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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] ISAP 2011 - Abstract Submission Deadline is February 11th

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Feb 7 13:21:39 ART 2011

4th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology 2011





Abstract Submission - closes Friday, February 11.
Thank you to those of you who have already submitted their ISAP 2011 abstracts and to those planning to submit an abstract, you are reminded that the submission deadline is this Friday, February 11. Please click on the following link for instructions on formatting your abstract, sample template and submission process under this year's theme "Scaling-up for New Opportunities in Applied Phycology". 

Student Scholarships - apply by Tuesday, February 15.
ISAP has sponsored a limited number of scholarships for students to cover congress registration fees and up to 5 nights in university accommodations. To learn more and to apply, please click on the link provided Deadline for receipt of applications is February 15. 

Distinguished keynote speakers confirmed for ISAP 2011:

Dr. John Benemann (Benemann Associates, USA) - Keynote Title: "Scale-up of Microalgal Cultivation: Recent Developments and Commercial Requirements"

Dr. Michael Quilliam (National Research Council of Canada - Institute for Marine Biosciences) - Keynote Title:  "Algal Biotoxins: Chemistry, Biology and Commercial Opportunities"

Dr. Jonas Collén (Station Biologique de Roscoff, France) - Keynote Title: "The Chondrus Genome" 

An additional keynote speaker will be announced shortly. More information on the ISAP 2011 scientific program may be found at:

Congress registration is now open and you can register on-line at and those wishing to participate should do so at their earliest opportunity. While the early deadline is several months away, participation is limited to the first 400 individuals who register and pay their congress fee. 

A block of rooms at the Congress venue has been made available exclusively for ISAP delegates with a Congress negotiated rate of $209 CAD/night plus applicable taxes. There are also university accommodations available at $30 CAD/night plus applicable taxes (available for students only). Hotel and University Residence reservations are now being accepted and can be made directly on line, on a first come first served basis. See the links on the congress web site at 

Note: All excursions are on a first-come, first served basis.
The Local Organizing Committee is pleased to offer an extensive range of mid-congress excursions available to all fully registered delegates and their accompanying persons. These are expected to fill very quickly due to their popularity. We encourage you to make your selection, complete the congress on-line registration form and send in your payment as early as possible to avoid disappointment. You may view the details of the various mid-week excursion options at 

For more information please visit our web site at 

We look forward to seeing you in Halifax this June!


Stephen O'Leary and Alan Critchley
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee for ISAP 2011 
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