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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] 13th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes

Andres Boltovskoy (M) anboltov at
Tue Sep 16 17:29:14 ART 2008

Press Release - Entertainment

            Newsletter 2
            September 2008

            KEY DATES

            April 1, 2009

            Early-Bird Registration:
            April 1, 2009
            June 15, 2009


            For comments and recommendations,
            please email us at info at


            Welcome to Montreal for ISPP2009, the 13th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes. This is only the second time that the ISPP series finds itself in North America, and we hope that you will find Montreal, a major cultural and scientific hub of North America, a pleasant and exciting blend of Old World charm and New World vitality. One perhaps unexpected line of continuity with the previous ISPP2006 is that ISPP2009 will be held in another French speaking city! For the complete welcome message, click here.

            We have planned a series of newsletters to keep you updated on the meeting including detailed programme information, invited speakers and value-adding programme features. You should bookmark our website and visit for frequent updates.

            Registration and abstract submission will open in October 2008.

            We look forward to receiving your abstracts and to welcoming you in Montreal!

            Patrick Hallenbeck
            Université de Montréal
            Montreal, Quebec, Canada

      KEYNOTE SPEAKER   The ISPP 2009 Keynote will feature 
                  Anthony E. Walsby on the subject of 
                  A Scientist of the Floating World. 
                  Click here to view his bio.  



      It is with pleasure that we inform you of our invited and confirmed Plenary Speakers.

      Phylogeny, Taxonomy and Diversity 
        a.. Robert Blankenship: Evolutionary Relationships among Phototrophic Bacteria 
        Deduced from Whole Genome Comparisons Armen Y. Mulkidjanian: Origin and Evolution of Photosynthetic Systems 

        a.. Arthur R. Grossman: topic to be confirmed 
      Physiology, Metabolism, and Global Responses 

        a.. Enrique Flores: Multicellularity in the Heterocyst-forming Cyanobacterium Anabaena 
        b.. Martin Hagemann: Evolution and Importance of Photorespiratory Glycolate Metabolism in Cyanobacteria 
        c.. Karl Forchhammer: The Network of Interactions of PII Signaling in Cyanobacteria 
        d.. Susan Golden: A Cyanobacterial Model for How Cells Tell Time 
        e.. Peter C. Wolk: topic to be confirmed 
      Environmental Sensing and Signal Transduction 

        a.. Carl Bauer: Redox and Light Control of Photosystem Synthesis 
        b.. Diana Kirilovsky: A Photoactive Carotenoid Protein Acting as Light Intensity Sensor in Cyanobacterial Photoprotection 
        c.. P.Nixon: topic to be confirmed 
        d.. I.Suzuki: How the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis Perceives Environmental Stimuli? 
      Bioenergetics, Proteins and Genomics 

        a.. Fevzi Daldal: Cytochromes: Structure Function and Biogenesis 
        b.. Louis Sherman: Better Living Through Cyanothece-Unicellular Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria with Highly Versatile Metabolic Systems 
        c.. Frederic Partensky: Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus: Divergent Evolution Schemes from a Common Ancestral Genome 
        d.. J. Thomas Beatty: Genomics and Metagenomics Approaches to the Evolution and Regulation of Gene Transfer Agents (GTAs) 
      Bioremediation, Secondary Metabolites, and Applied Aspects (Biofuels and Climate Change) 

        a.. Caroline Harwood: Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria as Catalysts for Hydrogen Production 
        b.. Paula M.Tamagnini: The Potential of Cyanobacteria for Biotechnological Applications 


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