[Lista-Algas] PhD Fellowship in Algal Taxonomy
Andres Boltovskoy (M)
anboltov at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Tue Jul 29 14:53:02 ART 2008
PhD Fellowship: Algal Taxonomy
Applicants are invited for a PhD Fellowship in marine science in the area of marine and/or terrestrial algal taxonomy. The project is funded by a Beaufort Marine Biodiscovery award funded by the Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources (http://www.dcmnr.gov.ie) and co-ordinated by the Marine Institute (http://www.marine.ie).
Candidates must meet College of Science NUI Galway entry requirements: either an M.Sc. or a B.Sc. or equivalent (minimum of Honours Grade 2, Class 1 which is generally more than 60% in the major subject) in a biological science. An enthusiasm for research and an ability to work independently are essential. Experience in molecular biology or algal taxonomy would be an advantage, as would a full driving license.
The position is for four years (three years' research and one year write-up) and will be based in the Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute (http://mr.nuigalway.ie). Dr Fabio Rindi and Professor Michael Guiry will supervise the research and the candidate will be part of a Marine Graduate Programme and subject to the course requirements of this Programme. There will also be strong collaborative links with the Marine Institute (http://www.marine.ie), and the Conway Institute at University College, Dublin (http://conway.ucd.ie).
The studentship is primarily intended to train a young taxonomist in the area of macroalgal taxonomy and will include instruction in: botanical nomenclature; algal morphology and systematics; systematic databases; molecular biology; and the construction of phylogenetic hypotheses.
The post carries a fixed stipend of ?17,500 per annum, and University fees will be paid in addition. Travel to a major conference and a number of scientific meetings will probably be supported.
To apply, please send a letter of application outlining why you would like to be a taxonomist as well as a CV and the contact details, including telephone numbers, of three academic referees to mary.gannon at nuigalway.ie citing the reference "Beaufort PhD: Algae" (Tel: +353 91 492325). The deadline for receipt of applications is 15 September 2008.
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