[Lista-Algas] International Chrysophyte Symposium-Second Circular
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Mon Jan 28 21:31:54 ART 2008
Seventh International Chrysophyte Symposium
Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, USA
June 22-27, 2008
We hope this message finds you all well and settled into the New Year! Although we have a few details to finish, the program and associated list of activities for the Seventh International Chrysophyte Symposium are taking shape. We've heard from many of you and anticipate a great crowd and an exciting series of presentations.
We anticipate participants arriving on Sunday, June 22. There will be a Social co-sponsored by the President and Dean of the Faculty offices on Sunday evening and the sessions will kick off on Monday morning (see below). We have scheduled a Keynote presentation, a Mini-symposium and several open paper (and poster) sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday will feature the mid-symposium field trip, Clam Bake and several exciting workshops.
We have secured a publisher for the Proceedings volume. As many of you already know, previous Proceedings volumes have provided an excellent avenue for publishing works on chrysophytes and related organisms. We expect this volume to also be widely distributed. All participants who present a paper are welcomed to submit manuscripts for publication in the Proceedings volume.
The ICS website can be found at: (http://www.conncoll.edu/academics/departments/botany/ICS.html). Within the next week we will be uploading a) the tentative program; b) registration form; c) abstract form; d) presentation guidelines and e) a link to guidelines for preparing manuscripts for the Proceedings volume. Please check the site regularly for updates and further information regarding travel to Connecticut College, the field trips and changes to the program.
We have made every effort to keep costs at a minimum. Specifics can be found on the Registration Form. We anticipate that you will find the facilities, dormitory rooms and dining services all to be of high quality and provide for an excellent conference.
For planning purposes, please provide a brief response to this e-mail to let us know if you are planning to attend or considering attending.
Below, find the tentative schedule for the Keynote presentations, Mini-symposia speakers and associated titles. In addition, each day will also feature several open paper sessions. See the website for the full program. Please e-mail either Peter Siver ( pasiv at conncoll.edu ) or Anne Lizarralde ( aliz at conncoll.edu ) if you have any questions or suggestions. We look forward to seeing you in June!
Tentative Keynote and Mini-Symposia Schedule
Sunday, June 22nd
Arrival & Registration
Monday, June 23rd
Keynote Presentation by Andrew Knoll, Harvard University
Topic: "Early Evolution of Eukaryotes"
Minisymposium: Paleolimnology (Christian Kamenik, Convener)
Sergi Pla (Loughborough Univ.) - Paleoclimatology with a focus on the Pyrenees
Andrew Paterson (Ontario, Canada) - Improving Lake management: Linking the Past & Present
Jordi Catalan (Univ. Barcelona), tentative - Climate Reconstruction
Peter Siver (Connecticut College) - Chrysophytes in the Eocene
Tuesday, June 24th
Keynote Presentation by Mitch Sogin, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
Topic: Microbial Population Structure of the World's Oceans: an underexplored "rare biosphere"
Minisymposium: Evolution of Heterokonts (Robert Andersen, Convener)
Rose Ann Cattolico (University of Washington) - New perspectives on stramenopile chloroplast genome
Robert Andersen (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences) - Heterokont algal phylogenies derived from multi- gene analyses.
Hwan Su Yoon (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences) - Molecular evolution of the brown algae and kelps
J. Craig Bailey (University of North Carolina - Wilmington) - Plastids and colorless stramenopiles: implications for the origin of heterokont algae
Stom at ocyst WIKI workshop led by Christian Kamenik
Other Workshops are still being planned
Wednesday, June 25th
Field Trip
Taste & Odor Workshop (led by Gary Burlingame, Philadelphia Water Supply)
Thursday, June 26th
Keynote Presentation by James Rohlf, SUNY-Stony Brook
Topic: "Use of Geometric Morphometrics in Biology"
Minisymposium: Signals & Smells: Chemical Ecology &Taste and Odor (Sue Watson, convener)
Sue Watson (National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Canada) - Chrysophyceae & Other Taxa: Signals & Smells in Drinking Water and Foodwebs
Gary Burlingame (Philadelphia Water Supply) - The Water Industry: Fishy Case Studies
Thomas Wichard (Princeton) - Chemical Signals & Harmful Algal Blooms
Speaker to be determined - Didymosphenia geminata: Invasive or Opportunist?
We anticipate filling one more slot in this session
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