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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Postdoctoral position in Roscoff

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Wed Feb 2 15:32:17 ART 2011

33-month postdoctoral fellowship on brown algal molecular biology

A 33-month postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Algal Genetics Group at the Station Biologique de Roscoff (Brittany, France). 
Subject: The life cycle is an elemental feature of an organism, underpinning a broad range of developmental and reproductive processes. The brown alga Ectocarpus has recently emerged as a model organism (Cock et al., Nature, 2010) that is particularly well suited to the study of the molecular basis of life cycle regulation. This project will use genetic and genomic approaches to investigate the regulation of life cycle transitions in this alga. Key regulatory loci such as the immediate upright gene (Peters et al., Development, 2008) will be analysed and high-throughput RNA-seq approaches will be used to characterise genome-wide changes in gene expression associated with life cycle transitions. The post will be financed as part of the "Agence Nationale de la Recherche" project Bi-cycle.
The host laboratory: The Station Biologique de Roscoff (SBR) is a marine biology and oceanology research centre ( It is situated in the town of Roscoff on the beautiful north coast of Brittany about 60 km east of Brest. The personnel of the SBR includes about 200 permanent staff. The Algal Genetics Group ( has been developing Ectocarpus as a model organism since 2002, work that has included the coordination of the genome sequencing project (Cock et al., Nature, 2010). Research interests in the group include life cycle regulation and sex determination.
Application: Candidates should hold a PhD degree and possess expertise in genomic and genetic methodologies. Please contact Mark Cock (cock at with a CV and the names of three referees. Deadline for applications: 16th March 2011.

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