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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Libros ofercidos por Koeltz

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Tue Jul 13 13:56:44 ART 2010

P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany
E-mail: koeltz at Web: 
Phone (+49) (0) 6174 93720 Fax (+49)(0) 6174 937 240 

Biology of economic algae.1994.illustr.545 p.gr8vo. Hard cover.
Deals with Rhodophyta and Phaeophyta. - Special offer. Published price EUR 110.00 
55.00 EURO
US$ 68.75

Balech, Enrique
The Genus Alexandrium Halim (Dinoflagellata).1996. illustr. 151 p.Hardcover.
The author presents an historical discussion, details conservative characters for taxonomy of the group, description of each species, discusses the relationship with some other genera. The genus has now about 30 recognized species. 
107.00 EURO
US$ 133.75

Demirbas, Ayhan
Algae Energy. Algae as a new source of Biodiesel. 2010. (Green Energy and Technology).IX, 199 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Algal oil can be an important source of biomass and algae's ability to grow almost anywhere has encouraged scientists to also investigate its potential as a source of biodiesel. The book covers the production of algae culture and the usage of algal biomass conversion products. It also reviews modern biomass-based transportation fuels, including biodiesel, bio-oil, biomethane and biohydrogen. Each chapter opens with fundamental explanations suitable for those with a general interest in algae energy and goes on to provide in-depth scientific details for more expert readers. Algae energy is discussed within the wider context of green energy, with chapters covering topics such as: green energy facilities, algae technology, energy from algae and biodiesel from algae. 
130.00 EURO
US$ 162.50

Diatom Monographs
Edited by Andrzej Witkowski: Volume 12: Malgorzata Witak: Application of diatom biofacies in reconstructing the evolution of sedimentary basins. Records from the southern Baltic Sea differentiated by the extent of the Holocene marine transgressions and human impact. 2010. Many tabs. 295 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN: 978-3-906166-87-2)
This monograph presents results of diatom analyses of seven sediment cores taken from various depths of the Gulf of Gdansk between the Hel Peninsula and the coast of Gdansk and Gdynia. A further eight cores were drilled in the northern, southern and central part of the Vistula Lagoon. The present investigation enabled the determination of: the differentiation of diatom assemblage zones based on floristic spectra and ecological groupings; the correlation of palaeoecological units with reference to the following stages: Mastogloia Sea, Littorina Sea, Post - Littorina Sea including the last environmental changes linked to anthropogenic factor; the description of defined diatom biofacies, based on statistical analyses; the reconstruction of spatial and temporal development of both basins, with the emphasis on the role of inflows of sea and riverine waters. - In the press. Due end July 2010. Orders will be recorded. 
110.00 EURO
US$ 137.50

Flora Palaestina
Atlas of the Inland - Water Diatom Flora of Israel, by Aline Ehrlich.1995. 1 of catchment basins of Israel. 60 plates (LM & SEM).166 p.gr8vo.Cloth.
Posthumous publication by colleagues of the author, reviewed by Horst Lange - Bertalot. 
68.00 EURO
US$ 85.00

Gantt, Elisabeth (ed.) Handbook of Phycological Methods. Vol. 03: Developmental and Cytological Methods. 1980. illus. figs. 425 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Contents(shortened):Introd./ Experimental Algal Systems and Techniques (Control of morphogenesis in Micrasterias,Control of Development in Scenedesmus,Mating induction and flagellar adhesion in Chlamydomonas reinhardi,etc.)/ Light and Electron Microscopy:Preparative Methods (Photomicrography and special microscopic techniques,Polarized light, interference,and differential interference,Preparation of algae for light microscopy,Fixation,embedding,sectioning,and staining of algae for electron microscopy,etc.). 
118.00 EURO
US$ 147.50

