[Lista-Algas] Phycological Society of America 2011 Seattle Meeting
Visitación Conforti
conforti at bg.fcen.uba.ar
Fri Oct 1 19:27:15 ART 2010
>From Dale Casamatta (dcasamat at unf.edu<mailto:dcasamat at unf.edu>):
It is with great pleasure that we announce preliminary details for the
joint Phycological Society of America /International Society of
Protistologists meeting in Seattle, July 13-16, 2011, on the University of
Washington campus. Major symposia will include "Genomic insights into the
ecology and evolution of algae and protists" (genomics/metagenomics),
"Human impacts on the aquatic environment" (ocean acidification,
eutrophication, invasive species, etc.), "Algae and Human Health"
(negative and positive aspects), and one to be announced. Contributed
papers and posters in all areas of prokaryotic and eukaryotic phycology
and protistology are welcome, including such topics as: reproduction and
life history strategies; light harvesting; interactions between species
and trophic levels; aquaculture; development of biofuels and other algal
products; parasitism; education including service learning projects;
morphological taxonomy linked to genetic phylogenies; HABs; invasive
species; cell physiology and biochemistry with respect to environmental
gradients; taxonomy; health and nutrition; population structure and
genetic diversity; and new insights into cellular and developmental
We are also developing three exciting workshops: 1) statistics and
experimental design, 2) microscopy and 3) genomics tools. Both freshwater
and marine fieldtrips are in the works and, as always, a sumptuous
banquet, thrilling auction and excellent poster session shall all make
their usual appearances.
Early registration will begin March 1, 2011, and abstracts will be due
April 1, 2011. Housing on the University of Washington campus can be
reserved during registration.
Student members who plan to apply for Hoshaw Travel awards will submit
their abstract and application about a month prior to April 1, 2011;
information on this will be available by early winter on the PSA Website
(www.psaalgae.org <http://www.psaalgae.org> ). The Seattle area has many
cultural and recreational attractions, including during the week of the
meeting, "Taste of Seattle". Seattle's weather in mid-July is typically
sunny and pleasant.
For more information, including from interested vendors, please contact
Dale Casamatta (Program Chair, PSA, dcasamat at unf.edu) or Tim Nelson (Local
Organizer, PSA, tnelson at spu.edu <tnelson at spu.edu> ) for the phycologically
oriented, or Alastair Simpson (Program Chair, ISOP Alastair.Simpson at dal.ca
<mailto:Alastair.Simpson at dal.ca> ) and Evelyn Lessard (Local Organizer,
ISoP, elessard at u.washington.edu <mailto:elessard at u.washington.edu> ) on
the ISoP side.
We look forward to seeing you in Seattle!
PSA mailing list
PSA at lists.spu.edu
Dra. Visitación Conforti
Dpto. de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental
Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II, 4° Piso, 1428, Cuidad de Buenos Aires,
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