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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Immersion Phycology Course Ad

Andres Boltovskoy (M) anboltov at
Wed Mar 26 17:31:57 ART 2008

Immersion phycology course at the
Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre this summer. A great place / way to
learn about these important marine macrophytes. For more information,

Marine Phycology: Seaweed Taxonomy, Evolution and Biodiversity

6 weeks, 9 June – 18 July

In this course, we will introduce students to the taxonomic,
morphological, and functional diversity of seaweeds, with an emphasis
on the flora of the local area (southern Barkley Sound, British
Columbia). In addition to this floristic work, we will examine the
proximate (ecological adaptations to life in the intertidal) and
ultimate (evolutionary history) causes for the observed patterns of
diversity. Human relationships with algae will be explored through a
survey of the cultural and economic importance of algae, invasive
algae, and patterns and consequences of anthropogenic stressors on
seaweed assemblages. Students will undertake a herbarium project, a
major group project, and the last third of the course will involve
independent research. Students should expect to spend a good deal of
time in the field, including a multiple-night excursion off station.

PREREQUISITES: Introductory course in non-vascular plants with third
year standing or permission of the instructor.

INSTRUCTOR:  Dr. Colin Bates, University of British Columbia 

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