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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Fw: [Alumnos_UNP] Job: biologist as translator

Patricia Centurión Araujo pato_centu at
Thu Jun 5 13:06:06 ART 2008

--- On Thu, 6/5/08, Rodrigo Gonçalves <rodrigo at> wrote:

> From: Rodrigo Gonçalves <rodrigo at>
> Subject: [Alumnos_UNP] Job: biologist as translator
> To: Alumnos_UNP at
> Date: Thursday, June 5, 2008, 11:46 AM
> Job announcement: (marine) biologist as translator of
> Spanish chapters
> into English for a taxonomic field guide in Chilean fjords,
> start: asap
> We are a private Foundation ( that is
> operating a biological
> field station in Chilean Patagonia. Huinay Scientific Field
> Station was
> inaugurated in 2001 and is situated 100 km south of Puerto
> Montt, in the
> fjord Comau; it is the only biological station in a Chilean
> fjord. The
> surroundings are characterized by steep mountains and
> volcanoes. Almost
> 6000 mm annual precipitation gives rise to extremely lush
> vegetation
> characterized by extra-tropical rain forests.
> The small village Huinay with its approx. 25 inhabitants
> can only be
> accessed by a 1 hour boat-trip (speed boat) from
> Hornopiren. Most
> infrastructure - except some small shops and a rural
> hospital in
> Hornopiren - is located in Puerto Montt, a 3 to 4h drive or
> bus trip from
> Hornopiren.
> We have started working on a non-profit taxonomic field
> guide project in
> 1997 ("Benthic fauna of the Chilean fjord
> region"), and have collected
> thousands of specimens from all over the fjord region which
> have all been
> photographed in their habitat. We are working in
> cooperation with more
> than 40 renowned taxonomic specialists from 13 countries
> who have been
> identifying the material and writing the chapters. The book
> will be
> published in English and Spanish. The first edition of the
> book will
> include the 500 most common shallow-water species. Most
> chapters have
> already been submitted, the rest will be submitted by the
> end of this
> year. More than half of the English chapters have already
> been revised.
> Due to the sudden and unexpected death of our translator,
> we are at short
> notice looking for:
> a (marine) biologist with experience in taxonomy who can
> translate our
> Spanish chapters into English (presence in Huinay not
> needed).
> The following chapters have to be translated:
> a) general: oceanography, geology, geography (approx. 10-15
> pages each)
> b)species descriptions: Sipunculida, Echiura, Polychaeta,
> Platyhelminthes,
> Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Ascidia, fish (altogether approx. 150
> species plus
> introductions)
> We can offer: 6000 Pesos per page (13 US $), or 10 Pesos
> (2,1c) per word.
> When: now to end of July
> Contact: please send your CV and cover letter to Vreni
> Häussermann,
> v.haussermann at, and cc to huinayresearch at
> Some background of the field guide project
> Of all South American countries, Chile, with 4200 km of
> straight measured
> coastline, has the longest coast with the South East
> Pacific Ocean. More
> than one third of its geographical length is taken up by
> the highly
> structured Patagonian fjord region; stretched out this
> would translate
> into more than 80,000 km of coastline. For technical and
> historical
> reasons, and the difficulty of access in the past, this
> region possesses
> some of the least studied marine environments in the world;
> even the
> Antarctic shelf and many deep-sea areas are better known.
> Only recently
> studies revealed that the Patagonian fjord region is a
> biodiversity hot
> spot and is inhabited by very unique and fragile marine
> benthic
> communities such as the
> cold-water coral banks found in shallow waters.
> Valuable natural resources and favourable conditions for
> aquaculture
> provided an incentive to 'open-up' the region for
> development resulting in
> an unparalleled economic boom during the last 15 years.
> Fish farming is
> still increasing exponentially, with last years production
> of Chilean
> farmed salmon surpassing 400.000 t. Lately, authorities
> have recognized
> that this development requires coastal management plans,
> legal regulations
> and compensatory conservation efforts. But data on marine
> environments in
> the fjord region are so poor that these goals can't be
> accomplished
> satisfactorily with the available information. For example,
> due to the
> lack of biological information, a recent project for a
> coastal management
> plan in the 11 th region was solely developed to
> .harmonize. economic
> interests.
> It is obvious, and increasingly accepted, that there is an
> urgent need for
> biological inventories and ecological studies to bring
> zoning projects,
> management plans, environmental laws and protection efforts
> on a sound
> base. But these basic studies often fail because expertise
> and the
> literature are too fragmentary. Patagonian species of many
> taxonomic
> groups, especially those of minor or no commercial
> interest, are
> practically not identifiable in the field. This depressing
> situation goes
> hand in hand with the false belief held by a large
> proportion of the
> Chilean population; that the marine life along their coast
> is poor and of
> no interest.
> The existing environmental laws demand that the benthic
> communities close
> to fish farms are monitored. Biological inventory studies
> are necessary
> for coastal zoning and management plans. The design and
> management of
> marine protected areas requires knowledge of the
> distribution and function
> of benthic communities. All these applications are not
> possible without
> reliable and practical (field-) identification tools for
> marine
> organisms.
> At the moment in Southern Chile, there is only one marine
> multi-taxa field
> guide (bilingual), which includes 123 species of the
> exposed coast of
> Valdivia. Although illustrated with 1 colour image for each
> species, the
> short descriptions generally do not allow reliable
> identifications. And,
> for the entire fjord region (more than ¾ of the southern
> Chilean
> coastline), no multi-taxa field guide currently exists!
> Only 3 illustrated
> field guides include species from the fjord region (all are
> molluscs), and
> only 2 of them are available in English language.
> An illustrated, bilingual (English and Spanish),
> scientifically rigorous,
> and multi-taxa identification field guide, will definitely
> improve the
> taxonomic knowledge and expertise of the marine diversity
> in the
> Patagonian fjords. It will promote sustainable management
> and conservation
> efforts and stimulate research interest and effort in this
> scientifically
> neglected region. The publication will also raise the
> awareness of the
> rich, unique, and fragile marine life of Patagonia amongst
> the Chilean and
> International public.
> Dr. Vreni Häussermann
> Director of the Huinay Scientific Field Station
> Websites:,
> Field of work: taxonomy and biogeography of Chilean
> Anthozoa, especially
> Chilean sea anemones
> Present address: Universidad Austral de Chile, Departamento
> de Biología
> Marina, Campus Isla Teja, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile
> Phone: 0056-63-249928, Fax: 0056-63-221455
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