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[Lista-Algas] Seaweed website

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Thu Apr 7 11:24:36 ART 2011 :: Michael Guiryís seaweed website
 The Seaweed Site: information on marine algaea.. Welcome
  b.. What are seaweeds?
  c.. What are Algae?
  d.. Brown Seaweed
  e.. Green Seaweed
  f.. Red Seaweed
  g.. NE Atlantic Seaweeds
  h.. Medicine
  i.. Uses & Utilization
  j.. Irish Uses & Utilization
  k.. Aquaculture
  l.. Additives
  m.. Nutrition
  n.. Sargassum
  o.. Books
  p.. Michael Guiry
Seaweed Guides
Below is a selection of seaweed guides that are in press. I have chosen ones with high-quality photographs with information suitable for non-scientists (although the books are very useful to scientists as well). The first two (Meeresalgen and Seaweeds) are German and English versions of more or less the same book, but are the only books currently that provide world coverage of most of the larger seaweeds that you will find in your travels. Even if you know little about seaweeds or plants, the colour photographs in the guides will allow you to put a name on a seaweed. Some of these can be obtained from booksellers. You can get some further information by clicking on the image.

A book on seaweed for children and young adults aged 7-16 can be found here.

Seaweeds - 
A colour identification guide to seaweeds of the World. By Wolfram Braune & Michael Guiry 2011. In English. More information. 


Acadian Seaplants is a diversified, technology-based manufacturer of natural, specialty fertilizers, feed, food, food ingredients and brewery supplies derived from select species of marine plants. Link.

Koeltz Scientific Books has the largest holdings of seaweed and algal books in the world. Search their on-line database.

Irish Seaweeds Ltd. Suppliers of 100% natural hand-harvested seaweeds and edible sea vegetable products from Ireland. Link

  Congress of SOLABIAA (Latino-American Society for Environmental and Algal Biotechnology), Cancun, Mexico, from 5th to 9th December 2010. Link

  International Society for Applied Phycology, 2011 4th Congress June 19th - 24th, 2011, Halifax, Canada. First circular. Link 

  Join Algae-L
  Top 40 seaweeds 
 Site ©1996 - 2011 Michael Guiry, Webmaster. All rights strictly reserved. Copyright Notice | Disclaimer | AlgaeBase |Twitter| Facebook |
Website design : 249 Design Studio 
      Only Search Seaweed Site
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