Hallegraef, Gustaaf M., Chris J. S. Bolch, a. oth.
Algae of Australia: Phytoplankton of Temperate Coastal Waters. 2010. illus. 432 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Phytoplankton account for more than 90 per cent of the biomass of living organisms in the worlds seas and produce 50 per cent of the atmospheric oxygen we breathe. They form the base of all marine food webs and play a critical role in shaping global climate. There is an increasing appreciation of their value as key biological indicators of ocean health and the impact of climate change on marine life, fisheries and humans. This book, the product of decades of research by Professor Gustaaf Hallegraeff and 11 collaborators, provides descriptions and illustrations of 541 species known from the estuarine, coastal and offshore waters of southern Australia. It includes more than 1100 photographs and drawings, and represents the first guide for the identification of these fundamentally important microscopic algae in the temperate Australasian region. The book, incorporating comprehensive bibliographies and a glossary of technical terms, will become an indispensable resource for oceanographers, f isheries biologists, aquaculture managers, as well as enquiring non-specialists.  
112.00 EURO
US$ 140.00

Hasan, M.R. and R. Chakrabarti
Use of algae and aquatic macrophytes as feed in small-scale aquaculture. A review. 2009. (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 531). 132 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This technical paper presents a global review on the use of aquatic macrophytes as feed for farmed fish, with particular reference to their current and potential use by small-scale farmers. The review is organized under four major divisions of aquatic macrophytes: algae, floating macrophytes, submerged macrophytes and emergent macrophytes. Under floating macrophytes, Azolla, duckweeds and water hyacinths are discussed separately; the remaining floating macrophytes are grouped together and are reviewed as other floating macrophytes. The review covers aspects concerned with the production and/or cultivation techniques and use of the macrophytes in their fresh and/or processed state as feed for farmed fish. Efficiency of feeding is evaluated by presenting data on growth, food conversion and digestibility of target fish species. Results of laboratory and field trials and on-farm utilization of macrophytes by farmed fish species are presented. The paper provides information on the different processing methods employed (including composting and fermentation) and results obtained to date with different species throughout the world with particular reference to Asia. Finally, it gives information on the proximate and chemical composition of most commonly occurring macrophytes, their classification and their geographical distribution and environmental requirements. 
55.00 EURO
US$ 68.75

Lansdown, R.V.
A Field Guide to the Riverine Plants of Britain and Ireland. 2009. photogr. figs. 335 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This guide is designed as a source book for surveyors using standard river plant survey methods, it has been designed to support training in riverine plant identification. Dichotomous keys are provided to identify more than 900 taxa, including all the vascular plants and bryophytes likely to be encountered within the river recording zone, as well as information on most algae and a list of the lichen taxa that may occur along UK rivers. As well as identification guideance, the guide includes information on collection and preservation of voucher material, as well as lists of protected and alien riverine plants. Principally aimed at river surveyors but of practical use to a wider readership. Plant identification is based largely on vegetative features. Well laid out with general key, group keys and genus accounts. 
61.00 EURO
US$ 76.25

Wee, James L., Peter A. Siver and Anne - Marie Lott (eds.)
Chrysophytes: from fossil perspectives to molecular characterizations. Proceedings of the Seventh International Chrysophyte Symposium, Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, U. S. A., June 22 -27, 2008. Publ. 2010. (Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 136). illus. 331 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
The present volume contains 21 papers presented at the Seventh International Chrysophyte Symposium 2008 spanning a broad range of topics on chrysophytes and related heterokont organisms. Subjects dealt with include ecology, taxonomy, floristic works, phylogeny and evolution, molecular biology, physiology and paleolimnology. Of special interest are a group of papers that use geometric morphometric analyses to address taxonomic, biogeographic and phylogenetic questions related to chrysophytes and other microalgae. Ecological and floristic contributions include ones on lakes from the polar Ural Mountains, the Mesopotamia region of South America, the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey, and the Swiss Alps. Gene sequences are used to study hidden diversity in Synura and differences between two geographically distinct Heterosigma isolates, and production of polyunsaturated aldehydes is examined in Thalassiosira. Other contributions include ones on mixotrophy, biofilm dynamics, the recent invasion of Mallomonas pseudocoronata into lakes in Sweden, use of cysts in climate change research, paleolimnology of eastern North American lakes, an evaluation of the age of the Hueyatlaco early man site in Mexico, a comparison of the architecture of Mallomonas scale coverings between modern and 40 Ma specimens and bloom dynamics. Papers outlining the establishment of a Wiki for chrysophyte cysts, an on-line database for Eocene chrysophyte fossils, and ideas for preserving specimens in museums round out the volume. 
136.00 EURO
US$ 170.00
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