. 44 figs. 6 plates. some tables. IV,151 p. Lex8vo. Cloth.
12.00 EURO
US$ 16.44
Book ID: (007193)
MORTON, Brian and C.K.TSENG (eds.)
Proceedings of the First Internatio- nal Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China, Hong Kong, 18 April - 10 May, 1980. 2 vols. 1982. illustr. VIII,993 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
The 50 original research papers published here on a wide variety of topics will hopefully stimulate interest and further research on Hong Kong's unique and diverse marine life. A number of difficult taxonomic assemblages have been researched for the first time by recognized authorities. The ecologies of a variety of marine communities are also described for the first time and such studies tantalizingly open up whole new fields for further research. The peculiar modifications and behaviour of some of Hong Kong's more exotic species of marine animals also reveal how they are adapted to their unique environment. -Second hand copy.
25.00 EURO
US$ 34.25
Book ID: (027177)
SMITH, Gilbert M.
Manual of Phycology. An introduction to the Algae and their biology. 1951. 48 plates. XII,375 p. gr8vo. Cloth.
Good second hand copy
39.00 EURO
US$ 53.43
Book ID: (077567)
Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa
Band 02:05: Krammer, K. und H. Lange- Bertalot: Bacillariophyceae: English and French translation of the keys. Engl. transl. by Nian Bate (keys) and Andrew Podzorksi (general part)/ French translation by Jeanne Bukowska, Monika Michel Jean Prygiel (keys). 2000. XIV, 310 p. Hardcover.
General part: Delimitation of the Bacillariophyceae/ Terminology/ Material and structure of cell wall/ Morphology of the cell-wall (Form types and symmetry, Morphological structures of the cell wall, Wall perforations without a velum, Raphes, Longitudinal canals, Surface structures, Teratological structures, Structural elements of the cell girdle, Inner valves)/ Reproduction (Asexual reproduction and changing the outline, Sexual reproduction - auxospore formation)/ Euplasmic structures/ Valve morphogenesis/ Movement/ Methods (Preservation of field samples, Separation from inorganic substances, Decalcification and separation from organic substrates, Removing organic remains, Preparation of fossil material, Preparation of slides, Taxonomic concept of this flora)/ English keys/ Clefs francaises.
82.00 EURO
US$ 112.34
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