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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Libros

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Sep 7 15:46:34 ART 2009


Book ID: (097420)
Coppejans, Eric, Frederik Leliaert, Olivier Dargent, Rasanga Gunasekara and Olivier De Clerck
Sri Lankan Seaweeds - Methodologies and field guide to the dominant species. 2009. (ABC Taxa, 6). illus. 256 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
The first part acts as a roadmap on how to do phycological research in a tropical country, in casus Sri Lanka. Information on the different types of seaweed communities, sampling methodologies, and taxonomic characters is provided and nnotated with color pictures. The second section of the book acts as a field guide to the dominant species of the extensive Sri Lankan coastline. Each of the roughly 140 species treated is concisely described, annotated with key references and notes on the ecology and distribution. To facilitate identification, each species is also illustrated with color photographs. PRICE: 46.00 EURO - US$ 66.70 


Book ID: (096926)
Flora Algarum Marinarum Sinicarum
Volume 6: Pyrrophyta, 1: Dinophyceae, Ceratiaceae. 2009. pls. XVIII, 93 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - In Chinese, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index, English keys. PRICE: 42.00 EURO - US$ 60.90  


Book ID: (092841)
Flora Algarum Sinicarum Aquae Dulcis
Vol.12: Bacillariophyta, Gompho- nemaceae. 2004. 37 plates (line - drawings). XVII, 137 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - Chinese, English keys, Latin nomenclature and Latin species index. PRICE: 42.00 EURO - $ 60.90  


Book ID: (097347)
Flora Algarum Ucrainicae
Volume 12: Streptophyta 1: Mesotaeniceae. By G. M. Palamar - Mordvintseva and O. A. Petlovany. 2009. 21 distr. maps. 33 line - figs. 156 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In Ucrainian, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index.
Covers Ancylonema Bergggr./ Cylindrocystis Menegh. ex. de Bary/ Geniculus Prescott/ Mesotaenium Nägeli/ Netriem (Nägeli) Itzigs. et Rothe/ Planotaenium (Ohtani) Petlov. et Pal.-Mordv./ Roya W. West ex Ralfs emend. Brook/ Toritaenia Brook. PRICE: 30.00 EURO - $ 43.50  


Book ID: (096872)
Flora Algarum Ucrainicae (Flora Vodorostei Ukraini)
CYANOPROKARYOTA. Volume 1. Pars Specialis. Fasciculus 1: Kovalenko, O. V.: Chroococcales. 2nd rev. & augmented ed. 2009. illus. (Line drawings). 396 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In Ucrainian, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index.
This second revised and corrected edition has been published shortly after publication of the first edition, correcting some essential mistakes contained in the first edition. PRICE: 39.00 EURO - $ 56.55  


Book ID: (094719)
Herrero, Antonia and Enrique Flores (eds.)
The Cyanobacteria: Molecular Biology, Genomics and Evolution. 2008. 18 col. pls. XII, 484 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Provides a state-of-the art overview of the field. Topics covered include evolution, comparative genomics, gene transfer, molecular ecology and environmental genomics, stress responses, bioactive compounds, circadian clock, structure of the photosynthetic apparatus, membrane systems, carbon acquisition, nitrogen assimilation and C/N balance sensing and much more. Essential for anyone with an interest in cyanobacteria, bacterial photosynthesis, bacterial nitrogen fixation, and symbiosis. PRICE: 225.00 EURO - $ 326.25  


Book ID: (091820)
Huang Chengyan
Atlas of Limnetic Fossil Diatoms of China. 1998. 164 photographic plates & 60 p. of text. gr8vo. Hardcover. - Chinese, with Latin nomenclature, Latin species index and English abstract.
Offers 801 SEM and 341 LEM - figures. PRICE: 68.00 EURO - $ 98.60  


Book ID: (091830)
Jin Dexing and Cheng Zhaodi
Marine Benthic Diatoms in China. Volume 1. 1985. 67 pls. 245 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.- In English.
This volume contains 445 species and varieties with special reference to those from the Fujian coast and its vicinity. PRICE: 82.00 EURO - $ 118.90  


Book ID: (097155)
Lavoi, Isabelle
The Eastern Canadian Diatom Index (IDEC: Indice Diatomées de l'Est du Canada): a multivariate approach for assessing stream biological integrity. 2007. (Diss.). XVI, 230 p. Paper bd. 
The author develops a diatom -based index as an additional tool for stream water quality assessment in Eastern Canada. PRICE: 98.00 EURO - $ 142.10  


Book ID: (097321)
Lee, Youn-Pil (ed.)
Marine Algae of Jeju (Korea). 2008. 1254 full-col. illus. 477 p. 4to. Hardcover. PRICE: 105.00 EURO - $ 152.25  


Book ID: (091856)
Lin Yongshui
Dinoflagellates in the South China Seas. 1993. illustr. 115 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.- Bilingual (Chinese and English).
This book reveals various dinoflagellates species in the South China Sea under the SEM, and also reveals the various forms of dinoflagellates, patterns on the valves, subtle pores, apical pore, girdle, sulcu. The book also introduces their habit and distribution. There are 11 families, 15 genera, and 61 species described. Among them 26 species are recorded for the first time for the China Sea. PRICE: 67.00 EURO - $ 97.15  


Book ID: (096527)
Ott, Franklyn Dewayne
Handbook of the Taxonomic Names Associated With The Nonmarine Rhodophycophyta. 2009. XXIV, 969 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Aims to accomplish 5 goals. 1) A simple alphabetical listing, the 'quick list', of the taxonomic names to accomodate the taxa that will give to the user a bird's-eye view of what may be available therein. 2) An alphabetical listing to the complete nomenclatural and taxonomic citations of the included taxa which includes the taxonomic name, its author, date, the journal or book and city of publication. 3) To present a comprehensive bibliography of each of the numerous papers cited in the nomenclatural and taxonomic index. 4) To give an alphabetical index to taxonomic names which will permit to trace the fate of a given epithet, mostly species, varietas and formae through the tortuous journey they may have undergone since their initial employment. 5)To review the 62 currently recognized genera of this freshwater group to help place these into their respective, contemporary status. PRICE: 139.00 EURO - $ 201.55  



koeltz at

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