[Lista-Algas] Harmful Algal Blooms in Benthic Systems
Andrés Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 16:37:55 ART 2010
Open Science Meeting on Harmful Algal Blooms in Benthic Systems
Honolulu, 21-24 June, 2010
The Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) program is pleased to announce an open science meeting (OSM) on HABs in Benthic Systems, to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA on 21-24 June 2010. The OSM will present the latest knowledge on the environmental causes and controls of benthic HAB species, such as Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis, and will result in a plan for research to advance our knowledge. The OSM will include plenary presentations, discussion sessions, and a poster session. Abstracts should be contributed through the registration website.
The OSM will be held at the Hilton Waikiki Prince Kuhio Hotel. The registration fees for the meeting will be
Full Fee, early registration
Full Fee, late registration
Student fee, early registration
Student fee, late registration
Early registration is open now (see http://www.confmanager.com/main.cfm?cid=2067) and will extend until 1 May 2010. Registration fee covers participation in all scheduled conference events by the attendees. Information on accommodation options is available at the registration web site.
Training Workshop: 'Taxonomy challenges and identification of benthic dinoflagellates'.
In conjunction with the meeting there will be a training workshop from 25 to 28 June on 'Taxonomy challenges and identification of benthic dinoflagellates'. The training workshop will include microscopy and molecular techniques. Trainers include Drs. Jacob Larsen, Wayne Litaker, Pat Tester and Mona Hoppenrath. The training workshop can accommodate at maximum 16 participants. The training workshop is open to participants in the open science meeting. There is no additional fee to attend the training workshop but participants are expected to cover their own accommodation and meals. Please click on the link to the training workshop on the left side of this screen for information about how to register for the workshop.
Additional information about the Open Science Meeting and the subsequent Training Workshop is available at www.geohab.info.
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