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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

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Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Fri Apr 9 15:51:13 ART 2010

UNESCO. 2009. Cianobacterias Planctónicas del Uruguay. Manual para la identificación y medidas de gestión. Sylvia Bonilla (editora). Documento Técnico

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Libros ofrecidos por Koeltz Scientific Books -


Bibliotheca Diatomologica Vol. 055
Kulikovskiy, Maxim S., Horst Lange - Bertalot, Andrzej Witkowski, Nadwzsada I Dorofeyuk and Sergei I. Genkal: Diatom Assemblages from Sphagnum Bogs of the World. Part I: Nur bog in northern Mongolia. 2010. 118 plates. 326 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Nur bog is a unique ecosystem situated in the northern mountainous region of Mongolia, being the only known large Sphagnum bog throughout this region. 242 diatom taxa have been identified within 48 genera. One new genus, 18 new species and 11 new combinations. Descriptions, synonymies, size dimensions, literature. 
109.00 EURO - US$ 158.05


Leclerc, Véronique et Jean-Yves Floc'h
Les secrets des algues. 2010. (Coll. Carnets de Sciences). col. photogr. 260 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
What is the link between the red-blood spots in the snow and the giant algae in some seas? What analogies exist between the algae which colour certain polluted lakes and those which periodically prevent marine molluscs from being consumed? How do some algae manage to climb trees or onto the roofs of certain dwellings? What are their constituent substances, whose virtues are regularly extolled. These are just a few of the questions to which this book attempts to find answers. It gives a glimpse into the strange secrets of algae and suggests a few keys, scientific names and technical terms, to help the most curious unlock the doors to this fascinating world, known as Algae in laymen's terms.
34.00 EURO - US$ 49.30


N'Yeurt, Antoine D. R. and Claude Payri
Marine algal flora of French Polynesia. III: Rhodophyta, with additions to the Phaeophyta and Chlorophyta. 2010. (Cryptogamie: Algologie,vol. 31:1). illus. 205 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This third paper in a monographic series on the marine macroalgae of French Polynesia gives a detailed coverage of the species of Rhodophyta occurring in these islands. A total of 197 taxa are presented (195 Rhodophyceae, 1 Phaeophyceae and 1 Chlorophyta; of these, 84 (or 43%) represent new records for the flora, while 7 (or 3.6%) are new species. The new combination Jania subulata (J. Ellis et Solander) NYeurt et Payri is made for Haliptilon subulatum (J. Ellis et Solander) W. H. Johansen. Padina stipitata Tanaka et Nozawa (Phaeophyceae) and Codium saccatum Okamura (Chlorophyceae) are notable additions to the flora from deepwater habitats in the southern Australs; 56 taxa (or 28.7%) occur only in the Austral archipelago. The flora has most affinities with that of the Hawaiian Islands (Sørensen Index = 0.30), followed by the Cook Islands and Samoa (SI = 0.26 each) and the Solomon Islands (SI = 0.25). There are some disjunct distribution patterns for several subtropical to temperate species, possibly suggesting special oceanic current routes between the southern Australs, Hawaii and the Southern Australian region. 
82.00 EURO - US$ 118.90


Uniyal, P.L., B. P. Chamola and D. P. Semwal
The Plant Wealth of Uttarakhand. 2010. 28 col. photogr. 436 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
The authors intend to document the diversity of plants other than angiosperms, like algae, lichens, bryophytes, pteridophytes and gymnospermic grasses with the aspects of their diversity, vegetation pattern, ethnobotany, mycorrhizal associations, medicinal value, etc. Seventeen contributions by various authors. - Uttarakhand is located in the northern part of India. 
68.00 EURO - US$ 98.60 

Yamagishi, Takaaki
Encyclopedia Genera of Freshwater Algae. 2007. illus. (line - drawings). XII, 1420 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - In Japanese, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index.
This is a text book aiming at Japanese students, but it offers extensive literature lists to each chapter. Chapter headings: Cyanophyta/ Glaucophyceae/ Rhodophyceae/ Chrysophyceae/ Xanthophyceae/ Bacillariophyceae/ Cryptophyceae/ Dinophyceae/ Chloromonadophyceae/ Phaeophyceae/ Euglenophyceae/ Chlorophyceae/ Charophyceae. 

480.00 EURO - US$ 696.00


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