[Lista-Algas] LIBROS sobre algas ofrecidos por KOELTZ y BALOGH
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 00:44:46 ART 2010
P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany
E-mail: koeltz at t-online.de Web: www.koeltz.com
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Braune, Wolfram and Michael D. Guiry
Seaweeds. A colour guide to common benthic green, brown and red algae of the world's oceans. Translated and revised for the English language edition by Michael D. Guiry. 2011. 1020 figs on 263 col. plates. 601 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-90-2)
Due January 2011. Orders will be recorded. The price is still provisional.- Contents: General and introductory remarks for the use of this book/ Introduction (About the term 'marine algae'/ Basic information on structure and reproduction/ Localities, habitats, distribution/ Notes on collection, preparation, observation and photography/ Ecological and economic importance of seaweeds and aesthetic - cultural aspects)/ Systematic classification/ Description and depiction of genera and species/ Appendix (Classification of seaweed genera included in this book/ Explanation of terms/ Literature)/ Index: Genera and species. - This a translation from the German edition (2008).15 pictures have been replaced with better ones, and seven species have been added. - The present guide will help in the identification of marine algae (macroalgae, seaweeds) without requiring a special knowledge of the subject and technical aids, such as a microscope. For a person interested in nature with a general interest in and knowledge of biology, a direct comparison of seaweed material with the original colour images herein will be useful in recognising the essential morphological chararcteristics of genera and/or species. The acommpanying text is intended to support this, and is essentially reduced to a description of morphological characteristics that can be seen with the unaided eye (although a small magnifying lense is helpful in some cases). This is supplemented by additional information, particularly on habitat and geographical distribution.
59.00 EURO
US$ 85.55
Flora Algarum Ucrainicae
Volume 11: Massjuk, Nadia P.: Chlorophyta. Fasc. 1: Phytomonadina. Descriptio generalis. Pars 1: Structure, reproductio, ontogenesis et cycli evolutionis. 2010. 47 photogr. pls. Many line - figs. 313 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In Ukrainian, with Latin nomenclature, Latin species index and brief English summary.
Original data and data from literature on structure, reproduction, ontogenesis and developmental cycles of green flagellar algae of five classes (Prasinophyceae, Pendinophyceae, Chlorodendrophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Mesostigmatophyceae) and two divisions (Chlorophyta and Streprophyta). Discussion of taxonomical importance of seperate characters of these algae and potential for use in modern taxonomy of flagellated algae.
68.00 EURO
US$ 98.60
Patrick,Ruth Myrtle and Charles W.Reimer
The Diatoms of the United States(excl.of Alaska and Hawaii).Vol.1:Fragillariaceae,Eunotiaceae, Achnanthaceae,Naviculaceae.1966.(Academy of Sciences,Philadelphia, Monograph 13).64 plates.688 p.gr8vo.Cloth.
Contents:Introduction/Morphology/Physiology/Reproduction/Distribution/ Diatom Communities/Classification/Methods and Techniques for Collecting and Preparing Diatoms for Study/Systematic Section:Fragillariaceae, Eunotiaceae,Achnanthaceae, Naviculaceae. -All taxa are illustrated.
110.00 EURO
US$ 159.50
Payri, Claude, Antoine de R. N'Nyeurt and Joel Orempuller
Algues de Polynesie francaise/ Algae of French Polynesia. 2000. Many col. photogr. 320 p. Paper bd. Bilingual (French / English).
With some 118 islands ranging from volcanic islands to atolls, French Polynesia offers a rich range of habitats for a variety of algae. This book is a profusely illustrated identification guide to some species. Keys, anatomical diagrams, general information (use, collection preservation, etc.). Includes also a chapter on flowering plants.
65.00 EURO
US$ 94.25
Sigee, David
Freshwater Microbiology. Biodiversity and Dynamic Interactions of Microorganisms in the Aquatic Environment. 2005. 544 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This unique textbook takes a broad look at the rapidly expanding field of fresh water microbiology. Concentrating on the interactions between viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi and micro-invertebrates, the book gives a wide biological appeal.
46.00 EURO
US$ 66.70
Balogh International, Inc.
1911 North Duncan Road, Champaign IL 61822 USA
+1 217 355 9331; fax: +1 217 355 9413
http://www.balogh.com scott at balogh.com
scott at BALOGH.COM
The Cytoskeleton of the Algae. Diedrik Menzel. 1992. ISBN: 0-8493-6679-8.
453 pp. Hardcover. List $405.00, Sale $202.50
Algae: Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Biotechnology. Laura Barsanti, et al.
2006. ISBN: 0-8493-1467-4. 301 pp. Hardcover. List $126.00, Sale $63.00
Bioremediation of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems. Milton Fingerman, et
al. 2005. ISBN: 1-57808-364-8. 400 pp. Hardcover. List $120.00, Sale $60.00
Biomaterial From Aquatic and Terrestrial Organisms. Milton Fingerman, et al.
