[Lista-Algas] libros
Andrés Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 16:01:53 ART 2010
koeltz at t-online.de
Bibliotheca Diatomologica
Bibliotheca Diatomologica: Volume 055: Kulikovskiy, Maxim S., Horst Lange - Bertalot, Andrzej Witkowski, Nadwzsada I Dorofeyuk and Sergei I. Genkal: Diatom Assemblages from Sphagnum Bogs of the World. Part I: Nur bog in northern Mongolia. 2010. 118 plates. 326 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
109.00 EURO
US$ 158.05
Boergesen, Frederik
The Marine Algae of the Danish West Indies.3 parts. 1914-1920.(Dansk Botanisk Arkiv,Bind 1-3).605 figs.726 p.gr8vo.Bound in 1 volume. Reprint 1985. (ISBN 3-87429-253-3).
Covers Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae.
103.00 EURO
US$ 149.35
Buteyko, Vladimir
Harmful algal blooms. Impact and response. 2010. (Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology). Hardcover.
Algae are the most abundant photosynthetic organisms in marine and freshwater ecosystems and are essential, energy-producing components of aquatic food webs. Harmful algal bloom or "HAB" species are a small subset of algal species that produce toxins and/or bloom to excess, thus creating harm to humans and ecosystems. Humans, domestic animals, and wildlife, including endangered species, can be exposed to algal toxins through their food, drinking water, the water in which they swim, or aerosols. It is widely believed that the frequency and geographic distribution of HABs have been increasing worldwide. All U.S. coastal states have experienced HABs over the last decade, and new species have emerged in some locations that were not previously known to cause problems. The authors of this book analyze and discuss the most recent research done in this field.This book consists of public documents which have been located, gathered, combined, reformatted, and enhanced with a subject index, selectively edited and bound to provide easy access. Contents: Preface / Harmful Algal Bloom Management and Response: Assessment and Plan (Council on Environmental Quality, Office of Science and Technology Policy) / Harmful Algal Blooms Hearing- Anderson Testimony / Harmful Algal Blooms Hearing-Magnien Testimony / Reducing Harmful Algal Blooms and Impacts / Index.
135.00 EURO
US$ 195.75
Demirbas, Ayhan
Algae Energy. Algae as a new source of Biodiesel. 2010. (Green Energy and Technology). illus. XXIV, 280 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Due August 2010.- Algal oil can be an important source of biomass and algaes ability to grow almost anywhere has encouraged scientists to also investigate its potential as a source of biodiesel. The book covers the production of algae culture and the usage of algal biomass conversion products. It also reviews modern biomass-based transportation fuels, including biodiesel, bio-oil, biomethane and biohydrogen. Each chapter opens with fundamental explanations suitable for those with a general interest in algae energy and goes on to provide in-depth scientific details for more expert readers. Algae energy is discussed within the wider context of green energy, with chapters covering topics such as: green energy facilities, algae technology, energy from algae and biodiesel from algae.
139.00 EURO
US$ 201.55
Kadlubowska, Joanna Z.
Conjugatophyceae I. 1984. (Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa,16).789 Fig.532 S.8vo.Kunststoffeinband.
Antiquarisches Exemplar des orifinaldrucks.
64.00 EURO
US$ 92.80
Lavoie, Isabelle, Paul B. Hamilton, Stéphane Campeau, Martine Grenier, and Peter J. Dillon
Guide d'Identification des Diatomées des Rivières de l'Est du Canada. 2008. illus.(partly col.). 252 p. 4to. Paper bd.
This book is based on extensive research on diatoms of more than 100 Canadian rivers. Introductory chapters on morphology and ecology of diatoms, collection techniques, analysis, etc. Taxonomy of diatoms, 68 plates with over 2000 micrographs. The taxonomic plates illustrate 540 taxa observed in the rivers of eastern Canada.
52.00 EURO
US$ 75.40
McBrewster, John, Frederick P. Miller and Agnes F. Vandrome (eds.)
Algae fuel. Biofuel, algae, algacuture, vegetable fats and oils, biodiesel, biogasoline, methanol fuel, butanol fuel, biodegradation, soybean, aquatic....seaweed, botryococcus braunii, chlorella. 2009. 160 p. gr8vol
The price is still tentative.
72.00 EURO
US$ 104.40
Payri, Claude, Antoine de R. N'Nyeurt and Joel Orempuller
Algues de Polynesie francaise/ Algae of French Polynesia. 2000. Many col. photogr. 320 p. Paper bd. Bilingual (French / English).
With some 118 islands ranging from volcanic islands to atolls, French Polynesia offers a rich range of habitats for a variety of algae. This book is a profusely illustrated identification guide to some species. Keys, anatomical diagrams, general information (use, collection preservation, etc.). Includes also a chapter on flowering plants.
65.00 EURO
US$ 94.25
Quanxi, Wang, Cao Jianguo, Liu Yan and Qin Na
Atlas of Algae in Shanghai Jiuduansha Wetland Nature Reserve and Its Adjacent Waters. 2008. 90 (44 col. ) pls., plus 70 p. of text. 4to. Hardcover. - In Chinese, with Latin nomenclature. and Latin species index.
An interesting book, with high quality micrographs. Over half of the plates and text deal with Bacillariophyta ( Centricae and Pennatae).
98.00 EURO
US$ 142.10
Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa
Band 1: Starmach,Karol: Chrysophyceae und Haptophyceae.1985.1038 Fig.515 S.8vo.Kunstleder.
Antiquarisches Exemplar des Originaldrucks.
