Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Rhodophycophyta

Andrés Boltovskoy (G) anboltov at
Thu Feb 5 16:12:48 ART 2009

In the press


Ott, Franklyn Dewayne: Handbook of the Taxonomic Names Associated With The Nonmarine 

Rhodophycophyta. 2009. 1135 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.                 EUR 149.00 (Approx. 220.00 US$) 

Due March 2009. Orders will be recorded.


Aims to accomplish 5 goals. 1) A simple alphabetical listing, the 'quick list', of the taxonomic names 

to accomodate the taxa that will give to the user a bird's-eye view of what may be available therein. 

2) An alphabetical listing to the complete nomenclatural and taxonomic citations of the included taxa 

which includes the taxonomic name, its author, date, the journal or book and city of publication. 

3) To present a comprehensive bibliography of each of the numerous papers cited in the nomenclatural 

and taxonomic index. 4) To give an alphabetical index to taxonomic names which will permit to trace 

the fate of a given epithet, mostly species, varietas and formae through the tortuous journey they may 

have undergone since their initial employment. 5) To review the 62 currently recognized genera of this

freshwater group to help place these into their respective, contemporary status. 


Please send your order to




Booksellers, Publishers and Distributors in the Fields of Botany & Zoology


Mail address: P.O.Box 1360,  D-61462 Koenigstein / Germany


Street address / Parcel mail: Herrnwaldstr. 6, 61453 Koenigstein / Germany


Phone: National: 06174 93720  //  International: +49 6174 93720


Fax: National: 06174 937 240  // International: +49 6174 937 240


E-mail: koeltz at  (or:) Botany at


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