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Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Tue Jan 5 21:07:21 ART 2010


Donat, Artur
Zur Kenntnis der Desmidiaceen des norddeutschen Flachlandes. Eine soziologisch - geographische Studie. 1926. (Pflanzen- forschung, 5). 5 Tafeln. 50 S. - (Gebunden mit:) Homfeld, H.: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Desmidiaceen Nordwestdeutschlands, besonders ihrer Zygoten. 1929. (Pflanzenforschung, 12). 1 Karte. 9 Tafeln. 96 S. gr8vo. Halbleinen. PRICE:
58.00 EURO
US$ 88.74

Hagen, Kristian N. (ed.)
Algae. Nutrition, Pollution Control and Energy Sources. 2009. illus. XII, 323 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Contents: Preface/Research and Review Studies / Microalgae as Photosynthetic Oxygen Generators for Pollution Control,Life Support Systems and Medicine/ Polyphosphate contributes to Cd tolerance in Chlamydomonas acidophila KT-1 / Desiccation Tolerance in Green Algae: Implications of Physiological Adaptation and Structural Requirements / Utilization of Algae for Pollution Elimination / Ultrasonic Control and Removal of Cyanobacteria / Effects of the Acidification on Photosynthesis and Growth of Marine Algae: A Reappraisal of the laboratory Data and Their Applicability to the natural habitats / Sulfated Polysaccharides Form Algae Characteristic Structures and Their Medicinal Applications / Seaweeds and Thyroid Gland- Potential sequelae of Seaweed-Derived Iodine / Algae From the Viewpoint of Mathematics / Ion Transport in Marine Algae: From Uniform to Self-organized Processes / Chromatographic determination of free D- and L-amino acids in marine algae / Removing Algae with Electro-Coagulation Flotation / Microalgae in Novel Food Products / Index PRICE:
92.00 EURO
US$ 140.76

Das Genus Cosmocladium.1935.(Pflanzenforschung,Heft 18). 8 Tafeln. 132 S. gr8vo. Halbleinen. PRICE:
21.00 EURO
US$ 32.13

Lawson,Laurie L. and Samuel R.Rushforth
The Diatom Flora of the Provo River,Utah(USA).1975.(Bibl.Phycolog.17)40 pls.149 p.Paper bd.
Contents:Introduction/Previous Algal Studies of Rivers in the Intermountain Region/Methods/Description of the Provo River/Taxonomic Algology.-38 genera containing 156 species,45 varieties,and four forms were identified,described and illustrated in this study. . - This book is out of print. Good second hand copy, as new. PRICE:
44.00 EURO
US$ 67.32

Lee, Yongpil (ed.)
Marine Algae of Jeju (Korea). 2008. 1254 full-col. illus. XVI, 477 p. 4to. Hardcover, in slip-case.- In Korean, with Latin nomenclature.
Contents (partly): Chlorophyta / Phaeophyta / Rhodophyta. PRICE:
74.00 EURO
US$ 113.22

