[Lista-Algas] Libros
Andrés Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 16:36:47 ART 2009
koeltz at t-online.de.
Book ID: (092692)
Suthers, Iain M. and David Rissik
Plankton. A Guide to their Ecology and Monitoring for Water Quality. 2009. illus. XVI, 256 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
A valuable reference for environment managers, water authority ecologists, estuary and catchment management committees, coastal engineers, and students of invertebrate biology, environmental impact assessment and marine biology. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the biology and ecology of plankton and describes its use as tool for monitoring water quality. All the major frshwater and coastal phytoplankton and zooplankton groups are covered and their associated environmental issues are discussed.
35.00 EURO
US$ 52.50
Book ID: (097667)
Iconographia Diatomologica
Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Ed. by Horst Lange - Bertalot. Volume 21: Zimmermann, Claudia, Michel Poulin and Reinhard Pienitz: Diatoms of North America: The Pliocene - Pleistocene freshwater flora of Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canadian High Arctic. 2010. 97 plates (LM & SEM). VI, 407 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - With French and German summaries. (ISBN 978-3-906166-83-4)
This monograph presents the fossil diatom remains collected from a forest - tundra deposit discovered in 2001 on Bylot Island (72-74N, 60 - 80W), just north of Baffin Island (Nunavut, Canadian High Arctic). Located more than 2000 km north of the present - day northern treeline, the sediments associated with this fossil forest have been tentatively dated at ca. 2 - 2.5 Ma BP corresponding to the late Pliocene - early Pleistocene period. Several late Tertiary and early Pleistocene fossil beds in North American arctic regions have yielded abundant well - preserved remains of plants and animals, documenting the past existence of coniferous forests at high latitudes. However, the diatom assemblages of these sites have not been documented until the present and our knowledge of the late Pliocene - early Pleisocene siliceous algal flora remains scarce. Nine out of a total of 30 analyzed samples contained enough diatom frustules for paleoenvironmental interpretations. These samples originated from three different outcrops within an organic - rich layer assigned to the late Pliocene, representing different stages of wetland (peatland) development within a forested catchment. A total of 218 diatom taxa in 52 genera were recorded and documented on 97 plates with light (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) photomicrographs. The fossil diatom flora was dominated by pennate forms belonging to the genera Cymbella sensu lato, Eunotia, Fragilaria sensu lato, Navicula sensu lato and Pinnularia. Less than 2% belonged to centric diatoms, represented by Ellerbeckia arenaria and taxa of the genus Aulacoseira. This monograph complements information on taxonomy, ecology and distribution of North American diatoms, gathered within the series 'Diatoms of North America'. - Due January 2010. Orders will be recorded for supply after publication.
139.00 EURO
US$ 208.50
Book ID: (095223)
Moubasher, A. H.
Sources and Meanings of Scientific Names of Fungi, Bacteria, Algae and Plants in Arabic and English. 1997. 271 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Book ID: (092440)
Pitcher, Grant C., Trevor A. Probyn and Hans M. Verheye (eds.)
Harmful Algae 2004. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Cape Town, South Africa, 15 - 19 November 2004. Publ. 2006. (African Journal of Marine Science, 28:2). illus. 290 p. 4to. Paper bd.
Contributions to this book have been arranged in the following sections: Taxonomy and Systematics/ Biogeography and Regional Effects/ Species Detection/ Bloom Detection/ Population Dynamics: Environmental Interactions/ Population Dynamics: Life Cycles/ Population Dynamics: Physiology/ Population Dynamics: Species Interactions/ Population Dynamics: Modelling/ Toxins and Toxicity: Detection/ Toxins and Toxicity: Production/ Toxins and Toxicity: Mechanisms of Action and Impacts/ Public Health, Education and Outreach.
220.00 EURO
US$ 330.00
Book ID: (095878)
Taylor, J. C., W. R. Harding and C. G. M. Archibald
An illustrated guide to some common Diatom species from South Africa. 2007. (WRC Report TT 282/07). 178 plates, plus 12 p. of introd. text & 1 CD - ROM (A Methods Manual for the Collection, Preparation and Analysis of Diatom Samples, version 1.0, February 2006).
Introductory chapters, plus plates with Latin names, descriptions, ecology and extra comments. Part of the figures are coloured.
69.00 EURO
US$ 103.50
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