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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] 2nd NEAS circular

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Sun Feb 8 17:38:28 ART 2009

Second NEAS Circular, 48th Symposium, Amherst, Mass.

The 48th Annual Northeast Algal Symposium will convene April 17-19, 2009 in Amherst at the University of Massachusetts, USA. Co-convenors Bob Wilce, Bill Johansen and Craig Schneider invite you to join us for the exciting weekend that we have planned.

The 2009 Northeast Algal Symposium will include a wide range of oral and poster presentations from the many disciplines of Phycology. As always, the NEAS Symposium will provide a relaxed and informal environment for students and professionals alike to meet colleagues, exchange ideas and make new friends. Awards will be presented for outstanding posters and oral presentations by undergraduate and graduate students. NEAS members take great pride in their commitment to students, and extend an especially warm welcome to everyone with algal interests. 
Our plenary talk this year will be "Algae and Biofuels." We are excited to have Dr. Scott W. Gordon, CEO of Green Technologies, LLC., as our keynote speaker. We will also have special invited talks by our own Dr. Gary Saunders of the University of New Brunswick on the emerged relationship of molecular phylogenetics and morphological taxonomy, and Dr. Michael Wynne of the University of Michigan on early seaweed explorations in the upper North Pacific and Bering Sea. 

Registration Information
We are fortunate to provide symposium participants a "one stop" venue in the University of Massachusetts Conference Center/Hotel and Parking facilities for all symposium activities. We have reserved 50+ rooms at the University hotel for the nights of April 17th and 18th. Rates will be $114/night for a single or double occupancy. These rooms will be allocated to participants who apply early. Those who apply later will have equally fine accommodations in nearby motels less than 3 miles from the Conference Center. Twenty rooms at $82/night have been reserved at our local Howard Johnson Motor Inn. Guests registering for a double occupancy room at the University Conference Center may request a cot for a third occupant for an additional $10. Double rooms at the hotel complex shared by students will be partially subsidized by the Barry Colt Development Fund and will cost only $50/room/night, but this is limited to the first 20 student rooms, so register early. You will be able to reserve and pay for your room along with your NEAS registration. The rooms at the University Hotel include one complimentary parking pass for the University Campus Center Parking Garage, and a free continental breakfast. There is no charge for parking in all University parking lots from Friday night through Sunday afternoon. Please note that the entire campus, including all hotel rooms, is "smoke free." 

Symposium registration will be $85 for students and retired members, and $130 for  professionals. The registration fee includes NEAS membership dues ($20.00 for professionals, $10.00 for students), the Friday evening reception, the Saturday banquet, Symposium breaks and lunches on Saturday and Sunday. Extra banquet tickets for accompanying guests are available at the time of registration for $35. The first 50 participants who register before the March 15 deadline will receive a free NEAS canvas meeting bag. A registration form follows the text announcement.

Registration, talks and poster sessions will be held in the University Campus Center, Room 163. All meals, including the Saturday night banquet and auction, will be in the Amherst banquet room on the top floor of the Campus Center Hotel complex. A Friday evening reception and social hour will be held in Room 163 on the first floor concourse of the Campus Center.

Abstract submission
Abstracts for posters and oral presentations will be due March 12, 2009. They should be typed in MS Word (Mac or PC), single-spaced, using 12 point Times or Times font, with 1" margins on top and sides and must be no longer than 325 words including the title, authors and affiliations. For multi-author talks, please underline the presenting author. 

Abstracts and submission form (following) should be submitted as Word files attached to an email sent to cschneid at All abstracts will have editorial review.

Oral & Poster Presentations
Oral presentations are scheduled for 12 minutes with 3 minutes of Q&A. Please be certain that your talk is properly timed so that the program can stay on schedule. Moderators will be asked to cut your question period short should the talk exceed 12 minutes. All oral presentations will be PowerPoint on an MS-Windows-based computer. Bring your Ppt file on a USB drive and present to the moderator for loading prior to the session in which you will be speaking. No personal computers may be used for presentations. If you use a Macintosh to prepare your Ppt, be certain all images embedded in your presentation are converted from .tif files to .jpg files. If you don't do this you may have some blank slides projected during your talk.

Posters should be no larger than 36" high x 48" wide. NEAS will supply the poster mounts and pins to affix them. 

