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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Fw: Aquatic Energy Director Phycology (R&D) and Two Senior Phycologist (R&D) Positions

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Wed Aug 4 15:04:26 ART 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: David A Johnston 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 12:23 PM
Subject: Aquatic Energy Director Phycology (R&D) and Two Senior Phycologist (R&D) Positions Less Than 60 Days Left to Apply (October 1st Deadline) Send in Your CV in for Consideration

Attention All Phycologists,

If you are seeking a challenging position with a rapidly growing company in the algae production field, then Aquatic Energy may have the right opportunity for you.  Aquatic Energy is in the process of finishing construction on its latest algae demonstration farm and facility in Louisiana and needs additional experienced Phycologists next year to lead in the production, research and development initiatives. 

If you are interested in working with us to push forward the frontier of renewable energy or advanced food production and have experience in commercial algae production, then please send your Curriculum Vitae to Aquatic Energy’s Director of Human Resources, Paula Gaspard at the following email. (Paula.Gaspard at or if you have questions about a position feel free to place a phone call to Mrs. Gaspard at our office number: 337-437-3757

Aquatic Energy is offering competitive salary and compensation packages that include paid vacation and holidays, health, dental, life, short term / long-term disability and retirement plans for all the listed positions.  Aquatic Energy is accepting both domestic and international applicants for all positions and visa support is available. 

We hope to hear from you soon.

Most Sincerely,

David A. Johnston
Chief Executive Officer
Aquatic Energy LLC

Office: (337) 437-3757
Fax: (866) 823-8067

Email:  David.Johnston at
Facebook:  AquaticEnergyLLC

*************** ALGAE-L Algae-L is a listerver list for the phycological community; you are receiving this message because you subscribed to the list. You can get further information and unsubscribe at When posting to the list please add your name, status and an institutional or brief postal address. The list will not accept attachments greater than 2 Mb. 



Director – Phycology (R & D) – 1 Position

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $120,000   

Application Closing Date: October 1st 2010

Qualifications:  Applicants must have a PhD in microalgae with a minimum of ten years of proven experience in fresh water micro algal identification, isolation, axenic culture maintenance and algal genetics with thorough knowledge in growth rate studies, algal products, algal cell physiology, bio fuels and CO2 sequestration.


 Description:  The selected person will be responsible to identify, isolate, domesticate and maintain monocultures of microalgae and testing for fuel and food products.  This position requires a candidate with leadership skills and the ability to direct and supervise staff and student interns. The products of the research will be applied in the commercial facility and so we are looking for a blend of practical and scientific skills to help bridge the gap between laboratory and commercial development of fresh water alga culture.

Director – Phycology (Production) – 1 Position

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $120,000 

Application Closing Date: January 1st 2011

Qualifications: Applicants must have a PhD in microalgae with a minimum of ten years of proven experience in growing and maintaining freshwater pure micro algae in commercial open race way pond culture facility with a thorough knowledge on the contaminant sources, control methods, achieving and maintaining the growth rate and micro algal harvest procedures.

Description: The selected person will be responsible to achieve the growth rate and to maintain pure sustainable open race-way pond cultures and related operations in outdoor environment.

Senior Phycologists  (R&D) – 2 Positions

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $100,000   

Application Closing Date: October 1st 2010

1.    Genetics: 1 Position

Qualifications:  Successful candidate will have a PhD in micro algal genetics with at least five to seven years of proven experience in the field of micro algal genetics and should be able to demonstrate training, or a proven ability, in the design and implementation of genetic improvement programs with microalgae and strain optimizing experiments.

Description:  The selected person will be individually responsible to carry out the task to find solutions to improve the strain characteristics through molecular genetics research. The research need to be useful for the commercial facility towards higher productivity and strain tolerance factors like weather conditions and contaminants.

2.    Culture Bank: 1 Position

Qualifications:  Applicants must have a PhD in microalgae with at least five to seven years of proven experience in fresh water micro algal research. The selected person should have a sound knowledge in fresh water micro algal taxonomy, identification, isolation techniques, and axenic culture maintenance.

Description:  The selected person will be individually responsible to identify, isolate, domesticate and maintain monocultures of microalgae by continuously collecting different local species from the fresh water habitats. . He will be responsible to develop an advanced, protected culture bank with live cultures for supply at any point of time.


Junior Phycologists – 2 Positions

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $54,000 

Application Closing Date: January 1st 2011

Qualifications: Applicants must have a PhD in micro algal research (taxonomy & culture) with a minimum of five years of experience in growing and maintaining freshwater pure micro algae. Applicants with experience in growing microalgae in open race way pond will be preferred.


 The selected Phycologists will undertake the work allotted by the superiors on various micro algal research aspects both in indoor and outdoor environments.

Technical Assistants: – 5 Positions

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $48,000             

Application Closing Date: January 1st 2011

1.    Phycology: 2 Positions

Qualifications: Applicants must have a Postgraduate degree in Botany/Microbiology/Biotechnology with two years of experience in an alga culture facility. Applicants having direct experience in growing microalgae will be preferred.

Description: Technical assistants will be responsible to carry out the work allotted by the supervisors both in indoor and outdoor facilities.

2.    Chemistry: 3 Positions

Qualifications: Applicants must have a Postgraduate degree in Chemistry with two years of experience in nutrient assay, residue tests and extraction procedures and related equipment handling. Experience in alga culture or aquaculture facility will be preferred.

