[Lista-Algas] LIBROS
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 21:18:35 ART 2010
Libros ofrecidos por KOELTZ SCIENTIFIC BOOKS
http://www.koeltz.com koeltz at t-online.de
Algae. Source to Treatment
Ed. by AWWA Committee. 2010. 400 (partly col.) figs. 480 p. Hardcover.
Algae: Source to Treatment (M57) is a powerful reference work for identifying and treating algae from drinking water sources. It addresses the identification of algae species and genera, monitoring programs and treatment to manage such problems as taste and odor and toxins. Recognized experts on algae identification, control and treatment were recruited to write various sections of the manual. The book is organized in the following sections: Methods, which covers online monitoring, sampling, detection of cyanotoxins and algal chlorophylls; The Organisms, which details nine divisions of algae, from Euglenophyta to Rhodophyta; andManagement, which considers source water controls, treatment strategies and organism removal. The ability to mitigate biofouling, tastes and odors, and toxin production depends on a clear understanding of these organisms, and M57 is a critical guide for water treatment professionals.
294.00 EURO
US$ 391.02
Ali, Elham Mahmoud
Phytoplankton Blooms in Macro - Tidal Estuaries. Processes and conditions influencing phytoplankton growth and bloom initiation. Case Study: Southampton Water. 2009. XII, 238 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
The aim of this book is to investigate the coupling between variations in phytoplankton community and bloom development (bloom timing, bloom onset and bloom duration) in macrotidal estuaries and changes in environmental conditions with Southampton Water (SW) as the case study. SW is part of a complex and highly populated, highly dynamic, hyper - nutrified estuary that support large phytoplankton populations. The book gives an insight into the use of continuous monitoring and HPLC technique to determine factors controlling phytoplankton community structure.
79.00 EURO
US$ 105.07
Buf, Hans du, and Micha M. Bayer (eds.)
Automatic Diatom Identification. 2002. (Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, 51). illus. 328 p. Hardcover.
Probably the first book to deal with automatic diatom identification. Background information concerning diatom research, development of electronic databases, image preprocessing, automatic contour extraction, application of existing contour and ornamentation features and the development of new ones, application of different classifiers (neural networks, decision trees, etc.). They are tested using two image sets: 1)a very difficult set of Sellaphora pupula with 6 dems and 120 images, 2) a mixed genera set with 37 taxa and approximately 800 images. The results are excellent, and recognition rates well above 90% have been achieved on both sets. Much additional basic information.
87.00 EURO
US$ 115.71
Calumpong, H. P. and E. G. Menezez
Field guide to the common mangroves, seagrasses and algae of the Philippines. 1997. (Reprint 2007). illus. V, 197 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents: Introduction/ About the Philippines/ Mangroves/ Seagrasses/ Green Algae/ Brown Algae/ Red Algae/ References/ Glossary/ Index to Common Names/ Taxonomic Index.- An identification guide, with keys.
60.00 EURO
US$ 79.80
Ciugulea, Ionel and Richard E. Triemer
A Color Atlas of Photosynthetic Euglenoids. 2010. 181 col. pls. XX, 204 p. Hardcover.-28 x 28 cm.
This brilliantly illustrated atlas provides a simple visual tool to help identify photosynthetic euglenoids, flagellated single celled organisms. The atlas provides basic background information such as the history of the various genera, notes on where they can be found, what the cells look like, and the internal and external structures that can be used to identify species. A dichotomous key provides a simple means to identify each of the genera, and a full glossary defines all of the scientific terms used in the text. The main body of the book consists of high resolution color plates of each of the species, organized by genus. The photographs on each plate illustrate the main features used to identify each organism, such as size and body shape, flagellar length, pellicle structure, type of chloroplast, shape, and arrangement of mucocysts. This text will be useful to phycologists, protozoologists, ecologists studying wetland systems, and managers of reservoirs, lakes, ponds and natural resources.
89.00 EURO
US$ 118.37
An introductory account of the smaller algae of British coastal waters. Pt. V: Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms). London 1964.(Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Fishery Investigation, Series IV). 45 plates. XXII,317 p. Cloth. Reprint Koenigstein 1976. (ISBN 3-87429-103-0)
Contents:Introduction(Scope of the work/General characteristics of the diatom cell/The cell contents)/Taxonomic features(Valves usually with a raphe or pseudoraphe/The shape of the naviculoid valve/The structure of the diatom valve)/Methods of working(Cleaning and preparing diatoms)/ Reproduction in diatoms(Binary fission/Auxospore formation/Microspores/ Resting spores)/Pigments of diatoms/Colony formation in diatoms/Movement in diatoms/Distribution and ecology(General distribution/Divisions of the plankton/The littoral zone/Zonation of littoral diatoms/The periodicity of littoral diatoms/Population density)/Phylogeny of diatoms/Classification/Taxonomic Notes/Analytical key to families/Key to the genera within each family/Acknowledgements/Taxonomic monographs/ Index to species/Bibliography.
