Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Para diatomólogos

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Nov 30 14:47:53 ART 2009

Isabelle Lavoie proposes to organise the next 29th ADLaF (Association of French speaking Diatomists - Association des Diatomistes de Langue Francaise) meeting in downtown Quebec City (Canada) from September 6-10th 2010. Ppre-register before the end of November 2009 (this is just to estimate the potential number of participants. no registration fees are required at this time). Please email Isabelle if you are interested: at 



The 21st International Diatom Symposium will be held in St Paul, Minnesota, USA from 30th August until 4th September 2010. The venue for the symposium is the Crown Plaza Riverfront ( Further details will follow shortly in the first circular, but in the meantime, please note the following key dates:
1st November 2009: registration opens
1st April 2010: abstract deadline


OPEN PHD STUDENT POSITION (turnover of freshwater diatoms)
There will be an open PhD student position in Aquatic Community Ecology group at the Department of Biological and Environmental  Sciences in University of Helsinki. The position will be filled as  soon as possible, preferably in January or February 2010. We search for a person who will take part in studies examining temporal and  spatial turnover of freshwater diatoms. The project is important for  basic research and it is also related to bioassessment and  biodiversity conservation in freshwaters. For details of the studies,  pleasecontact us. The project is funded by a grant from Maj and Tor Nessling  Foundation.We especially welcome applications from persons (MSc) that have  studied limnology, hydrobiology, plant biology or ecology. We seek for  a person who is (1) deeply motivated to work intensively, (2)  interested in aquatic community ecology, (3) capable of independent  thinking and willing also to pursue his/her own research ideas and (4)  open for national and international collaboration.
The applications, curriculum vitae, publication list (if available)  and contact addresses of two references should be sent to  
janne.soininen at


Apropósito, ¿Conocen la etimología del término "Diatomea"? 

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