Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] buscando material del género Paralia

malena at malena at
Mon Jun 29 09:40:04 ART 2009

Estimados colegas ficólogos,
Aprovecho la lista Algas para acercarles un pedido de un amigo y  
colega diatomólogo de Luxemburgo buscando material del género Paralia.  
Si alguien tiene material disponible por favor contáctense conmigo o  
con él directamente.
Muchas gracias y saludos

Dra. Magdalena Licursi
Laboratorio de Plancton y Biofilms
Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet"
CC 712 - CP 1900 - La Plata

Dear Magdalena,

Please, could you spread this message in Argentina?
Probably some diatomists or algologists could help Dr Irena Kaczmarska  
to find some Paralia also from Argentina.

Thanks in advance
Luc Ector <ector at LIPPMANN.LU>

                         Irena Kaczmarska <iehrman at>

                         25/06/2009 14:09

To Luc Ector <ector at LIPPMANN.LU>
Subject  we are looking for Paralia

Hello Luc,
I am writing to ask whether you may have a culture or material
containing Paralia. It is cited from Mediterranean locations though not
ever commonly. We (my student Mike MacGillivary and I) are currently
working on population genetics of Paralia sulcata/marina(?) in Canadian
Maritimes and possibly in ship ballast waters. We would like to compare
our Paralia(s) to those from distant, geographically exotic locations,
and so, to this end we query colleagues about availability of the material.

We can use alcohol preserved samples, though fresh material is obviously
preferable, even if it just unfixed sediments. We consider also some
breeding experiments (though with another student). Do you have this
type of material? Do you know of anyone who has this  type of material?
Any thoughts and help in this matter would be much appreciated.

Hope all goes well for you and many thanks in advance,



Irena Kaczmarska
Dept. of Biology
Mount Allison University
63B York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1G7

phone: 506-364-2500
fax:   506-364-2505
email: iehrman at

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