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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] beca y puesto

Andres Boltovskoy (M) anboltov at
Thu Jul 31 18:06:39 ART 2008

tenure-track faculty position, University of San Francisco*******************************************************************************************************************************

Applications are invited for a PhD Scholarship available from September 2008 for a project in macroalgal taxonomy and population genetics. The project will involve the use of a wide range of techniques (classical and molecular) to contribute to the study of inter and infra-specific relationships of six seaweed taxa of economic interest. The candidate will use barcoding methods to delineate species limits.  He or she will investigate the genetic resources of these target species by sampling natural populations located along the coast of Brittany (Atlantic Ocean and English Channel).  The student will also collaborate with industrials who develop seaweed aquaculture in Brittany. The study will serve as a PhD thesis at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France and will be conducted at the Roscoff Marine Station, team EGPM, (Brittany, France) and at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France). The thesis will be supervised jointly by Prof. Christophe Destombe (Roscoff Marine Station) and Dr. Line Le Gall (MNHN, Paris). The position is available for three years.

 Applicants should hold a M.Sc. in a relevant life sciences discipline or an equivalent degree.
 Applications, including CV, and 2 recommendation letters from academic referees, should be made to both Christophe Destombe and Line Le Gall by 4 September 2008.
 Further information can be obtained from either Dr C. Destombe or Dr  L. Le Gall at the address below:               
Christophe Destombe, Professeur  EGPM, UMR 7144, CNRS/ University Pierre et Marie Curie, Station Biologique de Roscoff, 29682 Roscoff, FRANCE, mail : destombe at 
Line Le Gall, Maître de conférences 
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN)
UMR 7138 Systématique, Adaptation et Evolution 
case postale N° 39, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 CEDEX 05 PARIS, FRANCE
mail : legall at

Tenure-track Position - Department of Biology

The Department of Biology at the University of San Francisco ( invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin in August 2009. Our search is initially targeted for areas in developmental biology and/or ecology; but we will consider applicants with expertise in any area of Biology that will complement our existing faculty.

The Department. Biological sciences at USF is primarily an undergraduate program offering a Bachelor of Science degree. There is also a small Master of Science degree program. Current faculty interests range across fields of cell and molecular biology, genetics, immunology, virology, ecology, marine biology, plant physiology, and human biology.
Responsibilities. Teaching assignments may include introductory Biology courses for undergraduate majors and non-majors; and upper division courses in the field(s) of specialty. (Descriptions of the undergraduate Biology curriculum and course offerings can be found at

The selected candidate will be expected to develop an independent and ongoing research program. Opportunities are available to supervise undergraduate research as well as master-level graduate students. (Please note: animal care facilities are not available.)

Qualifications. University teaching experience, evidence of scholarship, an earned doctorate by Fall 2009, and an understanding of and commitment to support the mission of the University are required.

Applications. Applicants should submit, in a single packet, a cover letter, curriculum vitae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching ability (e.g., sample syllabi and student evaluations, if available), description of possible upper-division courses they would be interested in teaching, and a brief description of research plans. Electronic applications must be submitted as a single PDF file named yourlastname.pdf.

Applications will not be considered complete unless there are three letters of recommendation. These should be sent directly by the writers.

Applications and recommendation letters can be sent to Deneb Karentz at karentzd at If you or your references prefer to send a hardcopy instead, please mail to the address below.

Applications must be received by 15 October 2008 to ensure full consideration.

Professor Deneb Karentz, Chair
Department of Biology
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080
415 422-2831
E-mail: karentzd at

The University of San Francisco is a private, Catholic and Jesuit institution and particularly welcomes candidates who will positively contribute to such an environment. USF is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer, and will provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. We particularly encourage minority and women applicants for all positions.
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