Description: Technical assistants will be responsible to carry out the work allotted by the supervisors both in indoor and outdoor facilities.

*************** ALGAE-L Algae-L is a listerver list for the phycological community; you are receiving this message because you subscribed to the list. You can get further information and unsubscribe at When posting to the list please add your name, status and an institutional or brief postal address. The list will not accept attachments greater than 2 Mb. 


Attention All Phycologists,

If you are seeking a challenging position with a rapidly growing company in the algae production field, then Aquatic Energy may have the right opportunity for you.  Aquatic Energy is in the process of finishing construction on its latest algae demonstration farm and facility in Louisiana and needs additional experienced Phycologists next year to lead in the production, research and development initiatives. 

If you are interested in working with us to push forward the frontier of renewable energy or advanced food production and have experience in commercial algae production, then please send your Curriculum Vitae to Aquatic Energy’s Director of Human Resources, Paula Gaspard at the following email. (Paula.Gaspard at or if you have questions about a position feel free to place a phone call to Mrs. Gaspard at our office number: 337-437-3757

Aquatic Energy is offering competitive salary and compensation packages that include paid vacation and holidays, health, dental, life, short term / long-term disability and retirement plans for all the listed positions.  Aquatic Energy is accepting both domestic and international applicants for all positions and visa support is available. 

We hope to hear from you soon.

Most Sincerely,

David A. Johnston
Chief Executive Officer
Aquatic Energy LLC

Office: (337) 437-3757
Fax: (866) 823-8067

Email:  David.Johnston at
Facebook:  AquaticEnergyLLC


Director – Phycology (R & D) – 1 Position

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $120,000   

Application Closing Date: October 1st 2010


Qualifications:  Applicants must have a PhD in microalgae with a minimum of ten years of proven experience in fresh water micro algal identification, isolation, axenic culture maintenance and algal genetics with thorough knowledge in growth rate studies, algal products, algal cell physiology, bio fuels and CO2 sequestration.


 Description:  The selected person will be responsible to identify, isolate, domesticate and maintain monocultures of microalgae and testing for fuel and food products.  This position requires a candidate with leadership skills and the ability to direct and supervise staff and student interns. The products of the research will be applied in the commercial facility and so we are looking for a blend of practical and scientific skills to help bridge the gap between laboratory and commercial development of fresh water alga culture.


Director – Phycology (Production) – 1 Position

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $120,000 

Application Closing Date: January 1st 2011


Qualifications: Applicants must have a PhD in microalgae with a minimum of ten years of proven experience in growing and maintaining freshwater pure micro algae in commercial open race way pond culture facility with a thorough knowledge on the contaminant sources, control methods, achieving and maintaining the growth rate and micro algal harvest procedures.


Description: The selected person will be responsible to achieve the growth rate and to maintain pure sustainable open race-way pond cultures and related operations in outdoor environment.


Senior Phycologists  (R&D) – 2 Positions

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $100,000   

Application Closing Date: October 1st 2010


1.    Genetics: 1 Position

Qualifications:  Successful candidate will have a PhD in micro algal genetics with at least five to seven years of proven experience in the field of micro algal genetics and should be able to demonstrate training, or a proven ability, in the design and implementation of genetic improvement programs with microalgae and strain optimizing experiments.


Description:  The selected person will be individually responsible to carry out the task to find solutions to improve the strain characteristics through molecular genetics research. The research need to be useful for the commercial facility towards higher productivity and strain tolerance factors like weather conditions and contaminants.



2.    Culture Bank: 1 Position

Qualifications:  Applicants must have a PhD in microalgae with at least five to seven years of proven experience in fresh water micro algal research. The selected person should have a sound knowledge in fresh water micro algal taxonomy, identification, isolation techniques, and axenic culture maintenance.


Description:  The selected person will be individually responsible to identify, isolate, domesticate and maintain monocultures of microalgae by continuously collecting different local species from the fresh water habitats. . He will be responsible to develop an advanced, protected culture bank with live cultures for supply at any point of time.


Junior Phycologists – 2 Positions

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $54,000 

Application Closing Date: January 1st 2011


Qualifications: Applicants must have a PhD in micro algal research (taxonomy & culture) with a minimum of five years of experience in growing and maintaining freshwater pure micro algae. Applicants with experience in growing microalgae in open race way pond will be preferred.


 The selected Phycologists will undertake the work allotted by the superiors on various micro algal research aspects both in indoor and outdoor environments.

Technical Assistants: – 5 Positions

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA

Company: Aquatic Energy LLC (web:

Contact: Paula Gaspard, Director, Human Resources

Phone (off): 3374373757

Email: Paula.Gaspard at

Salary:  $48,000             

Application Closing Date: January 1st 2011


1.    Phycology: 2 Positions

Qualifications: Applicants must have a Postgraduate degree in Botany/Microbiology/Biotechnology with two years of experience in an alga culture facility. Applicants having direct experience in growing microalgae will be preferred.

Description: Technical assistants will be responsible to carry out the work allotted by the supervisors both in indoor and outdoor facilities.


2.    Chemistry: 3 Positions

Qualifications: Applicants must have a Postgraduate degree in Chemistry with two years of experience in nutrient assay, residue tests and extraction procedures and related equipment handling. Experience in alga culture or aquaculture facility will be preferred.

Description: Technical assistants will be responsible to carry out the work allotted by the supervisors both in indoor and outdoor facilities.
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