Undergraduate & Graduate Presentation Awards
Undergraduate students can compete for the NEAS President's Award for the best oral presentation or poster, and graduate students for the Robert T. Wilce Awards for presentation and poster. The students will be evaluated by at least three judges for their clarity of presentation, originality of research, experimental design and methods, data presentation and interpretation. In each category, 1st place will be awarded and 2nd  place announced. Please check (?) on the abstract form (following) if you intend to compete for an award.

Phyco-Speed Dating
Do you have a pet project you would like to share with your colleagues??? Want to present something at NEAS that isn't a complete paper??? Do you have an alga that you are having difficulty culturing, finding in the field, or identifying??? Are you working on a project you would love to get some feedback on??? How about a course/workshop/product you would like to promote??? If any of these ideas strike your fancy, sign up for Phyco-Speed dating, a fast-paced, fun, phycological session to stimulate insightful discussions and passions for the algae!?? Each "P-S date" is 5 minutes long maximum. The format will be a 2-3 minute presentation as PowerPoint or not, using props or not, or whatever you choose, followed by 2 minutes of questions or comments/advice from the audience.??? This session will be held on Sunday morning for as many "dates" that can be handled during the alotted time period. If you are interested, please bring your Ppt on a key/jumpdrive and see Hilary McManus sometime on Saturday (preferably before the banquet). If you are unclear about the process or can't wait to be included, please email Hilary at hilary.mcmanus at with your "title."

Annual NEAS Auction
We encourage you to bring along personal items to donate for the Society auctions (live and silent). These may include books, important reprints, and other items phycological, as well as other items of value that will help raise funds for the students in our Society. Compromising photographs of fellow phycologists are particularly sought by the auctioneer! So now is the time to start thinking about such items. If you already know of some items you'll be bringing, please send a list (and possible value for tax purposes) to celebrity auctioneer, Glen Thusby <Thursby.Glen at>. We will ask you to bring your items to the registration desk on Friday night (or early Saturday morning) of the NEAS weekend.

Student Book Awards
Graduate students and post-docs will be able to apply for competitive awards for a book pertinent to their program of phycological study. Details and necessary forms are posted on the NEAS website. An application is appended. Proposals are due to Glen Thusby by 1 April 2009.

Directions to Symposium
>From I-91 South, take exit 25 in Deerfield. At the end of the ramp, turn left and follow road to the intersection. Turn right onto Routes 5 & 10 South. Go 1 mile, then turn left onto Route 116 South. Follow 8 miles to the UMass exit.***

>From I-91 North, take Exit 19 in Northampton. From the exit ramp, turn right onto Route 9. Travel approximately 4.5 miles to Route 116 North (turn left at traffic lights). UMass exit is 1 mile.***

***Take the UMass Exit and merge onto Massachusetts Avenue.  At your second set of lights (first is a blinking light), make a left on to Commonwealth Avenue.  At the next set of lights, make a right on to Campus Center Way.  Go up the hill and the entrance to the parking garage will be on your right.  Pull into the garage and proceed down to level 2.  You can enter the Campus Center through the concourse on level 2.  Once you are in the Campus Center complex, follow the signs to either the Northeast Algal Society registration area (located on level 1) or to the Campus Center Hotel lobby (located on level 3). 

If you are a guest in the Campus Center Hotel, parking for one car in the garage is included in your room rate. Additional cars are a flat $5/day. See the Hotel front desk clerk for parking vouchers. If you are not a guest in the Campus Center Hotel, you will receive a maroon/white coupon at conference registration that will cut the rate in the Campus Center Parking Garage to a flat $5/day.
Important Deadlines and Contacts
  Abstracts: 12 March 2009 to cschneid at
  NEAS registration: 15 March 2009 to Bill Johansen, 4 Armington Lane, Holden, MA 01520
  Book award proposals: 1 April 2009 to Thursby.Glen at

Due Date: Sun. March 15, 2009
Please fill in full address, &c., don't assume we have accurate information!

Name: _______________________________________________________________
Affiliation: ___________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City: ________________  State/Province: ________ Zip/Postal Code: ____________
Country: ______________
Phone #: ___________________________  FAX: ____________________________ 
Email: _______________________________________________________________

Registration Fee ($130 Professionals, $85 Students/retired)      $  ____________
     Registration includes NEAS membership dues, the Friday evening reception, 
     the Saturday banquet, symposium breaks and lunches on Saturday/Sunday.

