[Lista-Algas] LIBROS ofrecidos por KOELTZ
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 19:55:18 ART 2010
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Buchholz, Rainer and Christian Walter (eds.)
Microalgae Biotechnology. 2010. (Marine and Freshwater Botany). figs. tabs. XX, 280 p. Hardcover.
Due November 2010.- With the high interest in new sources of biofuel, the field of algal biotechnology has undergone a huge leap in importance. This book includes not only the biological fundamentals of microalgae biotechnology, but provides an overview of applications and products. It also includes a survey in special aspects in process engineering of algae fermentation including sterility, light supply, mass production and downstream processing. 119.95 EURO US$ 149.94
Ciugulea, Ionel and Richard E. Triemer
A Color Atlas of Photosynthetic Euglenoids. 2010. Many col. figs. 232 p. Hardcover.
This brilliantly illustrated atlas provides a simple visual tool to help identify photosynthetic euglenoids, flagellated single celled organisms. The atlas provides basic background information such as the history of the various genera, notes on where they can be found, what the cells look like, and the internal and external structures that can be used to identify species. A dichotomous key provides a simple means to identify each of the genera, and a full glossary defines all of the scientific terms used in the text. The main body of the book consists of high resolution color plates of each of the species, organized by genus. The photographs on each plate illustrate the main features used to identify each organism, such as size and body shape, flagellar length, pellicle structure, type of chloroplast, shape, and arrangement of mucocysts. This text will be useful to phycologists, protozoologists, ecologists studying wetland systems, and managers of reservoirs, lakes, ponds and natural resources. 112.00 EURO US$ 140.00
Flora Algarum Marinarum Sinicarum
Volume 02: Rhodophyta,2: Tseng, C.K.: Acrochetiales, Nemaliales, Bonnemaisoniales. 2005. 8 pls. 125 figs. XXIII, 180 p. Harcover. - Cinese, with Latin nomen- clarure and Latin species index, English keys, and Diagnoses Algarum Novarum in Hoc Tomo Descriptarum ' (8 p.). 48.00 EURO US$ 60.00
Heimann, Kirsten and Christos Katsaros (eds.)
Advances in Algal Cell Biology. 2011. (Marine and Freshwater Botany). figs. X, 180 p. Paper bd.
Due May 2011.- Molecular research on algae over the last decades has provided significant insights into universal biological mechanisms. This knowledge has proved essential to the field of biotechnology where research on new applications in food culture, biofuel and pharmaceuticals is underway. 99.95 EURO US$ 124.94
Die Kieselalgen Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz.Mit Berücksichtigung der übrigen Länder Europas sowie der angrenzenden Meeresgebiete.3 Vols.1927-1964.(Rabenhorst,Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland...,Band VII).4220 figs.XII,2581 p.(Third Reprint, Königstein 1991. Cloth. (ISBN 3-87429-115-4).
Single volumes EUR 90.00.- each. - A classic item on Diatoms of Central Europe.- This is a 1991 reprinted edition reprinted in cooperation with an Indian publisher.The larger part of the illustrations are line- drawings. 246.00 EURO US$ 307.50
Leclerc, Véronique et Jean-Yves Floc'h
Les secrets des algues. 2010. (Coll. Carnets de Sciences). col. photogr. 167 p. Paper bd.
What is the link between the red-blood spots in the snow and the giant algae in some seas? What analogies exist between the algae which colour certain polluted lakes and those which periodically prevent marine molluscs from being consumed? How do some algae manage to climb trees or onto the roofs of certain dwellings? What are their constituent substances, whose virtues are regularly extolled. These are just a few of the questions to which this book attempts to find answers. It gives a glimpse into the strange secrets of algae and suggests a few keys, scientific names and technical terms, to help the most curious unlock the doors to this fascinating world, known as Algae in laymen's terms. 28.00 EURO US$ 35.00
Likens, Gene E. (ed.)
Plankton of Inland Waters. A Derivative of Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. 2010. figs. col. illus. XI, 398 p. Hardcover.