2006. ISBN: 1-57808-429-6. 610 pp. Hardcover. List $150.00, Sale $75.00
Assessing the Conservation Value of Fresh Waters: An International
Perspective. Philip J. Boon, et al. 2009. ISBN: 978-0-521-84885-5. 293 pp.
Hardcover. List $142.00, Sale $71.00
Checking the Pulse of Lake Erie. M. Munawar. 2008. ISBN: 978-81-7898-591-6.
640 pp. Paperback. List $206.00, Sale $103.00
State of Lake Ontario: Past, Present and Future. M. Munawar. 2003. ISBN:
81-7898-299-4. 664 pp. Hardcover. List $255.00, Sale $128.00
State of Lake Michigan: Ecology, Health, and Management. M. Munawar. 2005.
ISBN: 81-7898-458-X. 639 pp. Hardcover. List $255.00, Sale $128.00
A Check-list of the Algae of the Federal District (Brazil). Scripta Botanica
Belgica Volume 16. P.A.C. Senna. 1998. ISBN: 90-72619-40-4. 88 pp.
Paperback. List $34.00, Sale $17.00
Flore Algologique des Cotes du Nord de la France et de la Belgique. Eric
Coppejans, et al. Scripta Botanica Belgica Volume 9. ISBN: 90-72619-16-1.
454 pp. Paperback. List $120.00, Sale $60.00
Handbook of the Taxonomic Names Asoociated with the non-marine
Rhodophycophyta. Franklyn Dewayne Ott. 2009. ISBN: 978-3-443-50034-4. 969
pp. Paperback. List $224.00, Sale $112.00
Ecology of Desert Rivers. Richard Kingsford. 2006. ISBN: 0-521-81825-7. 354
pp. Hardcover. List $134.00, Sale $67.00
Phytoplankton Productivity: Carbon Assimilation in Marine and Freshwater
Ecosystem. P.J. le B. Williams, et al. 2002. ISBN: 978-0-632-05711-5. 386
pp. Hardcover. List $250.00, Sale $125.00
Aquatic Ecosystems: Trends & Global Prospects. Nicholas V.C. Polunin. 2008.
ISBN: 978-0-521-83327-1. 482 pp. Hardcover. List $165.00, Sale $83.00
Practical Guidelines for the Analysis of Seawater. Oliver Wurl. 2009. ISBN:
978-1-4200-7306-5. 401 pp. Hardcover. List $150.00, Sale $75.00
Eutrophication Processes in Coastal Systems. Robert J. Livingston. 2001.
ISBN: 0-8493-9062-1. 327 pp. Hardcover. List $153.00, Sale $77.00
Restoration of Aquatic Systems. Robert J. Livingston. 2006. ISBN:
0-8493-1966-8. 423 pp. Hardcover. List $140.00, Sale $70.00
Microbial Ecology of the Oceans. 2nd Edition. David L. Kirchman. 2008. ISBN:
978-0-470-04344-8. 593 pp. Hardcover. List $110.00, Sale $56.00
Respiration in Aquatic Ecosystems. Paul A del Giorgio. 2005. ISBN:
0-19-852708-X. 315 pp. Paperback. List $120.00, Sale $60.00
Marine Ecology: Concepts and Applications. Martin Speight, et al. 2010.
ISBN: 978-1-4051-2699-1. 276 pp. Hardcover. List $150.00, Sale $75.00
Biofouling. Simone Durr. 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4051-6926-4. 429 pp. Hardcover.
List $200.00, Sale $100.00
Body Size: The Structure and Function of Aquatic Ecosystems. Alan Hildrew,
et al. 2007. ISBN: 978-0-521-67967-1. 343 pp. Paperback. List $76.00, Sale
Algae, Environment and Human Affairs. W. Wiessner, et al. 1995. ISBN:
0-948737-30-1. 258 pp. Hardcover. List $96.00, Sale $48.00
An Atlas of British Diatoms. P.A. Sims. 1996. ISBN: 0-948737-45-X. 601 pp.
Hardcover. List $170.00, Sale $85.00
Algae and Symbioses. W. Reisser. 1992. ISBN: 0-948737-15-8. 746 pp.
Hardcover. List $166.00, Sale $83.00
Bibliotheca Phycologica
Volume 115. Soil and freshwater algae from coastal region of Orissa state,
India. Siba Prasad Adhikary, et al. 2009. ISBN: 3-443-60042-6. 166 pp.
Paperback. List $130.00, Sale $65.00
Bibliotheca Phycologica
Band 110. Encyclopedia of Chrysophyte Genera. Jorgen Kristiansen, et al.
2001. ISBN: 3-443-60037-9. 260 pp. Paperback. List $135.00, Sale $68.00
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