University Conference Center Hotel room ($114/night)		   $  ____________
     (room charge is for either single or double)
      Cot for 3rd occupant at University Hotel ($10/night)		   $  ____________
Howard Johnson Motor Inn room ($82/night)			   $  ____________
     First 20 student rooms ($50/night all occupants)		   $  ____________
     (arrange for room sharing with other student attendees and email Bill Johansen
      <HJohansen at> to check room availability-initiate this process 
     with Bill prior to sending in your registration if possible)
Banquet tickets @ $35 for accompanying persons (no. =   )       $  ____________
Membership dues (if NOT attending Amherst symposium)      $  ____________
     ($20 for professionals, $10 students/retired)

Donation to the Barry Colt Student Development Fund            $  ____________

TOTAL FEES...................     $  ____________

If you have any special requirements for meals, please describe them in the space below:

Please MAIL this registration form and payment (US DOLLARS with checks drawn on a US Bank, payable to the Northeast Algal Society) by March 15, 2009 to Dr. Bill Johansen, 4 Armington Lane, Holden  MA  01520 U.S.A. (Questions can be emailed to Bill HJohansen at Receipts will be provided in your registration packet upon arrival.

Due Date: Thurs. March 12, 2009

Presenter's Name: ________________________________________________________
Affiliation: ___________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City: ________________  State/Province: ________ Zip/Postal Code: ____________
Country: ______________
Phone #: ___________________________  FAX: ____________________________ 
Email: _______________________________________________________________

Preferred presentation category:   Oral _______ Poster _______ (36" high x 48" wide)
Are you willing to prepare a poster if all the oral slots are filled?  Y _____ N _____
All oral presentations will be PowerPoint on an MS-Windows-based computer. Bring your Ppt file on a USB drive and present to the moderator for loading prior to the session in which you will be speaking. There will be no use of personal computers for presentations. If you use a Mac to prepare your Ppt, be certain all images embedded in your presentation are converted from .tif files to .jpg files. If you don't do this you may have some blank slides projected during your talk.

For students only:
a) Would you like to compete for one of the awards listed below?

    _____ The NEAS President's Award (undergraduate poster or oral presentation)  
    _____ The R.T. Wilce Award (graduate oral presentation)  
    _____ The R.T. Wilce Award (graduate poster)  

b) If yes, list the name of your major professor: ________________________________

Example abstract:  WILL SOME ALGAE REMAIN UNDETECTED FOREVER?  Christopher E. Lane,1 Lillian Hancock1 & Daniel McDevit2.  1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, U.S.A.; 2Centre for Environmental & Molecular Algal Research, Department of Biology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB E3B 6E1, Canada.
A recent survey of phyco-molecular literature from the early 1990s shows that a great number of algae have been newly discovered using gene sequencing.

For multi-author talks, please underline the presenting author. All abstracts will have editorial review. Abstracts and the abstract form should be submitted as Word files attached to an email sent to cschneid at by March 12, 2009. 


Book Award RFP
Again this year, NEAS will offer awards on a competitive basis to support graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in developing a professional phycological library. The intent of this award is to encourage an interest in phycology and promote professional development. The Book Awards are supported by funds raised by the Barry Colt Student Development Committee.

Graduate and post-doctoral NEAS members who will be attending the 48th Symposium in Amherst may apply for up to 100% of the cost of a single phycological text. Applications can be made in successive years; however, applicants are restricted to one application per year.

This book award is competitive. Awards may be full or partial. Applicants must complete the attached form and return it in in electronic form to Glen Thursby <thursby.glen at>. All applications must be received by April 1, 2009 to be considered. Applicants should make a convincing case for how the acquisition will improve their development. The application must be endorsed by the candidate's advisor/mentor. The explanation for proposed funding should not exceed the space allotted on the following form (12pt font, same margins). Brevity is appreciated. If your application is not acknowledged by Glen within a few days after sending, please email him to be certain he indeed did receive it. 

Awardees will be notified during the 48th NEAS meeting. Recipients must be in attendance to receive the award unless special arrangements have been made with Glen Thursby prior to the meeting date.


Student name:

Degree status:
Year of program:
Requested book author/title:
Cost and bookseller (e.g., Amazon, SeaGrant &c.):

Explanation of how this book will enhance your phycological program:

I herby certify that I am the advisor of this student or post-doc and agree with the acquisition of this volume

Printed name, e-signature, and date                                      

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