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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Libros ofrecidos por Koeltz

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Tue Aug 16 17:20:03 ART 2011

P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany
E-mail: koeltz at Web: 
Phone (+49) (0) 6174 93720 Fax (+49)(0) 6174 937 240 

Gomez, Nora and A. Rodrigues (eds.)
Biodiversidad en la Franja Costera Sur del Rio de la Plata: Fitoplancton, Zoobentos, Peces de la zona portuaria de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. 2000. (Biologia Acuatica,19). 319 figs. 65 p. Paper bd. 
24.00 EURO - US$ 34.80

Hallegraeff, Gustaaf Marinus
Pigment Diversity, Biomass and Species Diversity of Phytoplankton of Three Dutch Lakes. 1976. (Dissertation). 177 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Second hand copy:  42.00 EURO - US$ 60.90

Middelboe, Anne Lise
Species Diversity, Distribution and Abundance of Marine Macrophytes. 2000. (Thesis).138 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Second hand copy: 25.00 EURO - US$ 36.25

Mudgal, V. and P. K. Hajra (Eds.)
Floristic Diversity and Conservation Strategies in India. Volume 1: Cryptogams and Gymnosperms. 1997. illus. 472 p. gr8co. Hardcover.
This will become a set of 6 volumes. Standing orders invited.- Volume 4: please refer to Singh, N.P. and also Volume 5.- Contents (main headings) of volume 1: Preface/ FLORISTIC DIVERSITY: review, scope and perspective/ CRYPTOGAMS: Fresh water algae/ Marine algae/ Fungi/ Woodrotting fungi/ Lichens/ Liverworts/ Mosses/ Pteridophytes/ GYMNOSPERMS.  47.00 EURO - US$ 68.15

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