LEWIN, Ralph A. (ed.)
Physiology and biochemistry of Algae. 1962. figs. tabs. XXVIII,929 p. gr8vo. Cloth.
Out of print. Second hand copy. - Contents (main headings): Contributors/ Preface/ Acknowledgements/ Errata/ Part 1: Nutrition and Metabolism: Light Reactions in Photosynthesis (Marcia Brody and Seymour Steven Brody)/ Assimilation of Carbon Dioxide (Osmund Holm-Hansen)/ Photoreduction and Anaerobiosis (C.J.P.Spruit)/ Respiration (Martin Gibbs)/ Fermentation (Martin Gibbs)/ Substrate Assimilation and Heterotrophy (William F.Danforth)/ Enzyme Systems (G.Jacobi)/ Organic Micronutrients (Michael R.Droop)/ Nitrogen Fixation (G.E.Fogg)/ Nitrogen Assimilation (P.J.Syrett)/ Amino Acids and Proteins (L.Fowden)/ Inorganic Phosphorus Uptake and Metabolism (Adolf Kuhl)/ Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (Tatsuichi Iwamura)/ Sulfur (Jerome A.Schiff)/ Halogens (T.I.Shaw)/ Major Cations (Richard W. Eppley)/ Inorganic Micronutrients (W.Wiessner). - Part 2: Composition of Cells and Metabolic Products: Storage Products (B.J.D.Meeuse)/ Cell Walls (D.R.Kreger)/ Mucilages (P.S.O'Colla)/ Fats and Steroids (J.D.A. Miller)/ Surfactant Lipids (A.A.Benson and Isao Shibuya)/ Chlorophylls (L.Bogorad)/Carotenoids (T.O.M.Nakayama)/ Phycobilins (C.O. Heocha)/ Tannins and Vacuolar Pigments (Chinkichi Ogino)/ Silicification (Joyce C.Lewin)/ Calcification (Joyce C.Lewin)/ Volatile Constituents (Teruhisa Katayama)/ Extracellular Products (G.E.Fogg). - Part 3: Physiology of Whole Cells and Plants: Permeability (E.J.Stadelmann)/ Salt and Osmotic Balance (Robert R.L.Guillard)/ Temperature (Erasmo Marre)/ Invisible Radiations (M.B.E.Godward)/ Intracellular Movements (W.Haupt)/ Gliding (R.Jarosch)/ Taxes (Per Halldal)/ Flagella (C.J.Brokaw)/ Laboratory Cultures (Jack Myers)/ Cell Division (Eiji Hase)/ Cell Expansion (Paul B.Green)/ Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Interactions (Gerhard Richter)/ Polarity (S.Nakazawa)/ Growth Substances (Herbert M.Conrad and Paul Saltman)/ Inhibitors (R.W.Krauss)/ Rhythms (B.M.Sweeney and J.W. Hastings)/ Sporulation (K.Erben)/ Sexuality (Annette Wilbois Coleman)/ Biochemical Genetics (W.T.Ebersold). - Part 4: Physiological Aspects of Ecology: Freshwater Algae (J.F.Talling)/ Soil Algae (J.W.G.Lund)/ Marine Plankton (Charles S.Yentsch)/ Seaweeds (R.Biebl)/ Lichens (Vernon Ahmadjian)/ Endozoic Algae (John J.A.McLaughlin and Paul A.Zahl)/ Appendix A. Classification of Algae (Paul C.Silva)/ Appendix B. Uptake of Radioactive Wastes by Algae (R.W.Eppley)/ Appendix C. Antibiotics from Algae (Ralph A.Lewin)/ Author Index/ Taxonomic Index/ Subject Index. PRICE:
138.00 EURO
US$ 211.14

Green Algae. Structure, Reproduction and Evolution in selected Genera. 1975. 882 photomicrographs. 44 line- drawings. 640 p. Cloth.
Contents: Volvocales/ Cholorococcales/ Ulotrichales/ Oedogoniales/ Conjugales (Zygnematales)/ Charales/ Evolution and Cell Morphology/ Appendix 1 (Stereo-Electron Microscopy)/ Appendix 2 (Films on Green Algae)/ Appendix 3 (On the Use of Field Specimens). - The emphasis is on the relationship between cell function and ultrastructure. A radical re-evaluation of the phylogenetic relationships among many genera of green algae is the result of this book. - Second hand copy. PRICE:
96.00 EURO
US$ 146.88

Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland,Oesterreich und der Schweiz.Volume 13,part 1,no 1:Krieger,W.:Die Desmidiaceen,Teil 1.1937. (Reprint).96 Tafeln.VI,712 S.gr8vo.Leinen.
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Vorderteil der Broschur locker. PRICE:
110.00 EURO
US$ 168.30

Scott, Fiona J. and Harvey J. Marchant (eds.)
Antarctic Marine Protists. 2004. 1300 figs. (LM & SEM). VIII, 563 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
A comprehensive guide to the protists that live in surface waters and sea - ice south of the Antarctic Polar Front. More than 550 species are described and superbly illustrated with over 1300 micrographs and drawings. Bibliography of more than 1100 entries. 12 chapters deal with algae, 1 chapter with Ciliates, and 1 chapter with Protista Incertae Sedis. PRICE:
72.00 EURO
US$ 110.16

Simonsen,Reimer (ed.)
2nd Symposium on Recent and Fossil Marine Diatoms,London,September 1972.1973.(Nova Hedwigia,Beih.45).97 pls. 20 figs.409 p.gr8vo.Paper bd.Second hand copy.
New copies available at EUR 128.00 PRICE:
80.00 EURO
US$ 122.40

Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa
Band 04: Rieth,Alfred: Xanthophyceae, part 2.1980.61 figs.147 p.8vo.Bound.
Antiquarisches Exemplar in gutem Zustand.- Behandelt die Gattungen Vaucheria und Asterosiphon. PRICE:
41.00 EURO
US$ 62.73

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