[Lista-Algas] PhD modelling of marine phytoplankton
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 15:00:02 ART 2010
Barcelona 19/11/2010
Dear colleagues, the Mediterranean Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CMIMA http://www.cmima.csic.es), one of the largest centres for marine research in Spain with about 200 staff and close to 100 pre- and postdoctoral researchers, and the Spanish Science Foundation (CSIC http://www.csic.es) are proposing a PhD opportunity to apply for a 4-year FPU funded studentship. The applicant would be hosted by the Marine Technology Unit (UTM) which is integrated into the CMIMA. The PhD programme consists of the research component and, depending on the academic background of the student, he or she may also be required to complete an initial course component (at the University of Barcelona). Project:
The project will be focused on individual based (Lagrangian) modelling of marine phytoplankton and its application to our field site in Alfacs Bay (200km south of Barcelona), a physically complex coastal environment where recurring harmful algal bloom events have significant impacts on the local economy. Individual based models can be very powerful tools which allow the user to address certain issues that cannot be addressed using the classical Eulerian approach. These include: phytoplankton physiological (photo-acclimation, -protection, etc.) and subsequent behavioural (motility) responses to environmental forcings (currents and turbulence) and stresses caused by sub- or supra-optimal resource availability (of light, nutrients, etc).
The student will use an existing 1D formulation of a coupled physical-biological Lagrangian model (Ross & Geider 2009, Mar Ecol Prog Ser 383:53-71) and extend it to 3 dimensions by coupling it to an existing 3D Eulerian model. Specific tasks would involve the parallelisation of the existing code, the coupling of the 1D model to either our existing 3D model or the local implementation of the ROMS model (which should become available in 2011), and the adaptation of the code to make use of the capabilities of Graphical Processor Units (GPUs) for program execution. There is also a strong interest in hyperspectral optical methods in our group and we are currently installing an autonomous hyperspectral profiling system at our field site. Depending on the student's interests, this could also become a subcomponent of the project. In addition, there is the possibility to participate in some field campaigns and receive training in the use of a CTD, SCAMP, ADCP and AUV. As part of their training, the successful applicant would also be given the opportunity to visit relevant international research institutes for extended stays of up to 3 months at a time (fully-funded).
Required profile:
. Highly motivated student with a higher degree (preferably MSc or equivalent) in physical oceanography, physics, computer science or similar discipline and an interest to apply his/her skills to the field of marine science and work as part of an interdisciplinary research group
. Excellent programming skills (preferably in Fortran and Matlab/Python or equivalent languages)
. Good level of spoken and written English
Salary and application procedure:
The salary is initially paid as a stipend of about 1200 Euros (free of tax deductions) and increases in the 3rd year to a salary of around 1500 Euros (with social benefits and a tax deduction of about 300 Euros). Candidates should send their CV, scanned copies of their degree(s) and academic transcripts, as well as a presentation letter stating their interests and suitability for the position, together with the names and contact details of two referees to Oliver Ross (email: ross at icm.csic.es) or Jaume Piera (email: jpiera at cmima.csic.es). The deadline for applications is the 12 December 2010 with an envisaged start date of mid to late 2011.
Best regards, Oliver Ross & Jaume Piera
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