51.00 EURO
US$ 67.83
Houk, Vaclav, Rolf Klee and Hiroyuki Tanaka
Atlas of freshwater centric diatoms, with a brief key and descriptions. Part 3: Stephano- discaceae A, Cyclotella, Tertiarius, Discostella. 2010. 215 plates. 498 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. Descriptions of 66 species of Cyclotella, 3 of Tertiarius and 10 of Discotella. Keys, glossary, brief descriptions, taxonomic annotations, plus LM and SEM illustrations on 215 plates, and information on
ecological preferences of the species. - The price is still provisional and may change.
138.00 EURO
US$ 183.54
Huber-Pestalozzi, Gottfried, u.A.
Das Phytoplankton des Suesswassers. Systematik und Biologie. Part 4: Euglenophyceae. 1955. (Reprint 1969).(Die Binnengewaesser, Band 16).114 Tafeln.XI,606 S.gr8vo.Leinen.
80.00 EURO
US$ 106.40
Iconographia Diatomologica
Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Ed. by Horst Lange - Bertalot. Volume 21: Zimmermann, Claudia, Michel Poulin and Reinhard Pienitz: Diatoms of North America: The Pliocene - Pleistocene freshwater flora of Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canadian High Arctic. 2010. 97 plates (LM & SEM). VI, 407 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - With French and German summaries. (ISBN 978-3-906166-83-4)
This monograph presents the fossil diatom remains collected from a forest - tundra deposit discovered in 2001 on Bylot Island (72-74N, 60 - 80W), just north of Baffin Island (Nunavut, Canadian High Arctic). Located more than 2000 km north of the present - day northern treeline, the sediments associated with this fossil forest have been tentatively dated at ca. 2 - 2.5 Ma BP corresponding to the late Pliocene - early Pleistocene period. Several late Tertiary and early Pleistocene fossil beds in North American arctic regions have yielded abundant well - preserved remains of plants and animals, documenting the past existence of coniferous forests at high latitudes. However, the diatom assemblages of these sites have not been documented until the present and our knowledge of the late Pliocene - early Pleisocene siliceous algal flora remains scarce. Nine out of a total of 30 analyzed samples contained enough diatom frustules for paleoenvironmental interpretations. These samples originated from three different outcrops within an organic - rich layer assigned to the late Pliocene, representing different stages of wetland (peatland) development within a forested catchment. A total of 218 diatom taxa in 52 genera were recorded and documented on 97 plates with light (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) photomicrographs. The fossil diatom flora was dominated by pennate forms belonging to the genera Cymbella sensu lato, Eunotia, Fragilaria sensu lato, Navicula sensu lato and Pinnularia. Less than 2% belonged to centric diatoms, represented by Ellerbeckia arenaria and taxa of the genus Aulacoseira. This monograph complements information on taxonomy, ecology and distribution of North American diatoms, gathered within the series 'Diatoms of North America'.
139.00 EURO
US$ 184.87
Kolderup-Rosenvinge,L.and E.Warming(eds.)
The Botany of Iceland. Part II:7-8.1928.Illus.197 p.gr8vo.Paper bd.
7: Boy Petersen,J.: The Fresh-Water Cyanophyceae of Iceland/ 8: Boy Petersen,J.: The Aerial Algae of Iceland.
39.00 EURO
US$ 51.87
Kolderup-Rosenvinge,L.and E.Warming(eds.)
The Botany of Iceland.Part I: 1 - 2. 1912 - 1918. illus. 675 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
1: Jonsson,H.: The Marine Algal Vegetation/ 2: Thoroddsen,Th.: An account of the physical geography of Iceland with special reference to the plant life./ 3: Ostrup,E.: Marine Diatoms from the Coasts of Iceland/ 4: Hesselbo, Aug.: The Bryophyta of Iceland. - Paper covers loose, else good. Uncut.
148.00 EURO
US$ 196.84
Uherkovich, Gabor
A Scenedesmus zöldalga nemzetseg (Chlorococcales, Chlorophyceae) különös tekintettel magyarorszagi elöfordulasu taxonjaira / The green algal genera Scenedesmus (Chlorococcales, Chlorophyceae) with special attention to taxa occurring in Hungary.1995.33 plates (= line-drawings).V,234 p.gr8vo.Paper bd.-Bilingual (Hungarian/English)
27.00 EURO
US$ 35.91
Witkowski, Andrezej, Agata Z. Wojtal and Jan J. Wojcicki (eds.)
Papers on diatoms dedicated to Kurt Krammer on the 85th anniversary of his birthday. 2010. (Polish Botanical Journal, 55:1). illus. 242 p.