Covers protists, bacteria, fungi, algae, and zooplankton as well as the functional and system interaction of planktonic and attached forms in aquatic ecosystems. Includes an up to date summary of global aquatic ecosystems and issues. - Introduction to the plankton of inland waters, G. E. Likens // PROTISTS, BACTERIA and FUNGI: Planktonic and Attached Archaea, E.O. Casamayor, C.M. Borrego/ Bacteria, Attached to Surfaces, J.-F. Carrias, T. Sime-Ngando/ Bacteria, Bacterioplankton ,R.D. Robarts, G.M. Carr/ Bacteria, Distribution and Community Structure, A.C. Yannarell, A.D. Kent/ Fungi, Pages, V. Gulis, K.A. Kuehn, K. Suberkropp/ Protists, R.W. Sanders/ Sulfur Bacteria, A. Camacho / Viruses, P. Peduzzi, B. Luef/ - ALGAE (INCLUDING CYANOBACTERIA): Planktonic and Attached Algae, L. Krienitz /The Phycogeography of Freshwater Algae, J. Padisák / Algae of River Ecosystems, R.J. Stevenson/ Chrysophytes - Golden Algae, J. Kristiansen Cyanoprokaryota and Other Prokaryotic Algae, A. Sukenik, T. Zohary, J. Padisák/ Cyanobacteria, W.F. Vincent/ Diatoms, S. Sabater/ Green Algae, L. Naselli-Flores, R. Barone / Other Phytoflagellates and Groups of Lesser Importance, N. Salmaso, M. Tolotti / Photosynthetic Periphyton and Surfaces, M.E. Azim/ - ZOOPLANKTON: Rotifera, R.L. Wallace, H.A. Smith /Cladocera, J.E. Havel / Copepoda, C.E. Williamson, J.W. Reid Fox / Other Zooplankton, L.G. Rudstam / Cyclomorphosis and Phenotypic Changes, C. Laforsch, R. Tollrian / Diel Vertical Migration, L.D. Meester/ Egg Banks,N.G. Hairston Jr., J.A./ Competition and Predation, Z.M. Gliwicz / ECOSYSTEM INTERACTIONS: Phytoplankton Nutrition and Related Mixotrophy, J.A. Raven, S.C. Maberly /Chemosynthesis, A. Enrich-Prast, D. Bastviken, P. Crill / Phytoplankton Population Dynamics: Concepts and Performance Measurement, Reynolds/ Phytoplankton Population Dynamics in Natural Environments, C.S. Reynolds/ Phytoplankton Productivity, M.T. Dokulil, C. Kaiblinger / Comparative Primary Production, M.T. Dokulil / Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs, V. Istvánovics/ Role of Zooplankton in Aquatic Ecosystems/ Microbial Food Webs, J. Pernthaler, T. Posch / Trophic Dynamics in Aquatic Ecosystems, U. Gaedke / Harmful Algal Blooms, J.M. Burkholder. 79.00 EURO US$ 98.75
Norris, James N.
Marine Algae of the northern Gulf of California. Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae. 2010. (Smithsonian Contributions to Botany, 94). photogr. figs. maps. X, 276 p. Paper bd.
This treatment constitutes a taxonomic study of the green and brown algae known in the northern Gulf of California. In all, 133 species were found: 4 classes, 7 orders, 13 families, 20 genera, and 36 species of Chlorophyta, and 9 orders, 15 families, 26 genera and 70 species of Phaeophyceae. Accepted names, keys, descriptoions of the orders, families, genera, and species, current name, basionym, type locality, synonyms, etc. 29.00 EURO US$ 36.25
Pettersson, L., D. Duran, O. Johannesson and D. Pozdnyakov
Monitoring of Harmful Algae Blooms. 2010. (Springer Praxis Books /Geophysical Sc.) illus. 350 p. Hardcover.
Contents (partly): Aspects of Harmful Algae Blooms/ Biology and ecology of some harmful algae species (focus on Chantonella-tbd)/ Retrieval of algae bloom related quantities from space/ Monitoring algae bloom from space/ Integrated approach for operational and forecasting harmful algae bloom events/ Outlook.- Due July 2010. Orders will be recorded. 140.00 EURO US$ 175.00
Phillips, Louise
The taxonomy of selected tribes and genera of the Rhodomelaceae: A molecular and anatomical appraisal of selected members of the red algae family Rhodomelaceae (Ceramiales: Rhodophyta). XII, 486 p. Paper bd.
The author studies tribes and genera, all of which have a strong Australasian component. Anatomical and molecular analyses have been undertaken on members of the tribes Amansieae, Pleurostichidieae, Streblocladieae and Sonderelleae, which resulted in the description of two new genera, three new species, and one new tribe as well as the resurrection of two genera and the recombination of ten species. The taxonomic position and validity of the studied tribes and genera has also been established. 132.00 EURO US$ 165.00
Susswasserflora von Mitteleuropa
Band 09: Ettl, Hanus: Chlorophyta I. Phytomonadina.1983.1120 Fig.XIV,807 S.Gebunden.
Inhalt(partim):Chlorophyta,Allgemeiner Teil/ Phytomonadina-Chlorophyta I (Allgemeiner Teil,Spezieller Teil: Prasinophyceae,Ordnung Polyblepharidales,Ordnung Halosphaerales,Ordnung Tetraselmidales. Chlorophyceae:Ordnung Dunaliellales. Chlamydophyceae:Ordnung Chlamydomonadales,Ordnung Volvocales). 51.00 EURO US$ 188.75
Wiencke, Christian (ed.)
Biology of Polar Benthic Algae. 2010. (Marine and Freshwater Botany). figs. X, 350 p. Paper bd.
Due November 2010.- This work synthesizes the current state of knowledge on the biology of polar benthic marine algae and presents an outlook on their responses to changing environmental conditions in polar regions. Topics treated include environment, biodiversity and biogeography of micro- and macroalgae, including an update of the knowledge of the red algal flora of Antarctica. It treats the chemical ecology as well as the primary production and ecophysiology of polar benthic algae with new information on the important contribution of benthic microalgae to the productivity in costal areas. 119.00 EURO US$ 148.75
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