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Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Tue Dec 1 13:13:39 ART 2009


Algae of Australia

Marine Benthic Algae of Lord Howe Island and the Southern Great Barrier Reef, 2: Brown Algae by Gerald T. Kraft. 2009. 12 col. pls. 107 full - page figs. 364 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

Lord Howe Island, an oceanic outcrop of volcanic origin situated between Australia and New Zealand, is fringed by the world's southernmost consolidated coral reef. The Capricorn Group of the southern Great Barrier Reef is a series of patch reefs and low coral cays. For more than 30 years the author has studied the species-rich marine algal communities of these reefs, paying special attention to subtidal habitats. This volume includes 7 orders, 12 families, 38 genera and 92 species of benthic brown algae. Illustrated with photographs, it includes an introduction to the islands, identification keys to genera and species and a comprehensive description and discussion of each taxon. The genera Lucasia (Sporochnales) and Herringtonia (Dictyotales) are newly described, as are 29 species of the genera Discosporangium, Feldmannia, Hincksia, Hecatonema, Myrionema, Streblonema, Compsonema, Myriactula, Lucasia, Sphacelaria, Dictyota, Distromium, Lobophora, Padina, Spatoglossum and Sargassum. 

98.00 EURO

US$ 147.00



Algological Studies

Volume 129: illus. 96 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

This issue has been published in honour of Dieter MOLLENHAUER on the occasion of his 70th anniversary. - Contents: Famous algal isolates from the Spessart forest (Germany): the legacy of Dieter Mollenhauer / Desmochloris mollenhaueri, a new terrestrial ulvophycean alga from south-west African soils (Molecular phylogeny and systematics of terrestrial Ulvophyceae I) / The cyanobacterial genus Phormidesmis / Cryptoendolithic cyanobacteria from calcite marble rock ridges, Taylor Valley, Antarctica / Seasonal cyanobacterial dynamics in a mesoeutrophic reservoir: microscopic counts and DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis.

87.00 EURO

US$ 130.50



Flora Ficologica do Estado de Sao Paulo

Volume 5: M. Marcina Picelli - Vicentim, Carlos E. de Bicudo e Norma C. Bueno: Charophyceae. 2003. illus. 124 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

56.00 EURO

US$ 84.00




Diatomovye vodorosli vodoemov Russkoj Arktiki (Diatom Algae of Waters of the Russian Arctic). 2007. 66 photographic plates,plus 63 p. of text. gr8vo. Hardcover. - In Russian, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index.

Descriptions of 366 species from 62 genera, 17 families and 6 orders of diatoms, including 28 new species for the Russian Arctics, and 23 species new for Russia. The plates are illustrating 366 species by 622 micrographs.

78.00 EURO

US$ 117.00





The microflora in the settling and subsoil-water enrich- ing basins of the Budapest Waterworks.A comparative study in ecology, limnology and systematics.1973.610 figs.2 tabs.341 p.gr8vo.Cloth.

Contents:Introduction / Water production of the Budapest Waterworks / The microorganisms of the basins / Occasionally mass produced organisms / Enumeration notes on taxonomy / Phytocoenoses of collectings / Conclusions / Bibliography / Tables / Plates. - Second hand copy.

44.00 EURO

US$ 66.00



OLIVEIRA FILHO, Eurico Cabral de

Algas Marinhas do Sul do Estado do Espirito Santo (Brasil). 1: Ceramiales. 1967. (Thesis) 1 (1:135.000). 30 pls. (line-drawings). 280 p. Paper bd. (Univ. Sao Paulo, Fac. de Fil., Bol. 343, Bot. 26,1969).

A study of the Ceramiales found along the sea shore of the southern part of the state. The area lies within 20 degrees 40'-21 degrees 00'S. and 40 degrees 28'-40 degrees 49'W. The region is one of the richest marine algae along the coasts of Brazil. 106 species and varieties, of which 39 belong to the Ceramiaceae, 11 to Delesseriaceae, 8 to Dasyaceae and 48 to the Rhodomelaceae. Detailed description of species, key to families, genera, and species. Some new species and varieties are proposed. - Second hand copy.

46.00 EURO

US$ 69.00



PARRA, Oscar O., Mariela GONZALEZ, Patricio RIVERO, a.oth.

