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[Lista-Algas] 2nd Joint Symposium and AOAC Task Force Meeting_2ndannouncement

Ricardo Echenique rechen at
Tue Dec 21 12:19:18 ART 2010

Estimados colegas:

Adjunto os enviamos el anuncio del "2nd Marine and Freshwater Toxins Analysis. Second Joint Symposium and AOAC Task Force Meeting".


Esperamos que esta informacion os resulte de interes.


Un cordial saludo,


            Monica Lion


Dear colleagues,

We are forwarding you the announcement for the "2nd Marine and Freshwater Toxins Analysis. Second Joint Symposium and AOAC Task Force Meeting".

We hope you find this information useful.

Best regards,


Mónica Lion



Monica Lion 

COI-IEO Centro Científico y de Comunicación sobre Algas Nocivas

IOC-IEO Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae


Centro Oceanografico de Vigo

IEO (Instituto Español de Oceanografia) 
Apdo. 1552 
36200 Vigo, Pontevedra 

Phone: + 34 986 492111 
Fax: + 34 986 492003 
e-mail: vigohab at 

Visit the IOC HAB Website at 




De: biotoxins.meeting at [mailto:biotoxins.meeting at] 
Asunto: 2nd Joint Symposium and AOAC Task Force Meeting_2nd announcement


Marine and Freshwater Toxins Analysis
Second Joint Symposium and AOAC Task Force Meeting
Baiona, Spain May 1-5, 2011

With great pleasure the University of Vigo, Spain, and AOAC International's Marine and Freshwater Toxins Task Force invite you to join us for Marine and Freshwater Toxins Analysis: 2nd Joint Symposium and AOAC Task Force Meeting, on May 1-5, 2011

Symposium Chairs: Dra. Ana Gago-Martinez and Dr. James Hungerford

The symposium will address new developments, method validation efforts, and method implementation in the analysis of marine and freshwater toxins, as a joint meeting with the AOAC Task Force on Marine and Freshwater Toxins. A variety of methods needs, for detecting saxitoxins, domoic acids, okadaic acids, azaspiracids, other seafood toxins and the cyanobacterial toxins will be addressed in presentations and focused discussions. New methods have been recently validated, approved by regulatory stakeholders, and training has been organized. In spite of this progress many methods needs remain and so other presentations and discussions will address special needs of the community ranging from emerging toxins to the ongoing replacement of mouse bioassays with modern and fully validated chemical methods.

Principle sponsor is the University of Vigo, Spain, home to the Department of Analytical and Food Chemistry. 

The conference venue is the Talaso Atlantico, a high quality hotel with very impressive conference facilities located near Baiona and Vigo in the Galicia region of northwestern Spain. In addition to being the largest European producer of mussels, shellfish-rich Galicia is also a very beautiful and historic area. 

In addition to the keynote talks, many contributed papers, both oral and in posters will allow additional opportunities to learn of and discuss state-of-the art detection methods. 

The joint Symposium and Task Force meetings (program is in preparation) will also offer unique opportunities to presenters and attendees: 

·        Observe or participate in the activities of focused discussion groups in specific toxin areas. Focused discussion groups have proven to be the most effective means of developing methodology needs and validation strategies. Symposium presenters and attendees are welcome to attend. 
·        Participate in a forum with international members of the seafood industry, their associations, and also regulatory agencies. These stakeholders, who are the ultimate users and/or benefactors of the analytical methodology, will also find that the symposium and Task Force can be used to express their needs. 
·        Participate in the Marine and Freshwater Toxins Task Force. Contribute to this new international group that fosters the development and validation of powerful and practical methods for toxin analysis, and greater availability of toxin standards. 

Dates and Contacts:
·        Deadline for Abstract submission: 1 February 2011 (Abstract guidelines forthcoming).
·         Submit Abstracts to: biotoxins.meeting at
·        Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2011
·        Registration fees: 

     Before 1 March, 2011 
     After 1 March, 2011
      AOAC members 
     350 euros 
     450 euros
      Non AOAC members 
     450 euros
       550 euros
     350 euros
     450 euros

The registration fee includes lunches, coffees and refreshments.

·        Accommodations: Please Contact to comercial at indicating AOAC Symposium. Rooms at the meeting site, the hotel Talaso Atlantico, are available at special rates of 76 Euros (single) or 98 Euros (double) before 1 March, 2011. Please make your registration as soon as possible. 
For more information please contact:  biotoxins.meeting at
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