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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Fw:4th International Algae Congress 2010

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Oct 25 13:23:41 ART 2010

Programme 4th International Algae Congress 2010: 

Congress sessions will address the following themes: 

- Algae Projects 
- BioFuel 
- Synthetic Genomics/ GMO Algae 
- Markets - Economic potential 
- Regulations 
- Macro Algae 

Among presenters: 

- Mr. A. Lejeune PhD, Algenics FR 
- Mr. G. de Scheemaker, CEO CELLANA Hawaii USA 
- Mrs. M. Barbosa PhD MSc, WUR NL 
- Mr. S. P. Elmore PhD, CleanAlgae Gran Canaria ES 
- Prof. O. Krüse, University of Bielefeld DE 
- Ir. R. Korstanje, TNO NL 
- Mr. J. W. van Hal, Ph.D., Energy Center of the Netherlands (ECN) NL 
- Mr. K. Maniatis, Principal Administrator, European Commission BE - Invited 
- Mr. B. Lemmens, VITO NV BE 
- Prof. Dr. R.J. Bino, WUR NL 
- Dr. Ing. M.H.M. Eppink, WUR NL 
- Prof. I. Levine, University of Hawaii USA - Invited 
- Mr. J. Lenstra, Energy Center of the Netherlands (ECN) NL 
- Drs. A. Florentinus, Strategy Consultant Bio Energy, Ecofys Netherlands bv NL 
- Mr. J. Schipper, Hortimare NL 
- Dr. W.A. Brandenburg, WUR NL 
- Dr R. Nieves, FEYECON NL 
- Dr Stefan Kraan, Scientific Director and co-founder Ocean Harvest Technology Ltd IE
- Dr. Michele Stanley, Scottish Association for Marine Science, Scottish Marine Institute SC
More information on 


Met vriendelijke groet, Best regards, Mit freundlichen grüßen,




Tessa de Boer

Project Manager


Stationsplein Noord 4
The Netherlands
Tel:   +31 (0)348 484 002
Fax:  +31 (0)348 484 009

Mob: +31 (0)657 544 813 


Email:    tessa.deboer at



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