Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] 1st Announcement - The 4th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology (ISAP) - Halifax, Canada, June 19th - 24th, 2011

Visitación Conforti conforti at
Mon May 24 15:17:08 ART 2010

Asunto: 1st Announcement - The 4th Congress of the International Society
for Applied Phycology (ISAP) - Halifax, Canada, June 19th - 24th, 2011
De:     "ISAP 2011" <ISAP2011 at>
Fecha:  Vie, 21 de Mayo de 2010, 11:48
Para:   "ISAP 2011" <ISAP2011 at>

*** Please view attached announcement for ISAP 2011 ***

ISAP 2011, June 19th - 24th, 2011 - Halifax, Canada

Algal enthusiasts take note: The 4th Congress of the International Society
for Applied Phycology will be held in Halifax, Canada from June 19th -
24th, 2011.

This meeting will be hosted by Canada's National Research Council -
Institute for Marine Biosciences at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront
Hotel.  Located in the heart of the city, this venue provides an
opportunity to experience our vibrant and historic waterfront.  Join your
colleagues to discuss relevant issues regarding the cultivation,
application, and commercialization of algae.

The congress website with registration and program information will be
available shortly.  A call for abstracts will be issued in the autumn.

A warm welcome awaits you in Halifax.

Stephen O'Leary and Alan Critchley
Co-Chairs of the Local Organizing Committee for ISAP 2011
E-mail: ISAP2011 at

Dra. Visitación Conforti
Dpto. de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental
Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II, 4° Piso, 1428, Cuidad de Buenos Aires,
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