A. Witkowski, A. Z. Wojtal & J. J. Wójcicki: Foreword./ H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin: On the occasion of Dr. Kurt Krammers 85th birthday. / M. A. Tiffany, R. Gordon & I. C. Gebeshuber: Hyalodiscopsis plana, a sublittoral centric marine diatom, and its potential for nanotechnology as a natural zipper-like nanoclasp/ J. Taylor & H. Lange-Bertalot: Crucicostulifera, a new diatom genus described from the Magaliesburg Mts, South Africa./ A. Witkowski, H. Lange- Bertalot, J. P. Kociolek, M. Kulikovskiy, M. Bk & M. Ruppel: Diatom flora of San Francisco Bay and vicinity. II. Fogedia krammeri sp. nov./ A. Z. Wojtal, H. Lange-Bertalot, R. Nautiyal, J. Verma, & P. Nautiyal: Achnanthidium chitrakootense spec. nov. from rivers of northern and central India/ Kociolek, J. P. , C.L. Graeff & R. L. Lowe: A new freshwater Gyrosigma (Bacillariophyceae) species from Hawai/ Jüttner,I., S. Gurung, C. Sharma, S. Sharma, M. de Haan & B. Van de Vijver: Morphology of new taxa in the Cymbella aspera and Cymbella neocistula groups, Cymbella yakii sp. nov., and Cymbella cf. hantzschiana from Everest National Park/ M. Kulikovskiy, H. Lange-Bertalot, S. Genkal & A. Witkowski: Eunotia (Bacillariophyta) in the Holarctic: new species from the Russian Arctic/ E. A.Morales, C. E. Wetzel & L. Ector: Two short-striated species of Staurosirella (Bacillariophyceae) from Indonesia and the United States/ J. Taylor, C. Archibald, W. Van Staden & L. Van Rensburg: A re-examination of the type material of Cymbella kappii (Bacillariophyceae)/ J. Zelazna-Wieczorek, K. Nowak & P. Nowicka: First record of Amphora ohridana (Bacillariophyceae) in Poland/ R. M. Gogorev, Z. V. Pushina, M. Melles & S. R. Verkulich: New Thalassiosira species (Bacillariophyta) from Holocene sediments of the Bunger Oasis, East Antarctica/ K. Buczkó, N. Ognjanova-Rumenova & E. Magyari: Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of some Aulacoseira taxa in glacial lakes in the South Carpathian region/ N. G. Ognjanova-Rumenova & K. Buczkó: Taxonomic notes, typification and biostratigraphy of Diploneis carpathorum (Bacillariophyceae) and one new related species/ L. Denys and W. H. de Smet: Epipellis oiketis (Bacillariophyta) on harbor porpoises from the North Sea Channel (Belgium)/ A. Petrov, E. Nevrova, A. Terletskaya, M. Milyukin & V. Demchenko: Structure and taxonomic diversity of benthic diatom assemblage in a polluted marine environment (Balaklava Bay, Black Sea)/ M. Ronikier: Distribution of the arctic-alpine Ranunculus glacialis (Ranunculaceae) in the Carpathians with a new locality in the Fagaras Mountains (Romania)/ A. Ronikier & T. Borgen: Notes on Hygrocybe subsection Squamulosae from Poland/ K. Wilk: Icmadophila aversa and Piccolia conspersa, two lichen species new to Bolivia/ D. Kubiak: Phaeophyscia endophoenicea (Ascomycota, Physciaceae) in Polish lowlands/ K. Grodzinska, G. Szarek-Lukaszewska & B. Godzik: Pine forests of Zn-Pb post-mining areas of southern Poland/ D. Kubiak, P. Zaniewski & M. Wrzosek: Notes on the distribution of Sphinctrina anglica and its host in Poland
48.00 EURO
US$ 63.84
Wojtal, Agata Z.
The Diatoms of Kobylanka Stream near Krakow. 2009. (Polish Bot. Jl. 54:2) illus. 201 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In English.
The diatoms of Kobylanka stream, a small watercourse near Kraków (Wyyna Krakowsko-Czstochowska upland, S Poland), are described, illustrated with more than 1300 SEM and LM micrographs, and briefly discussed. Information on their ecology and their distribution generally, in Poland and on the Wyyna Krakowsko-Czstochowska is provided for every taxon from Kobylanka stream. The 307 diatom taxa identified in the stream include 289 species of 64 genera, 16 varieties and two forms; 26 diatoms are identified only to genus level. The first Polish records of 27 species are reported.
46.00 EURO
US$ 61.18
Wolowski, Konrad and Frantisek Hindak
Atlas of Euglenophytes. 2005. 417 figs. 136 p. 4to. Hardcover.
The first coloured micrograph atlas of euglenophyta species from Central Europe. Dichotomous keys for genera and infrageneric taxa. Glossary. 15 genera with 158 taxa are presented in 417 coloured SEM micrographs. Cell characteristics, geological age, evolutionary record, cell structure and reproduction, ecology, sampling, microscopy, laboratory cultures, taxonomy, terminology.
63.00 EURO
US$ 83.79
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