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[Lista-Algas] Iconographia Diatomologica: Vol. 20 (Mongolia)

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Sun Jun 14 00:32:35 ART 2009

      Publishers, Booksellers, Antiquarians in the Fields of Botany & Zoology
      P.O.Box 1360, D-61462 Koenigstein / Germany

      Phone (+49) (0) 6174 93720 Fax (+49) (0) 6174 937 240  
      koeltz at
            Book ID: (096520)
            Diatom Monographs
            Edited by Andrzej Witkowski: Volume 10: Sar, Eugenia A., Silvia E. Sala, In�s Sunesen, M. Silvina Henninger and Mercedes Montastruc: Catalogo de los generos, especies y taxa infraespecificos erigidos por J. Frenguelli / Catalogue of the genera, species, and infraspecific taxa erected by J. Frenguelli. 2009. Many line - drawings. 419 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-78-0)
            Frenguelli's vast work and his collections (from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Egypt, Somalia and Antarctica) constitute a primary reference for those who undertake the study of the South American diatom flora and / or work on taxonomic and / or nomenclatural revisions of genera, species, varieties and forms erected by the author. The protologues are in the original language, Spanish or Italian, in order to avoid possible translation problems, accompanied by Latin diagnosis or descriptions, if available. Arrangement of taxa is alphabetically by names given by Frenguelli, without consideration of subsequent taxonomic or nomenclatural changes. In this catalogue are included new taxa: genera, species, varieties and forms. New combinations and the new names given by Frenguelli in the taxonomic and nomenclatural remarks are given only if they are linked to a new taxon of the author. Excluded are all suprageneric taxa, most of which had already been described by other authors as groups or subgenera and that are not linked to Frenguelli's type material. The 421 taxa described by Frenguelli and included in this catalogue had been published originally in 38 papers listed and are consecutively numbered in this book. PRICE:
            110.00 EURO
            US$ 159.50

            Book ID: (083923)
            Diatoms of Europe
            Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats. Edited by H. Lange - Bertalot. Volume 5: Levkov, Zlatko Amphora sensu lato. 2009. 287 photogr. plates. 916 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-73-5)
            This volume presents the first part of a synopsis and revision of Amphora Ehrenberg ex K�tzing sensu lato, and contains taxa that share dorsiventral valve asymmetry and in the past were considered as members of this genus. The synopsis includes taxa from the following genera: Amphora sensu stricto (or subgenus Amphora Cleve), Halamphora (Cleve) Levkov (or subgenus Halamphora Cleve), as well as selected species from the subgenera Amblyamphora Cleve Psammamphora Cleve and Diplamphora Cleve, and species from the recently established genera Eunophora Vyverman, Sabbe & Mann and Colliculoamphora D. M. Williams & Reid. The synopsis covers mostly species from the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, including Europe, Asia and North America, but also many localities in Africa and South America. Special attention was paid to taxonomy and distribution of the species of Amphora sensu stricto in the ancient lakes, Baikal, Tanganyika, Ohrid, Prespa, Biwa, Aoki and H�vsg�l. It also includes species primarily known from North America and/or North Asia and several marine and brackish water species from European coasts and estuaries. The synopsis includes observations of species described by K�tzing, W. Smith and Hustedt, Reichelt, �strup, Krasske, Cholnoky, Giffen, Foged, J. Carter, Hohn & Hellerman, Patrick, & Freese, Haworth, Gasse, Krammer, Metzeltin and Lange- Bertalot based on type material. More than 240 taxa were observed and 79 new species were described as new to science. Of these, 62 belong to the genus Amphora, 16 to Halamphora and one to Eunophora. The species are illustrated with LM and SEM microphotographs arranged on 262 plates. Detailed explanations of morphology of valves and frustule as well as ultrastructure are given on more than 240 pages. After each genus or subgenus, a key for identification is provided. PRICE:
            235.00 EURO
            US$ 340.75

            Book ID: (096488)
            Iconographia Diatomologica
            Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Ed by Horst Lange - Bertalot: Volume 20: Ditmar Metzeltin, Horst Lange - Bertalot and Soninkhishig Nergui: Diatoms in Mongolia. 2009. 3487 figs. on 271 photographic plates. 684 p. gr8vo. - (Bound with:) Li Yanling, Horst Lange - Bertalot and Ditmar Metzeltin: Sichuania lacustris spec. et gen. nov. an as yet monospecific genus from oligotrophic high mountain lakes in the Chinese province of Sichuan. 2009. 55 figs. on 5 plates. 16 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. Bound. (ISBN 978-3-906166-77-3)
            The first contribution in this volume investigates mainly the province of Khentii, covering an area with dominating higher or lower mountain ranges and tablelands above 600 m.s.l. Thus the diatom flora was supposed to resemble alpine and northern regions of Europe rather than mediterranean - like or subtropical regions, which proved to be correct. The 3487 micrographs reproduced in this book encompass approximately 615 taxa - without any attempt to approach completeness in this first volume of a treatise. 65 taxa (64 from Mongolia) are described as new to science, 33 other taxa (noted as (?nov.)spec.) will prove probably as new species after some more information, about 114 taxa could not be identified sufficiently as established taxa nor do they possess convincing characters to be distinguished from more or less similar taxa. - The second smaller monograph in this volume deals with Sichuania lacustris, a biraphid diatom possessing an unique frustule morphology, completely dissimilar to all established taxa from freshwater habitats. PRICE:
            198.00 EURO
            US$ 287.10



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