48.00 EURO
US$ 69.60
Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa
Band 2:1:Krammer,Kurt und Horst Lange-Bertalot: Bacillariophyceae I: Naviculaceae.1986.206 Tafeln mit 2976 Figuren. XVI,876 S.8vo.Gebunden.
Antiquarisches Exemplar des Originaldrucks.
80.00 EURO
US$ 116.00
Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa
Band 04: Rieth,Alfred: Xanthophyceae, part 2.1980.61 figs.147 p.8vo.Bound.
Antiquarisches Exemplar des Originaldrucks.
41.00 EURO
US$ 59.45
Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa
Band 10: Ettl, Hanus und Georg Gaert- ner: Chlorophyta II: Tetrasporales, Chlorococcales, Gloeodendrales.1988. 311 Fig. 7 Tab. XII,436 S. 8vo. Gebunden.
Antiquarisches Exemplar des Originaldrucks.
54.00 EURO
US$ 78.30
Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa
Band 14: Mrozinska, Teresa: Chlorophyta VI. 1985. 1000 Fig. 560 S. 8vo. Hardcover.
Antiquarisches Exemplar des Originaldrucks.
78.00 EURO
US$ 113.10
Band 2: Krammer, Kurt und Horst Lange-Bertalot: Bacillariophyceae. Teil 2: Bacillariaceae, Epithemia- ceae, Surirellaceae. 1988. 184 Tafeln. 596 S. 8vo. Hardcover.
Antiquarisches Exemplar des Originaldrucks.
60.00 EURO
US$ 87.00
Xuechegn, Zhang, Qin Song, Ma Jiahai and Xu Pu
The Genetics of Marine Algae. 2005. pls. tabs. 335 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.- In Chinese, with English introduction, explanations and bibliography.
Contents: Introduction / Molecular Genetics of Marine Prokaryotic Microalgae / Genetics of Marine Eukaryotic Microalgae / Genetics of Marine Green Algae / Genetics of Marine Brown Algae / Molecular Genetics of Marine Brown Algae / Genetics of Marine Red Algae, Porphyra / Genetics of Marine Red Algae, Gracilaria / Molecular Genetics of Marine Red Algae / Appendix Gene loci and coding products.
42.00 EURO
US$ 60.90
Balogh International
scott at balogh.com
Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 55
Diatom assemblages from Sphagnum bogs of the World. I. Nur bog in northern Mongolia. Ed.: Maxim S. Kulikovskiy; Horst Lange-Bertalot; Andrzej Witkowski; Nadwzsda I. Dorofeyuk; Sergei I. Genkal. 2010. ISBN: 978-3-443-57046-0. 326 pp., 1 figure, 118 plates. Paperback. $187.20
Polar Microbiology: The Ecology, Biodiversity and Bioremediation Potential of Microorganisms in Extremely Cold Environments. Asim K. Bej; Jackie Aislabie; Ronald M. Atlas. 2009. ISBN: 9781420083842. 424 pp. Hardcover. $159.95
The only book to cover the breadth of microbial ecology and diversity in polar regions with an emphasis on bioremediation, Polar Microbiology: The Ecology, Biodiversity, and Bioremediation Potential of Microorganisms in Extremely Cold Environments examines the diversity of polar microorganisms and their ability to degrade petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants in polar terrestrial and aquatic environments. Providing a unique perspective of these microorganisms in extremely cold temperatures, the book focuses on their taxonomy, physiology, biochemistry, population structure, bioremediation potential, and potential for biotechnology applications. Leading investigators in the field provide complete coverage of the microbiology relevant to the study of biodiversity and biodegradation of pollutants in the Arctic and Antarctic, including:
* Microbial extremophiles living in cold and subzero temperature environments
* Genetics and physiology of cold adaptation of microorganisms
* Biodegradative microbial consortia in a defined closed environment
* Molecular characterization of biodegradative microbial populations
* Molecular approaches to assess biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons
* Environmental impact of hydrocarbon contamination
* Microbial biodiversity across Antarctic deserts
Methods for the Study of Deep-Sea Sediments, Their Functioning and Biodiversity. Roberto Danovaro. 2009. ISBN: 9781439811375. 458 pp. Hardcover. $139.95
For years scientists viewed the deep sea as calm, quiet, and undisturbed, with marine species existing in an ecologically stable and uniform environment. Recent discoveries have completely transformed that understanding and the deep sea is recognized as a complicated and dynamic environment with a rich diversity of marine species. Carefully designed to provide practical information in an easily accessible format, Methods for the Study of Deep-Sea Sediments, Their Functioning, and Biodiversity covers how to investigate the biological components through analysis of their biodiversity. It also provides the protocols and methodological details needed to investigate some aspects of the functional biodiversity of variables commonly utilized to describe and understand the drivers of deep-sea ecosystem functioning. This volume contains detailed protocols for analyzing all benthic components from benthic viruses, prokaryotes, protozoa, foraminifera, to meio-, macro-, and megafauna. It includes step-by-step procedures, with additional notes on the crucial steps or possible difficulties arising from the analysis. Each chapter provides a brief introduction, a description of the sampling procedures and/or the sample treatment, and then the laboratory protocols, providing information on instrument setting and/or the solutions utilized. Each chapter also contains a visual scheme of the protocol for use during laboratory activities and for tracking each laboratory step. Linking information on biodiversity with the functioning of the marine ecosystems, the book covers all living components of the benthos. It provides practical information for anyone studying deep-sea habitats, their characteristics, functioning, and biodiversity.
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