Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Announcement: Special course : Taxonomy of Recent Dinophyceae

Ricardo Echenique rechen at
Mon Jan 5 11:08:43 ART 2009

Special course : Taxonomy of Recent Dinophyceae

by Malte Elbrächter


Time : 26. Oct. - 05. Nov. 2009


Location           : Wattenmeerstation Sylt of the Alfred Wegener Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung;  Hafenstr. 43, D-25992 List/Sylt, Germany


Registration         : melbraechter at


Registration dead-line   : 15. August 2009


Participants          : The course is restricted to 10 persons in order to ascertain individual service. Welcome are all persons working  or intend to work  with  dinoflagellates (students, technical assitants, scientists) with basic knowledge of dinoflagellates. 


Program : 


Oct. 26 (Mo) :                         Arrival,  from 1800 Welcome party


Oct. 27 (Tu)  :  0900- 1230        Welcome, Housekeeping, Introduction to Dinophyceae

            1400-1800          Introduction to Prorocentrales, microscopical exercises


Oct. 28 (We) : 0900- 1230         Introduction to Dinophysiales

1400-1800           Dinophysiales, continued, including microscopical exercises


Oct. 29 (Th) :              0900- 1230         Introduction to Peridiniales

1400-1800         Peridiniales, continued, including microscopical exercises


Oct. 30 (Fr) :                0900- 1230         Introduction to Gonyaulacales

1400-1800         Gonyaulacales, continued, including microscopical exercises


Oct. 31 (Sa):                0900- 1230         Introduction to nomenclature; New taxa

                                    described since 2000 

                                    1400-1800             Microscopical work on the samples of the participants


Nov. 01 (Su) :              0900- 1800          Excursion



Nov. 02 (Mo) : 0900- 1230         Introduction to Gymnodiniales

1400-1800         Gymnodiniales continued, including microscopical exercises


Nov. 03 (Tu) :  0900- 1230         Introduction to benthic and coccal Dinophyceae

1400-1800         Benthic and coccal Dinophyceae continued, including microscopical exercises


Nov. 04 (We) : 0900- 1230         Aberrant Dinophyceae

1400-1800         Microscopical work on the samples of the participants, General discussion 


Nov. 05 :                                              Departure




Accomodation will be provided in the guest-house of the Wattenmeerstation. 


Course fee including accomodation but exclusive meals  :           EURO 350,--


For students :                                                                                        EURO 250,--



Samples of the participants with those taxa you have identification problems are welcome !


Please remember, that there is no funding for travelling, accommodation or daily expenses from the German side. 





IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae
University of Copenhagen
Visit the IOC HAB website
 IOC is the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO


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