Manual Taxonomico del Fitoplancton de Aguas Continentales, con especial refe- rencia al fitoplankton de Chile. Vols. 1-4, 5:1-2. 1982-1983. 171 pls. (line-drawings). 701 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

1: Cyanophyceae (70 p.)/ 2: Chrysophyceae-Xanthophyceae (82 p.)/ 3: Cryptophyceae- Dinophyceae-Euglenophyceae (99 p.)/ 4:Bacillariophyceae (97 p.)/ 5,1-2: Chlorophyceae. 2 pts. (353 p.).- No single parts sold.

96.00 EURO

US$ 144.00




Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Vol. 11: Pascher, A. und R.Kolkwitz: Heterocontae. 1937-1939. 912 figs. 1092 S. gr8vo. Halbleinen. - Originaldruck.

Antiquarisches Exemplar.

210.00 EURO

US$ 315.00



SIMONSEN, Reimer (ed.)

1st Symposium on Recent and Fossil Marine Diatoms,Bremerhaven 1970.Proceedings.1972.(Nova Hedwigia,Beih.39)50 pls. 32 figs. VIII, 296 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

Good second hand copy. The original edition is out of print.- Contents:R.Ross,The current state of Diatom taxonomy at the special reference to some species of Navicula sect.Lyratae/R.Simonsen,Ideas for a more natural system of the centric Diatoms/G.R.Hasle,Two types of processes in centric Diatoms/N.I.Hendey,Muelleriella limbata in Eocene south Atlantic cores/G.Drebes,The life history of the centric Diatom Bacteriastrum hyalinum/G.R.Hasle,Fragilariopsis Hustedt as a section of the genus Nitzschia/R.Simonsen,Nitzschiaceae versus Bacillariaceae/ D.Koenig,Diatom investigations at the West Coast of Schleswig-Holstein/ S.L.VanLandingham,J.W.Jossi,Studies in diurnal variations at a small artificial inlet along Virginia Key,Dade County,Florida/G.R.Hasle,The distribution of Nitzschia seriata and allied species/H.-J.Schrader, Anloesung und Konservation von Diatomeenschalen beim Absinken am Beispiel des Landsort-Tiefs in der Ostsee/L.H.Burckle,Late Cenozoic Planktonic Diatom zones from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific/L.Benda,The Diatoms of the Moler formation in Denmark(lower Eocene)/K.E.Lohman,A procedure for the microscopical study of Diatom sediments/G.W.Andrews, Some fallacies of quantiative Diatom Paleontology.-Second hand copy.

108.00 EURO

US$ 162.00



SIMONSEN, Reimer (ed.)

3rd Symposium on Recent and Fossil Marine Diatoms, Kiel, September 9-13,1974. Proceedings. 1975. (Nova Hedwigia, Beih.,53). 64 pls. 83 figs. 364 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (ISBN 3-7682-5453-4)

Title is out of print. Rare copy.

128.00 EURO

US$ 192.00




Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Vol. 3: Coscinophaena- Fibula. 1969. 670 p. Bound. (ISBN 3-7682-0473-1)

Second hand copy. Good state.

72.00 EURO

US$ 108.00




Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Vol. 2: Bacteriastrum - Coscinodiscus. 1968. VI,593 p.gr8vo. Bound. (ISBN 3-7682-0472-3)

Clothbound xerox edition. Good copy.

80.00 EURO

US$ 120.00




Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Vol.4: Fragileria-Naunema. 1971. 628 p. Paper bd. (ISBN 3-7682-0474-X)

Second hand copy. Good state.

72.00 EURO

US$ 108.00



VAUCHER, Jean - Pierre

Histoire des Conferves d'Eau Douce, contenant leurs différens modes de reproduction, et la description de leurs principales espèces, suivie de l'Histoire des Trémelles et des Ulves d'Eau Douce. 1803. 176 pls. 205 p. 4to. Hardcover.

Vaucher studied as one of the first the evolution of algae. In his present book he studied the 'Kunjugation' of Spirogyra and Zygonema, called by him as 'fécondation'. Vaucheria was called after him. - The 'Histoire..' is a relatively rare item.

220.00 EURO

US$ 330.00





     Publishers, Booksellers, Antiquarians in the Fields of Botany & Zoology

     P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany

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