[Lista-Algas] Fw: Colección del Instituto Pasteur en Peligro
Ricardo Echenique
rechen at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Thu Oct 9 07:53:21 ART 2008
Este mensaje me llegó ayer: Creo que aquellos interesados en el tema
deberíamos apoyar la solicitud.
Gracias y saludos
> Te adjunto abajo el mail que me envio Rosi (Rosmarie RIPPKA
> <rrippka at pasteur.fr>) que es la persona que estuvo a cargo por años de la
> colección de cepas de cianobacterias en el Instituo Pasteur de Paris.
> Nos comunica que la Unité des Cyanobactéries en el Pasteur Institute
> cerrará en Enero de 2010, justo después que ella, y Nicole Tandeau de
> Marsac (su
> actual directora) se van a jubilar.
> Al parecer hay pocas chances de convencer al directores del Pasteur de que
> mantengan la Unidad funcionando. Rosi sugiere que los que querramos
> mantener la
> colección de cepas escribamos una carta a los Directores del Instituto
> Pasteur
> (Madame Alice Dautryver y Monsieur Anthony Pugsley ) y la mandemos como
> pdf
> adjunto a ella <rrippka at pasteur.fr> para que luego ella las imprima y las
> haga
> llegar a los Directores cuando haya juntado un buen número de cartas.
> Los que conocemos la labor de Rosi, y la magnifica colección de cepas
> axénicas
> que ha mantenido en cultivo, apoyaremos sin dudar su solicitud. Asi que
> invito
> a los integrantes de la lista a sumarse a esta solicitud.
> Un afectuoso saludo,
> Graciela Salerno
> Graciela Salerno
> Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas - FIBA
> Vieytes 3103 - 7600 - Mar del Plata
> Argentina
> Tel. (54) (223) 410-2560; (54) (223) 410-2561; (54) (223) 474-8257
> FAX: (54) (223) 475-7120
> Dear colleagues and friends,
> Unfortunately, I have some bad news: In 2006 the PCC obtained the ISO
> 9001 certificate and integrated into the Centre of Biological Resources
> at the Pasteur Institute (CRBIP). Thanks to the generous support from
> the Pasteur Institute we presently have greatly improved working
> conditions (three new culture rooms were installed -at high costs- when
> we moved to a new building on campus three years ago). Furthermore,
> Muriel Gugger was hired last year as my future successor. All of this
> gave us a certain optimism for the future. However, there is a very high
> probability that the Unité des Cyanobactéries at the Pasteur Institute
> will close in January 2010 (six months after Nicole Tandeau de Marsac
> and myself retire). Consequently, we shall most likely need to look for
> a new home for the PCC strain collection (a total of about 800 axenic
> isolates) in order to ensure that scientists and commercial enterprises
> world-wide will continue to have access to this valuable biological
> material. It seems highly unlikely that we shall be able to convince the
> Directors of the Pasteur Institute to change their minds about the
> renewal of the Unit with Jean-François Humbert and Philippe Quillardet
> as senior scientists or to keep at least the PCC and associated staff
> (Muriel Gugger, Thérèse Coursin and Thierry Laurent), in whose
> competence I fully trust. However, we may have a slightly better chance
> of saving the PCC and thus permitting continued national and
> international research, if you were willing to send us a letter of
> support. This could be done as jpg attachments by E-mail (which we would
> print and transmit to the Directors - once a sufficient number has been
> collected). Alternatively, you may write directly to two of the present
> directors ( preferably with a copy to us), whose contacts are given below.
> With my best wishes, and thanks in advance
> Rosi
> (Rosmarie Rippka)
> Contacts:
> Madame Alice Dautry, Directrice générale,
> Institut Pasteur
> 25-28 rue du Docteur Roux
> 75724 PARIS CEDEX 15
> France
> alice.dautry at pasteur.fr
> Monsieur Anthony Pugsley, Directeur Scientifique
> Direction Générale Adjointe Scientifique
> Institut Pasteur
> 25-28 rue du Docteur Roux
> 75724 PARIS CEDEX 15
> France
> anthony.pugsley at pasteur.fr
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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