Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Hawaiian Algal Database

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Fri Jul 25 00:43:12 ART 2008

We are pleased to announce the release of the first version of the Hawaiian Algal Database (HADB). This phycological biodiversity resource currently showcases Hawaiian algal collections from our NSF-funded Biodiversity Survey of Hawaiian red algae, and is continuously updated as we gather data and analyze collections. Data for other lineages of Hawaiian algae will be increased over the next several months. HADB contains a variety of data for our samples, including photographs, micrographs and georeferenced collecting location information. Over 2,000 samples are currently included. DNA sequences of nuclear (partial 28S rRNA gene), mitochondrial (COI) and plastid (partial 23S rRNA gene) regions that we have published to date are hyperlinked to GenBank entries, and all DNA sequences will be released through HADB and GenBank by April 2009.

The Hawaiian Algal Database is best viewed using Mozilla Firefox. 

Go to the following website to access the Hawaiian Algal Database:

Pause your mouse over the search box for search instructions. You can search by taxonomy (e.g. genus, species), location, or Sherwood lab accession number.

Comments or suggestions? Email us at hadb at


Alison Sherwood, Akira Kurihara, Kimberly Conklin, Norman Wang and Gernot Presting (University of Hawaii)

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