[Lista-Algas] ___SPAM___ Consulta bibliografica Grupos Funcionales
Teobaldo Náquira Villarroel
espermato_navi at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 12 21:20:34 ART 2010
Estimados colegas:
Los saludo cordialmente desde Peru, actulamente estoy elaborando mi tesis acerca de grupos funcionales de fitoplancton marino, quisiera saber si Uds tendran a disposicion los siguientes articulos:
Smayda, T.J. and C.S. Reynolds. - 2001. Community assembly in marine phytoplankton:application of recent models to harmful dinoflagellate blooms. J. Plankton Res., 23(5): 447-461.
Kruk, N. Mazzeo, G. Lacerot and C. S. Reynolds. Classification schemes for phytoplankton: a local validation of a functional approach to the analysis of species temporal replacement.
Reynolds, C. S. (1988) Functional morphology and the adaptive strategies of freshwater phytoplankton. In Sandgren, C. D. (ed.), Growth and Reproductive Strategies of Freshwater Phytoplankton. Cambridge University Press, pp. 388–433. ( en especial table 10-2 for separating the species into the three strategies -C,S and R-)
Phytoplankton strategies and diversity under different nutrient levels and planktivorous fish densities in a shallow Mediterranean lake. Susana Romo 1 * and María-José Villena Margalef, R. - 1978. Life-forms of phytoplankton as survival alternatives in an unstable environment. Oceanol. Acta, 1(4): 493-509.
Margalef, R. M. Estrada and D. Blasco - 1979. Functional morphology of organisms involved in red tides, as adapted to decaying turbulence. In: D.L. taylor and H.H. Seliger (eds) Toxic dinolagellate blooms, pp. 89-94. Elsevier, North Holland.
De ser asi estare eternamente agradecido con Uds si me pueden enviar una copia de los mismos.
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